Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Man, what has happened to Americans? Most have become so hateful and hell-bent on supporting the Permanent War Agenda. Peace has become so alien to them. It's very sad.

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump's meeting with Russian president Putin is "treasonous" and he -- disturbingly -- warns him to "stop it." Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is "in the hands of our enemy." Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting "another Pearl Harbor."...

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace
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So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.
If you need proof of the deterioration of our intelligence agencies, just listen to bozos like Brennan, Clapper and Comey. They are an embarrassment and are actively attempting to subvert the POTUS. Of course the Liberal media dangles the money and the microphone in front of them because they luv luv luv the things these former intelligence (dick)heads say.
If somebody is curious what happens to an American president who dares not to be a Deep State bi*ch, watch how Trump has been treated lately. Actually, every Deep State bi*ch like McCain, Brennan etc. is barking at Trump calling him "a traitor". But the fact is: they are traitors themselves, not Trump.
So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.

No, but the sky will fall when our own President throws americans under the bus in order to protect a foreign adversary who has been proven to interfered with American democracy. If that doesn't get you upset, what will? Anyone who supports this man is not only an idiot, you're also a traitor.
So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.
Rolling over and playing dead is not "seeking peace." Russia committed criminal acts against the U.S. Of course we don't go to war over it, but the days of peace are far away, and that's on Russia, not us.
Man, what has happened to Americans? Most have become so hateful and hell-bent on supporting the Permanent War Agenda. Peace is so alien to them. It's very sad.

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump's meeting with Russian president Putin is "treasonous" and he -- disturbingly -- warns him to "stop it." Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is "in the hands of our enemy." Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting "another Pearl Harbor."...

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

John Brennan should talk a long walk off the ledge of a very tall building.
Man, what has happened to Americans? Most have become so hateful and hell-bent on supporting the Permanent War Agenda. Peace is so alien to them. It's very sad.

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump's meeting with Russian president Putin is "treasonous" and he -- disturbingly -- warns him to "stop it." Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is "in the hands of our enemy." Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting "another Pearl Harbor."...

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

Yes...this is the #1 excuse/talking point I've seen in the last hour......."Peace in our time." Well done Chamberlain.
If somebody is curious what happens to an American president who dares not to be a Deep State bi*ch, watch how Trump has been treated lately. Actually, every Deep State bi*ch like McCain, Brennan etc. is barking at Trump calling him "a traitor". But the fact is: they are traitors themselves, not Trump.
Rather, you prefer a Putin bitch. How odd.
So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.
Rolling over and playing dead is not "seeking peace." Russia committed criminal acts against the U.S. Of course we don't go to war over it, but the days of peace are far away, and that's on Russia, not us.

So you are looking forward to another cold war?
If somebody is curious what happens to an American president who dares not to be a Deep State bi*ch, watch how Trump has been treated lately. Actually, every Deep State bi*ch like McCain, Brennan etc. is barking at Trump calling him "a traitor". But the fact is: they are traitors themselves, not Trump.
Rather, you prefer a Putin bitch. How odd.

Still having trouble distinguishing form from substance?
So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.
Rolling over and playing dead is not "seeking peace." Russia committed criminal acts against the U.S. Of course we don't go to war over it, but the days of peace are far away, and that's on Russia, not us.

So you are looking forward to another cold war?
I think we are already in one; that is, those of us who haven't got our heads firmly up Trump's ass.

Ignoring what Russia has done and continues to do is NOT going to end in "peace." Believe me.
So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.

No, but the sky will fall when our own President throws americans under the bus in order to protect a foreign adversary who has been proven to interfered with American democracy. If that doesn't get you upset, what will? Anyone who supports this man is not only an idiot, you're also a traitor.

More silly hysterics. The sky isn't gonna fall because Trump seeks better relations with Russia.
If somebody is curious what happens to an American president who dares not to be a Deep State bi*ch, watch how Trump has been treated lately. Actually, every Deep State bi*ch like McCain, Brennan etc. is barking at Trump calling him "a traitor". But the fact is: they are traitors themselves, not Trump.

The left always accuse others of the very things they are guilty of:

So much insane hysterics. It's very sad. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks peace.
Rolling over and playing dead is not "seeking peace." Russia committed criminal acts against the U.S. Of course we don't go to war over it, but the days of peace are far away, and that's on Russia, not us.

It's very sad you see things that way. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks better relations with Russia. All this warmongering hysteria is so shameful. What happened to Americans?
Man, what has happened to Americans? Most have become so hateful and hell-bent on supporting the Permanent War Agenda. Peace is so alien to them. It's very sad.

Former CIA director John Brennan thinks President Trump's meeting with Russian president Putin is "treasonous" and he -- disturbingly -- warns him to "stop it." Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) actually calls for the military to move against its commander in chief, who he claims is "in the hands of our enemy." Others have called the Trump-Putin meeting "another Pearl Harbor."...

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

Yes...this is the #1 excuse/talking point I've seen in the last hour......."Peace in our time." Well done Chamberlain. View attachment 205514

More silly warmongering hysterics. The sky won't fall because Trump seeks better relations with Russia.

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