Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.

You know what, bringing up reality and facts does nothing to cool down the planet, so why don't you keep your fancy shmancy facts to yourself, so those on the left can peacefully bask in the idea of free and clean energy for everybody, jerk.

While taking our money and backrupting the country on a assnine junk science like AGW?..go to hell punk.


How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.

You know what, bringing up reality and facts does nothing to cool down the planet, so why don't you keep your fancy shmancy facts to yourself, so those on the left can peacefully bask in the idea of free and clean energy for everybody, jerk.

While taking our money and backrupting the country on a assnine junk science like AGW?..go to hell punk.


he was being facetious lol
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
where is that car today?
Ah, on the road. It's just not all of them. And 400 miles to the gallon is what we need.
Mass transit would be better. Lots of it.

We to big a country, no one likes government subsidies Amtrak.


Excuses will get us nowhere.
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.

You know what, bringing up reality and facts does nothing to cool down the planet, so why don't you keep your fancy shmancy facts to yourself, so those on the left can peacefully bask in the idea of free and clean energy for everybody, jerk.


Wait did you just say free energy?


The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.

Again , this is America...we don't do mass transit.

The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
Another unlawful act. You are on a roll today!
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.

Again , this is America...we don't do mass transit.

We used to. OR....maybe people will go back to living near their work, which would revitalize the cities. Lots of things can happen. Humans adapt.
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
where is that car today?
Ah, on the road. It's just not all of them. And 400 miles to the gallon is what we need.
Mass transit would be better. Lots of it.

You see, nobody really disagrees that more rapid mass transit would be better. The issue I have is the global climate change scare tactics employed in the name of (phony) science. Science is never settled, it's a process and not a series of proclaimed truths ala Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
Another unlawful act. You are on a roll today!
Executive orders aren't unlawful unless the court says so.
Do you deny that wind and solar can produce electricity? Do you deny what I said about Norway? Quit making excuses. You are the young generation that is supposedly going to save us. What are you doing but sticking your head in the sand?
Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.

Again , this is America...we don't do mass transit.

We used to. OR....maybe people will go back to living near their work, which would revitalize the cities. Lots of things can happen. Humans adapt.

Never in a million years will we go back to the cities with democrats in charge for one..and for two are you crazy? Once you live in the country where I never lock my doors to my pick up trucks or hose ..that will never happen.

Yes, because its that simple..
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
Another unlawful act. You are on a roll today!
Executive orders aren't unlawful unless the court says so.
Do you deny that wind and solar can produce electricity? Do you deny what I said about Norway? Quit making excuses. You are the young generation that is supposedly going to save us. What are you doing but sticking your head in the sand?
EOs have been raped. Just like the commerce clause.
And PLEASE don't give me that shit. Trump wrote an EO inw hich he actually had the POWER to do so and you were glad it got shot down. For nothing other than partisan bullshit.
Of course they can
What about Norway? I didn't refute what you said, I just pointed out some aspecxts of the reality you conveniently missed.
What excuses? You are sitting here bitching about the environment when we don't even add 2% of Co2!!
Here is a million dollar question : How do you control something you CANT control?
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
where is that car today?
Ah, on the road. It's just not all of them. And 400 miles to the gallon is what we need.
Mass transit would be better. Lots of it.

You see, nobody really disagrees that more rapid mass transit would be better. The issue I have is the global climate change scare tactics employed in the name of (phony) science. Science is never settled, it's a process and not a series of proclaimed truths ala Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
It's true science is never settled and not every prediction comes true, for sure. But the science itself is quite settled that the planet is warming and that it is causing changes in weather patterns and gradual immersion of coastal land. That's not a theory. That's measured fact. Up here global (and ocean) warming is great because all the lobsters have migrated north from Massachusetts because the water is too warm for them down there now. But that won't last forever. Whatever way we can slow it down is a good thing. And absolutely no one is looking at air pollution itself as a thing we're breathing.
I'm glad people agree with rapid mass transit, anyway. That's a start.
The fact is that anthropogenic climate change is a theory, a theory that is very popular among uninformed masses and scientist who make a living researching and writing about it. Making dramatic changes to our economic structure which will harm an already stressed and shrinking middle class is very reckless.

LOL. Yeah, the people who dedicate their lives researching this are uninformed.

But YOU, you know the true story.

You didn't read very carefully, I order you to improve your reading comprehension. Go back and re-read what I wrote. Do it NOW! Once you have done that you can correct your previous post.

I read that trash once, I'm good.
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
Another unlawful act. You are on a roll today!
Executive orders aren't unlawful unless the court says so.
Do you deny that wind and solar can produce electricity? Do you deny what I said about Norway? Quit making excuses. You are the young generation that is supposedly going to save us. What are you doing but sticking your head in the sand?
EOs have been raped. Just like the commerce clause.
And PLEASE don't give me that shit. Trump wrote an EO inw hich he actually had the POWER to do so and you were glad it got shot down. For nothing other than partisan bullshit.
Of course they can
What about Norway? I didn't refute what you said, I just pointed out some aspecxts of the reality you conveniently missed.
What excuses? You are sitting here bitching about the environment when we don't even add 2% of Co2!!
Here is a million dollar question : How do you control something you CANT control?
Only those E.O.'s Harley likes are legal. That's how it is folks. Live with it.
You were indeed refuting what I said by saying the exact opposite. Norway is making it happen. Are we too stupid? Maybe.
The whole idea of the Paris Climate Agreement IS to foster some cooperation in getting the biggest polluters on the planet to slow it down. Pulling out sends the message it is bunk. That is not going to bring us any closer to stabilizing the problem. No, we can't control the climate. We can control our own impact on it. And to do that, we need the whole planet involved. This is a baby first step. And Trump is saying no. There is no reason to do that, that I can see.

The funniest thing about it the left can't blame it on big oil like ExxonMobil, they are against Trump pulling out


Nope. The only person to blame is Trump himself. What an ignorant old man he is turning out to be.
what is the plan to stop the earth from warming? got anything? If you got nothing, then that is the reason.
Throw a burlap sack over the sun.
Well it's not going to get any easier if we don't get started. Norway is now 50% electric cars. 80% of their power is hydroelectric. Now they're a lot smaller than us; I get that. But it can be done.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.

Again , this is America...we don't do mass transit.

We used to. OR....maybe people will go back to living near their work, which would revitalize the cities. Lots of things can happen. Humans adapt.

Never in a million years will we go back to the cities with democrats in charge for one..and for two are you crazy? Once you live in the country where I never lock my doors to my pick up trucks or hose ..that will never happen.

The cities are way too dangerous to go back to. Families with children suffer the most. Those children have to be watched and protected constantly.

Living near work is done by young people who must face constant attack and protest for "gentrifying" the cities and imposing whiteness on minority neighborhoods.
well maybe you should actually do some research and see where our energy is coming from. I think you'd be surprised. BTW, electric cars still need power. No matter what you may think it is the same mess that is the gas version of a vehicle. just saying. what happens to the batteries as they decline? ooops.
Wasn't that reg on power plants meant to correct that a bit? The one Trump just got rid of? Much better mass transit is the best idea.
But wind can be used and so can solar to produce electricity.
Another unlawful act. You are on a roll today!
Executive orders aren't unlawful unless the court says so.
Do you deny that wind and solar can produce electricity? Do you deny what I said about Norway? Quit making excuses. You are the young generation that is supposedly going to save us. What are you doing but sticking your head in the sand?
EOs have been raped. Just like the commerce clause.
And PLEASE don't give me that shit. Trump wrote an EO inw hich he actually had the POWER to do so and you were glad it got shot down. For nothing other than partisan bullshit.
Of course they can
What about Norway? I didn't refute what you said, I just pointed out some aspecxts of the reality you conveniently missed.
What excuses? You are sitting here bitching about the environment when we don't even add 2% of Co2!!
Here is a million dollar question : How do you control something you CANT control?
Only those E.O.'s Harley likes are legal. That's how it is folks. Live with it.
You were indeed refuting what I said by saying the exact opposite. Norway is making it happen. Are we too stupid? Maybe.
The whole idea of the Paris Climate Agreement IS to foster some cooperation in getting the biggest polluters on the planet to slow it down. Pulling out sends the message it is bunk. That is not going to bring us any closer to stabilizing the problem. No, we can't control the climate. We can control our own impact on it. And to do that, we need the whole planet involved. This is a baby first step. And Trump is saying no. There is no reason to do that, that I can see.
Lol. Do you understand what executive branch power is? Good lord.. Sorry if I go by laws and the constitution :lol:
They are making it happen but at what cost? Did you need read what I said? Why do you hate poor people? Cars went up FIFTY PERCENT and now they cant afford the incentives like free roads, no taxes and LOTS more.
AGAIN, I will say we add less than 2% of co2 in the atmosphere. It almost seems irrelevant..
How would we ever survive (if we had to have cars that get 40 MPG and free power from the sun)?
where is that car today?
Ah, on the road. It's just not all of them. And 400 miles to the gallon is what we need.
Mass transit would be better. Lots of it.

You see, nobody really disagrees that more rapid mass transit would be better. The issue I have is the global climate change scare tactics employed in the name of (phony) science. Science is never settled, it's a process and not a series of proclaimed truths ala Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
It's true science is never settled and not every prediction comes true, for sure. But the science itself is quite settled that the planet is warming and that it is causing changes in weather patterns and gradual immersion of coastal land. That's not a theory. That's measured fact. Up here global (and ocean) warming is great because all the lobsters have migrated north from Massachusetts because the water is too warm for them down there now. But that won't last forever. Whatever way we can slow it down is a good thing. And absolutely no one is looking at air pollution itself as a thing we're breathing.
I'm glad people agree with rapid mass transit, anyway. That's a start.

At what cost? You know we just got out of a recession right?


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