Trump Pushes Back on Candace Owens Undermining Vaccine: ‘People Aren’t Dying When They Take the Vaccine’

I don't know, but I know they can all look at their bank accounts and can all look at the cost of food etc.

You might need someone to tell you how to think about those things, but the majority of the country doesn't...
Seems to be the Biden campaign's theme - do not believe your lying eyes.
Seems to be the Biden campaign's theme - do not believe your lying eyes.
That's what Trump Humpers keep telling us when it came to Trump. Even though you heard him say it out of his own mouth, that wasn't actually what he said.
That's funny, a Trump Humper talking about someone not being able to speak for themselves and you are in a cult. LOL, not that's funny.
The only cult members are those believing they are better off today with Biden in office while constantly warning us about the dangerous Trump but cannot name a right they lost under Trump.
The only cult members are those believing they are better off today with Biden in office while constantly warning us about the dangerous Trump but cannot name a right they lost under Trump.
Is it about being better off or looking at the reality of what is actually happening?

What are those 91 charges against Trump for?
Tell me what those numbers were when Trump left office as compared to today.

Let's see...
Mortgage was really
Gas prices were really
Food prices were low
Minorities unemployment rate was low
More minorities were able to afford a home
No war

Mortgage rate is hugging 7%
Gas prices cost $2 more per gallon
Food prices haven't lowered by much
More minorities are unemployed and forever renters with no hope to own a home.
Conflicts are happening or brewing
Nice deflection chump. Just a bit ago you were saying how great we have it now.

Are you confused by the mount everest graph in that link??
When did I say we have it great? I asked Struth what her and the white dude could do 3yrs ago that they couldn't do today.
Let's see...
Mortgage was really
Gas prices were really
Food prices were low
Minorities unemployment rate was low
More minorities were able to afford a home
No war

Mortgage rate is hugging 7%
Gas prices cost $2 more per gallon
Food prices haven't lowered by much
More minorities are unemployed and forever renters with no hope to own a home.
Conflicts are happening or brewing
Give us those same numbers not really.

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