Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world

The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

Really? I mean really?
People like you who don't believe global warning is way too hard for you to understand that these has nothing to do with those Bear invading human habitat.
Are you trying to measure the distance between Alaska and Paris? Confused?
What are you trying to say do it ourselves? Yes we can do it ourselves but your point is DONT do nothing. Confused?
Interesting monologue, first two minutes of video is all I watched. From Fox News. Explains with direct wording why this accord is a joke, and doesn't even achieve what it's intending to achieve:

Gutfeld: Why the Paris accord is a terrible idea
i hope we leave, it's the obama last grasp of attempting socialism.
195 nations signed the Paris Accord. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria are the only nations who aren't in the accord. It is not an Obama thing.
Trump is showing the world how stupid America has become, and his supporters love it.
He said the world was laughing at us. They weren't, but they are now with him as prez and him doing this kind of thing. They are laughing at us big time now.
The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It's personal with them, their president wanted it so bad.

It was just a publicly stunt.

It's personal for the whole world and the rest of civilized world that cares and that includes Ivanka and Tillerson.
It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

And how would the Paris Accord stop that?

I asked before (with no response from the left) so I'll ask again: what does this accord do for us that we couldn't do for ourselves if we wanted?

It's personal with them, their president wanted it so bad.

It was just a publicly stunt.

Yep, the snowflakes are a melting. Every time we reverse (or try to reverse) some Obama disaster, these folks flip out.

Again. Are you saying that the whole world, businesses and CEOs including Exxon and large corporations are snowflakes?
Are you saying that majority or all of America are liberals and snowflakes?
You people are the good example of snowflakes and fakes. Like Trump.
The US cost this next year, for the Paris agreement, was to be over 380 billion dollars... Which Trump just cut from our budget... Germany was slated to receive over 18 billion of those funds as were most of the EU states.. You want to know why Germany was so pissed? This is it.. Same with the French... They all had their damn hands out expecting the US to pay up.. Trump just took that away and many of these countries were counting on that money for their budgets.

The Obama wealth redistribution money fairy just got run over with a train... This is why Europe is so pissed off..


That is fucking bull shit.
How and where did you came up with $380 billions?
Have you ever read that document? Do you know we are required to pay a portion or percentage of GDP? Didn't think so... reading impaired???.

So you cannot prove your $380 billions bull shit.

So what made you think what you are posting are credible?
We are missing out on being respected by the rest of the world

The global warming douche bags claim we would benefit economically from the treaty. Which is it? Do we benefit or not?

It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

What are you talking about look at all the progress we accomplished in the past 50 years...

With out the paris accord.


Did you missed we lowered the emissions in last 5 years or so?
Without the accord wherefore you think this planet is going Bear? Didn't you noticed Bears are now invading human habitat in Alaska and other parts of the world because they cannot find food in the wilderness.
Now if that trends continue. Where do you think those bears go?

Since when didn't bears invade human habit?

Da bears where the last ones to destroy the patriots....

Btw the way I read black bears were spotted in the hood and ghettos of Detroit a Few years ago.

Meaning you still don't know what you are talking about. Why don't you step aside for right now instead wasting bandwidth and my time.
That is incorrect. Your example is way off.
This accord started somewhere in the late 90s this did not even take effect till 2014.
Cutting the emissions from diesels engines is a major accomplishments because they omit a lot of dangerous gas that causes smog and to human health all over the US and the world.
Have you traveled to Riverside county where the concentration of heavy smog in California coming from the west counties?
We use to have lots of cars that used diesels now they are almost gone. Which is excellent.
I was in Asia early 2016 and I saw the difference of how other countries are complying with h the climate change and that includes China.

What do you mean my "example" is way off? What example? I'm a truck driver and I'm telling you the truth that your green people won't tell you about. Every single thing you buy in the store today has an intrinsic green cost to it. It may be pennies, it may be dollars, it may be hundreds of dollars, it may be thousands of dollars--but you are paying it and so am I.

So I'm going to give you nightmares tonight. I'm going to ask you what I ask of every environmentalist: What would it take to shut you people up permanently? How much would it cost, and what is the goal?

You can't answer that question and neither can any environmentalist. Why? Because there is no end to this. It's a bottomless money pit that can never be filled. How do I know this? Because we've spent trillions of dollars trying to make environmentalists happy the last 50 years, and they are more miserable today than they were 50 years ago.

Bottom line people like you is DON'T do nothing and don't worry about it. That is not acceptable and indefensible.
Where do you think this planet is going if we don't don't act now?

How to shut off people like me that care about your future? How to shut off people like me permanently that care ? How much would it cost?
Answer: There are no amount that can be measured to save this planet both your future and your kids. There are no way way to shut off people that cares. It is much worse to look the other way---- your side.

You said it exactly: there is no amount.

Don't feel bad, that's the way most leftists feel: there is no amount.

What do I do? I recycle everything that can be recycled. I drive a car that get's 32 MPH. I work 18 miles from my home and I fill up once every two weeks. What do you do with your big boat avatar?????

And where do you think this planet would go with the Paris Accord? In one hundred years, we "may" lower the temperature by a fraction of one degree? That's worth trillions of dollars; mostly US dollars?

The more expensive you make it on industry, the more likely industry will take actions to avoid those costs like so many have in the past. That's why most of our goods are made in China; China who doesn't have to do one thing to reduce their footprint for over a decade.

Since you care so much about the planet, tell me, how much did it cost you to erect that windmill in your backyard? How much do you pay in bus fare to go everywhere you need to go? How much did you pay for those solar panels on the roof of your house? How low do you keep your thermostat in the winter, and how high in the summer?

I'd bet my dime to your dollar you don't do any of these things.
It's not a matter of lowering the temperature a fraction of a degree, that's not possible. It's about keeping the rise to less than 1.5 to 2.0 degrees which are going to be devastating to coastal areas. If we don't attain this goal, the chance of reversal global warming is slim to none.
Sea level rise has not accelerated in over 300 years.. What are you using for proof of this dire prediction?
Sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches (67 mm) above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch (3.2 mm) per year, due to a combination of melting glaciers and ice sheets, and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms.
Is sea level rising?
Yep, and I know all about some of those accomplishments.

One of them was forcing diesel fuel companies to have lower sulfur in the fuel. Since that time, diesel fuel became more expensive than gasoline whereas before, diesel was around a dollar a gallon less.

Yes, it closed down some trucking operations and private haulers, but government didn't stop there.

My employer started to price new tractors to replace our old equipment a few years back. Tractors were around 10K more per unit than three years earlier. All that pollutions shit they force truck manufacturers to install in the truck was the main reason. Now, over 80% of the time something is wrong with the truck, it has to do with some pollution gadget going haywire. Our trucks are in the shop nearly every month now, and truck garages charge $80.00 per hour plus parts. Our mechanic told me that they don't have one computer anymore, they have three that have to work in sync with each other, and computers don't always perform well in single digit weather.

What's more? Diesel Emission Fluid, or DEF for short. Yes, now we have to fill up with DEF which is a separate reservoir. DEF is pollution shit that squirts into the exhaust pipe supposedly to make the fumes less harmful to the environment. If you run out of DEF, you screw up your engine.

We have to pass all these costs to our customers, and our customers pass on those costs to us--the US consumer. It also may be the breaking point of a company leaving the US because manufacturing being too expensive in this country.

But hell, it's worth it, isn't it? I mean after all, now all the environmentalists are happy and stopped complaining and making more demands.............Oh wait!!!!!!

That is incorrect. Your example is way off.
This accord started somewhere in the late 90s this did not even take effect till 2014.
Cutting the emissions from diesels engines is a major accomplishments because they omit a lot of dangerous gas that causes smog and to human health all over the US and the world.
Have you traveled to Riverside county where the concentration of heavy smog in California coming from the west counties?
We use to have lots of cars that used diesels now they are almost gone. Which is excellent.
I was in Asia early 2016 and I saw the difference of how other countries are complying with h the climate change and that includes China.

What do you mean my "example" is way off? What example? I'm a truck driver and I'm telling you the truth that your green people won't tell you about. Every single thing you buy in the store today has an intrinsic green cost to it. It may be pennies, it may be dollars, it may be hundreds of dollars, it may be thousands of dollars--but you are paying it and so am I.

So I'm going to give you nightmares tonight. I'm going to ask you what I ask of every environmentalist: What would it take to shut you people up permanently? How much would it cost, and what is the goal?

You can't answer that question and neither can any environmentalist. Why? Because there is no end to this. It's a bottomless money pit that can never be filled. How do I know this? Because we've spent trillions of dollars trying to make environmentalists happy the last 50 years, and they are more miserable today than they were 50 years ago.

Bottom line people like you is DON'T do nothing and don't worry about it. That is not acceptable and indefensible.
Where do you think this planet is going if we don't don't act now?

How to shut off people like me that care about your future? How to shut off people like me permanently that care ? How much would it cost?
Answer: There are no amount that can be measured to save this planet both your future and your kids. There are no way way to shut off people that cares. It is much worse to look the other way---- your side.

You said it exactly: there is no amount.

Don't feel bad, that's the way most leftists feel: there is no amount.

What do I do? I recycle everything that can be recycled. I drive a car that get's 32 MPH. I work 18 miles from my home and I fill up once every two weeks. What do you do with your big boat avatar?????

And where do you think this planet would go with the Paris Accord? In one hundred years, we "may" lower the temperature by a fraction of one degree? That's worth trillions of dollars; mostly US dollars?

The more expensive you make it on industry, the more likely industry will take actions to avoid those costs like so many have in the past. That's why most of our goods are made in China; China who doesn't have to do one thing to reduce their footprint for over a decade.

Since you care so much about the planet, tell me, how much did it cost you to erect that windmill in your backyard? How much do you pay in bus fare to go everywhere you need to go? How much did you pay for those solar panels on the roof of your house? How low do you keep your thermostat in the winter, and how high in the summer?

I'd bet my dime to your dollar you don't do any of these things.
It's not a matter of lowering the temperature a fraction of a degree, that's not possible. It's about keeping the rise to less than 1.5 to 2.0 degrees which are going to be devastating to coastal areas. If we don't attain this goal, the chance of reversal global warming is slim to none.

Did you not read my previous post that, if my computations are correct, it would take almost 2.5 million cubic miles of ice to melt to raise the oceans 1.2 inched?

Reversal of global warm always is, and always has been, impossible to reverse because it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. There has never been, or will there ever be even 50 years of constant climate. The ONLY thing about that doesn't change about the climate changing is change happens.

Some of the things that do effect climate is the earth orbit are the sun wobbles. For some period of years we are closer to the sun, other periods of years we are farther away. Another thing is that the pulsates, sometimes hotter, others cooler.

The fact the the climate is getting warmer is not in doubt. The contention a
that it's caused by man is highly debatable. The only "evidence" to support that claim is gotten through theory, assumptions, and wishful thinking. 0 of the last 30 years predictions have come close to happening. Hell, in the 70's climatologists were crying that pollution in the upper atmosphere was reflecting solar radiation and we were headed into a new ice age. How'd that work out for them?

Just like cancer research, globa... Oops, "Climate Change" is nothing more than a money maker and a tool to justify the redistribution of wealth.

If you read the research and dissenting opinions with logic, a touch of climate knowledge, and an open mind, you will see through the fear mongering of it all. Concerning globa... oops again, climate change, the Liberal Media screams "Armageddon is coming". People are easily convinced (brainwashed?) and will pay big bucks to avert their doom.

Fortunately many of us have called "Bullshit" on this scam. Others, you ask? Their indoctrination has taken too strong of a hold on them. They won't let little things like facts interfere with their "Manchurian Candidate" level of brainwashing.
Trump called climate change is a hoax.
Are you saying that Trump lied again?

Climate change is not negotiable----- They already told that to Trump because there is no planet earth B.

I'm curious, who has said that Climate Change is a hoax? It has been changing for billions of years. If you're patient, you can find seashells on the rim of the Grand Canyon. THAT'S global warming.

Global Warming, of course, because it is a hoax. CO2 is proven to precede warming temperatures so that's a hoax as well.

Trump called it this is a hoax. The changes that you mentioned when the world population is less than a millions. We didn't have even cars in the 18th century. That has nothing to do with the current problems we are facing today.
Humans and technologies had advance in last 3,500 years. Things had changed where you see polluters and pollutions like number 2 the USA.

Now. Prove to me why you called it a HOAX.
it's already floating. so not sure what your point is.

Quick Facts on Ice Shelves | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Why are ice shelves important?
Because ice shelves already float in the ocean, they do not contribute directly to sea level rise when they break up. However, ice shelf collapse could contribute to sea level rise indirectly. Ice streams and glaciers constantly push on ice shelves, but the shelves eventually come up against coastal features such as islands and peninsulas, building pressure that slows their movement into the ocean. If an ice shelf collapses, the backpressure disappears. The glaciers that fed into the ice shelf speed up, flowing more quickly out to sea. Glaciers and ice sheets rest on land, so once they flow into the ocean, they contribute to sea level rise.

You're welcome.
how you figure? they used the word 'could'. the fact is no added water. so again, your point is what?
Bah! Who needs science, amiright?
Let's use some science! Oceans make up about 70% of the earths surface which is about 140 million square miles. How many square miles of dangling ice shelves would be required to elevate the worlds oceans by inch?

Let's see. If I did my computations right (LxWxDx amount of rise), 140000000 sq. miles x 12100 ft average depth converted to sq. ft, then x .10 (1.2 inches), I come up with 2,303,072.302 cu. miles of water/ice to raise the earth's oceans 1.2 inches.

But correct me if I'm wrong.
It is my pleasure to correct you.

You are off by a factor of 1,000.

It takes about 2,000 cubic miles to raise the oceans by one inch.

Just to give you some perspective, there is about 5,614,000 cubic miles of groundwater on Earth.
No rules in a knife, yeah, and millions of Americans, hundred cities, three states, scores of big businesses, hundreds of other businesses are all much bigger than a knife fight. There is not a thing Trump can do to stop them from working with the UN on the goals of the Paris Accord. This is all much bigger than Trump and his tiny little followers.
The major impact of Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Accords, is passing leadership to China, the largest producer of both Solar and Wind power technologies, a position which the US was striving to attain. And for what? To save the dying coal industry. That's not going to happen. The conversion from coal to natural gas in power plants, industrial and residential use will remain the same because the increase in natural gas production will continue to lower the prices and the desire cleaner burning fuel will continue to force US coal producers out of the market. What stupidity, all to fill a campaign promise that will be meaningless in the next election.

But China was given a free thirteen year pass on doing anything about their "emissions" explain to me as to why it's fine for China to keep the status quo while continuing their pollution with no regulations but not "OK" for America, that has imposed it's own regulations but simply "opted" out of an agreement that would have only handcuffed them further?

Think of it like a softball game where every right-handed batter has to bat left-handed and vice versa, wear the glove on their throwing hand while the other team doesn't while spotting them a ten run lead before the game even starts.....which team is gonna win??? You haven't thought this out very well.

As far as energy goes? The technology to get off of petroleum and coal (which by the way is NOT a "fossil fuel) has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla but since the world's economy revolves around the petro-dollar, a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value? Don't count on anything changing but the continual downgrade of the middle class.

You seem to think of the global warming issue as which nation will get the best deal and have the least sacrifices now and who will got a free pass on carbon omissions in past years. Is that really going to matter in a hundred years when every coastal city in the US is flooded and many parts of the US are unlivable. Ten years ago, the primary emphasis of dealing with global warming was prevention. It is now changing to long range planning for dealing with the inevitable consequences. Today, the UN is working with a number countries to get more construction at high levels, building living and work spaces 12 to 15 feet above sea level.

Don't believe the hype...."Climate Change" is being caused by geo-engineering and ionospheric heaters.

Spray heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere and "zap" it with extremely low but heavy modulated frequencies that heat up the particles while bouncing those frequencies off of the ionosphere that creates a vacuum that must be filled....which can then in turn be used to manipulate the jet stream. They can create high pressure zones with this technology but not low pressure zones but can suppress them and thus steer storms to "wherever". They can strengthen storms or weaken them depending on the outcome that they want. You may not believe this is possible but it most definitely is a modification has been the goal of the military industrial complex for 70 plus years. They are at least 50 to 100 years ahead of what we are allowed to know about and they only release technology that can benefit them financially...."free energy devices" have been around since the early 1930's.
No rules in a knife, yeah, and millions of Americans, hundred cities, three states, scores of big businesses, hundreds of other businesses are all much bigger than a knife fight. There is not a thing Trump can do to stop them from working with the UN on the goals of the Paris Accord. This is all much bigger than Trump and his tiny little followers.
The major impact of Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Accords, is passing leadership to China, the largest producer of both Solar and Wind power technologies, a position which the US was striving to attain. And for what? To save the dying coal industry. That's not going to happen. The conversion from coal to natural gas in power plants, industrial and residential use will remain the same because the increase in natural gas production will continue to lower the prices and the desire cleaner burning fuel will continue to force US coal producers out of the market. What stupidity, all to fill a campaign promise that will be meaningless in the next election.

But China was given a free thirteen year pass on doing anything about their "emissions" explain to me as to why it's fine for China to keep the status quo while continuing their pollution with no regulations but not "OK" for America, that has imposed it's own regulations but simply "opted" out of an agreement that would have only handcuffed them further?

Think of it like a softball game where every right-handed batter has to bat left-handed and vice versa, wear the glove on their throwing hand while the other team doesn't while spotting them a ten run lead before the game even starts.....which team is gonna win??? You haven't thought this out very well.

As far as energy goes? The technology to get off of petroleum and coal (which by the way is NOT a "fossil fuel) has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla but since the world's economy revolves around the petro-dollar, a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value? Don't count on anything changing but the continual downgrade of the middle class.

You seem to think of the global warming issue as which nation will get the best deal and have the least sacrifices now and who will got a free pass on carbon omissions in past years. Is that really going to matter in a hundred years when every coastal city in the US is flooded and many parts of the US are unlivable. Ten years ago, the primary emphasis of dealing with global warming was prevention. It is now changing to long range planning for dealing with the inevitable consequences. Today, the UN is working with a number countries to get more construction at high levels, building living and work spaces 12 to 15 feet above sea level.

Don't believe the hype...."Climate Change" is being caused by geo-engineering and ionospheric heaters.

Spray heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere and "zap" it with extremely low but heavy modulated frequencies that heat up the particles while bouncing those frequencies off of the ionosphere that creates a vacuum that must be filled....which can then in turn be used to manipulate the jet stream. They can create high pressure zones with this technology but not low pressure zones but can suppress them and thus steer storms to "wherever". They can strengthen storms or weaken them depending on the outcome that they want. You may not believe this is possible but it most definitely is a modification has been the goal of the military industrial complex for 70 plus years. They are at least 50 to 100 years ahead of what we are allowed to know about and they only release technology that can benefit them financially...."free energy devices" have been around since the early 1930's.
Hence the rains in California that pulled them from the brink?

A joke.
No rules in a knife, yeah, and millions of Americans, hundred cities, three states, scores of big businesses, hundreds of other businesses are all much bigger than a knife fight. There is not a thing Trump can do to stop them from working with the UN on the goals of the Paris Accord. This is all much bigger than Trump and his tiny little followers.
The major impact of Trump pulling the US out of the Paris Accords, is passing leadership to China, the largest producer of both Solar and Wind power technologies, a position which the US was striving to attain. And for what? To save the dying coal industry. That's not going to happen. The conversion from coal to natural gas in power plants, industrial and residential use will remain the same because the increase in natural gas production will continue to lower the prices and the desire cleaner burning fuel will continue to force US coal producers out of the market. What stupidity, all to fill a campaign promise that will be meaningless in the next election.

But China was given a free thirteen year pass on doing anything about their "emissions" explain to me as to why it's fine for China to keep the status quo while continuing their pollution with no regulations but not "OK" for America, that has imposed it's own regulations but simply "opted" out of an agreement that would have only handcuffed them further?

Think of it like a softball game where every right-handed batter has to bat left-handed and vice versa, wear the glove on their throwing hand while the other team doesn't while spotting them a ten run lead before the game even starts.....which team is gonna win??? You haven't thought this out very well.

As far as energy goes? The technology to get off of petroleum and coal (which by the way is NOT a "fossil fuel) has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla but since the world's economy revolves around the petro-dollar, a fiat currency backed by nothing with an intrinsic value? Don't count on anything changing but the continual downgrade of the middle class.

You seem to think of the global warming issue as which nation will get the best deal and have the least sacrifices now and who will got a free pass on carbon omissions in past years. Is that really going to matter in a hundred years when every coastal city in the US is flooded and many parts of the US are unlivable. Ten years ago, the primary emphasis of dealing with global warming was prevention. It is now changing to long range planning for dealing with the inevitable consequences. Today, the UN is working with a number countries to get more construction at high levels, building living and work spaces 12 to 15 feet above sea level.

Don't believe the hype...."Climate Change" is being caused by geo-engineering and ionospheric heaters.

Spray heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere and "zap" it with extremely low but heavy modulated frequencies that heat up the particles while bouncing those frequencies off of the ionosphere that creates a vacuum that must be filled....which can then in turn be used to manipulate the jet stream. They can create high pressure zones with this technology but not low pressure zones but can suppress them and thus steer storms to "wherever". They can strengthen storms or weaken them depending on the outcome that they want. You may not believe this is possible but it most definitely is a modification has been the goal of the military industrial complex for 70 plus years. They are at least 50 to 100 years ahead of what we are allowed to know about and they only release technology that can benefit them financially...."free energy devices" have been around since the early 1930's.
Hence the rains in California that pulled them from the brink?

A joke.

They intentionally drought-ed out MANY farmers during that man-made, "rain-free" siege and Monsanto was "johnny on the spot" to buy them up since they have genetically modified, drought resistant seeds that will grow in aluminum corrupted soil. All of this was done intentionally and all a part of Agenda 21. Sometimes it is so hard to wrap my mind around this shit and I often wish that I had never taken this path.
Dale, I love your posts, or most of them. Some things go over my head. I am a simple business owner. I do not have an engineering degree. Dumb it down like an executive briefing. Thank you.
It's not a treaty. Yes we benefit from the climate accord. Look around the progress we have accomplished in last 5 years.

Yep, and I know all about some of those accomplishments.

One of them was forcing diesel fuel companies to have lower sulfur in the fuel. Since that time, diesel fuel became more expensive than gasoline whereas before, diesel was around a dollar a gallon less.

Yes, it closed down some trucking operations and private haulers, but government didn't stop there.

My employer started to price new tractors to replace our old equipment a few years back. Tractors were around 10K more per unit than three years earlier. All that pollutions shit they force truck manufacturers to install in the truck was the main reason. Now, over 80% of the time something is wrong with the truck, it has to do with some pollution gadget going haywire. Our trucks are in the shop nearly every month now, and truck garages charge $80.00 per hour plus parts. Our mechanic told me that they don't have one computer anymore, they have three that have to work in sync with each other, and computers don't always perform well in single digit weather.

What's more? Diesel Emission Fluid, or DEF for short. Yes, now we have to fill up with DEF which is a separate reservoir. DEF is pollution shit that squirts into the exhaust pipe supposedly to make the fumes less harmful to the environment. If you run out of DEF, you screw up your engine.

We have to pass all these costs to our customers, and our customers pass on those costs to us--the US consumer. It also may be the breaking point of a company leaving the US because manufacturing being too expensive in this country.

But hell, it's worth it, isn't it? I mean after all, now all the environmentalists are happy and stopped complaining and making more demands.............Oh wait!!!!!!

That is incorrect. Your example is way off.
This accord started somewhere in the late 90s this did not even take effect till 2014.
Cutting the emissions from diesels engines is a major accomplishments because they omit a lot of dangerous gas that causes smog and to human health all over the US and the world.
Have you traveled to Riverside county where the concentration of heavy smog in California coming from the west counties?
We use to have lots of cars that used diesels now they are almost gone. Which is excellent.
I was in Asia early 2016 and I saw the difference of how other countries are complying with h the climate change and that includes China.

What do you mean my "example" is way off? What example? I'm a truck driver and I'm telling you the truth that your green people won't tell you about. Every single thing you buy in the store today has an intrinsic green cost to it. It may be pennies, it may be dollars, it may be hundreds of dollars, it may be thousands of dollars--but you are paying it and so am I.

So I'm going to give you nightmares tonight. I'm going to ask you what I ask of every environmentalist: What would it take to shut you people up permanently? How much would it cost, and what is the goal?

You can't answer that question and neither can any environmentalist. Why? Because there is no end to this. It's a bottomless money pit that can never be filled. How do I know this? Because we've spent trillions of dollars trying to make environmentalists happy the last 50 years, and they are more miserable today than they were 50 years ago.

Bottom line people like you is DON'T do nothing and don't worry about it. That is not acceptable and indefensible.
Where do you think this planet is going if we don't don't act now?

How to shut off people like me that care about your future? How to shut off people like me permanently that care ? How much would it cost?
Answer: There are no amount that can be measured to save this planet both your future and your kids. There are no way way to shut off people that cares. It is much worse to look the other way---- your side.

You said it exactly: there is no amount.

Don't feel bad, that's the way most leftists feel: there is no amount.

What do I do? I recycle everything that can be recycled. I drive a car that get's 32 MPH. I work 18 miles from my home and I fill up once every two weeks. What do you do with your big boat avatar?????

And where do you think this planet would go with the Paris Accord? In one hundred years, we "may" lower the temperature by a fraction of one degree? That's worth trillions of dollars; mostly US dollars?

The more expensive you make it on industry, the more likely industry will take actions to avoid those costs like so many have in the past. That's why most of our goods are made in China; China who doesn't have to do one thing to reduce their footprint for over a decade.

Since you care so much about the planet, tell me, how much did it cost you to erect that windmill in your backyard? How much do you pay in bus fare to go everywhere you need to go? How much did you pay for those solar panels on the roof of your house? How low do you keep your thermostat in the winter, and how high in the summer?

I'd bet my dime to your dollar you don't do any of these things.

Again. What you want is don't do nothing.

Windmills, solar panels and other reusable energy saves the planet in the long run and create jobs.
Coal is dirty either you or Trump like it or not---- it will disappear.
What is my thermostat has anything to do with this topic?
You are very wrong about China. China is doing a major major overhaul of their regulatories because they are suffering now. A lot of them are here in US for training. They used to drive cars with lots of smoke coming out from exhaust. About 2 years ago they don't even have a smog checks. They used to dump used both engine and used cooking oil anywhere Now those are penalized. That's a fact.
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?

It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

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The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.

If the whole world signed onto this farce, why the need for the US to do it too? Seems like those countries will do just fine without us.

US is the second worst polluters. We are the leader not a backward follower. We now at level of Syria and Nicaragua. Even China the worst polluters sign on to this accord.
Since when do we care about what "Germany and France" think?

It's not only France and Germany------- Its the whole world laughing at us because we are going backwards.
The whole world is sacrificing for the sake of one Planet A and the future. There is no planet B.
They were laughing at Obama behind his back when he signed on to this giant swindle.

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The whole world signed and agreed to this accord except Nicaragua and Syria. The whole world supports Obama.
Today the whole world is laughing at Trump and blasting Trump as a ignorant who claim this is hoax here and over seas. That's a fact.
BTW his EPA chief cannot even answer direct questions from his news briefing today. That's a fact.

If the whole world signed onto this farce, why the need for the US to do it too? Seems like those countries will do just fine without us.
They are happy as can be when the US makes a bad deal. Billions to Iran? They supported that like a mofo. They were pissed we brought it up. Same people.
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These aid has nothing to do with the Climate Change.

it wasn't why I posted it. Follow the conversation and perhaps you'll see why I did.

Stay with the topic if you don't mind.

You're the one that chimed in on our discussion, and now you're telling "me" to stick to the topic because you got busted not following the conversation?

No. You are bringing other foreign aid when that has nothing to do with the climate change.

That's because we drifted off to another subject. If you disagree with us talking about it, why did you get involved in the first place?

Aids that you brought up has NOTHING repeat nothing to do with this topic.
Since you don't care about this planet. Why don't you step aside? So far all you've given is purely irresponsible and unacceptable.
The US cost this next year, for the Paris agreement, was to be over 380 billion dollars... Which Trump just cut from our budget... Germany was slated to receive over 18 billion of those funds as were most of the EU states.. You want to know why Germany was so pissed? This is it.. Same with the French... They all had their damn hands out expecting the US to pay up.. Trump just took that away and many of these countries were counting on that money for their budgets.

The Obama wealth redistribution money fairy just got run over with a train... This is why Europe is so pissed off..


That is fucking bull shit.
How and where did you came up with $380 billions?
Have you ever read that document? Do you know we are required to pay a portion or percentage of GDP? Didn't think so... reading impaired???.

So you cannot prove your $380 billions bull shit.

So what made you think what you are posting are credible?
Again you have failed the most basic part of debate.. reading the material your supposed to be debating..

What is our yearly GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ? Do You know?

What percentage of the GDP does the Paris accord demand we pay? Do you know?

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