Trump @ rally: Biden's weaponization of law enforcement makes us a banana republic like Stalin's Russia. when this election is over we get vindicated!

I am old enough to remember Trump calling for violence if he is indicted. Wait, that was this week or last week? He have little law enforcement credibility.
can you provide the link to this quote
Clipper, people who first realized the press was not doing their homework except to lean on the Democrat daily talking points that were weaponized against Republican conservatives, and in particular, Trump, who likely got fed up with the lies he wised up to, and the secretive omerta and dark deep state Democrat hoity toities decided to get even with the former Democrat who was so conservative for his whole life, though he still maintained a love for cleaning up the oceans and other good stewardship of the earth his fellow Presbyterians believe are their task orders from on the Lord God. That said, the Democrat deep state press hitched a gold bar or two from Midas Soros and a few guys in Silicon Valey that paid for their loss of audiences to FoxNews, NewsMax, and TheFirst, television stations that presented pros and cons of both sides. Mainstream Media seems to follow the Deep Stater Democrats who want to socialize this free country for the convenience of not having to hear conservatives have their say about wiser spending than taxing the American people to death, which always done and still does create a hideous amount of inflation, which means mommies with a $50. a week rice and bean budget can't feed their husband and children when inflation blows prices up, up, and more up. The reason we call that impeachment a fake impeachment was because word got back to us that Obama's final meeting with his cabinet issued one last order: impeach Trump now. Therefore, his Sociocommunist followers planned Trump's impeachment BEFORE he was inaugurated as President and took his oath of office. The women of the Democrat Party spent money recruiting old flames of Trump to sue him for things he didn't do, turning a night on the town with a woman into a love affair turned into an extortion bonanza by merely changing the party night into something else, and the million dollars the Democrat's Silicone Valley and Soros came up with was pretty good pay for telling a few details in the GetTrump fantasy world they created. Maxine Waters weaponized her followers into stalking Trump staffers so they could see how many they could blame Trump for such bad leadership many people would leave their jobs in the White House. Then the Democrats demanded to explore the "Steele Dossier" that smeared President Trump with colluding with Russia to destroy Hillary Clinton, which was the perfect projection because Hillary paid a foreign spy from a foreign country (Great Britain) to ok the dossier that the old Clinton Dirty Trix committee invented that claimed that nekkid Trump jumped on a bed that Hillary had slept in with nekkid prostitutes and all of them peed on it to show their disdain for the poor little sad defeated Hillary Clinton who lost the election to Donald Trump. That was all rebutted by the failure of the committee to tell the FBI they turned the dossier over to members of both houses of Congress which each investigated by a House inquiry that found no truth in the Dossier, and a Senate inquiry that also found no fault nor truth in the frameup of President Trump that was drummed up by the loser of the election, Hillary Clinton, ans one of the most vindictive things a loser of a presidential race against a winner, who won the hearts of the American people who put him in the Oval Office. She and her Alinsky method followers didn't win the presidency, so their evil plan simply named "Get Trump" had setbacks in two legislative "Get Trump" inquiries found no truth in allegations made in the Steele Dossier, so their little palsy-walsy, Mob Boss daughter, Nancy Pelosi decided she would "Get Trump" by getting the Mueller inquiry to smear Trump some more. The Mueller Report failed to find that Trump did anything wrong. All 19 lawyers helping Mr. Mueller couldn't find so much as an unpaid parking ticket in Donald Trump's name.

At some point early on, Trump got wise to this mischief and got busy with Presidential duties, by encouraging welfare recipients to improve their lot in life with high-paying jobs. Trump went all over the 50 states to recruit successful businesses to pay people better wages to reduce spending on prospering idleness, to making people proud to be a part of a company that paid them well for their work, bringing jobs back to this country, to benefit people willing to work hard for a living, with a lot better pay than welfare! The press played dumb and continued tearing away at President Trump's public standing with lie after lie, after lie after lie. The Mueller Report showed no evidence President Trump colluded with Russia. The press quickly turned the Trump wins to ignore, but if he sneezed, all 300 Get-Trump national tv stations would double down on the DNC talking points. At that point in time, Nancy Pelosi hustled around and doubled down on lies to "Prove" that somehow, Trump did something bad, so she impeached him and got the House to all go down to Florida to "get trump" no matter how they got there. B back tomorrow. It's so past my bedtime. Good night, all. :bigbed:
Your entire screed is a crock of shit from start to finish.
Trump also thanks Jim Jordan, James Comer, and "The Republican Congress, who are putting themselves at risk and doing something we haven't seen in Washington in 25 years"

Trump complains everything in his life has been dissected including his tax returns

They are doing more damage to the Republican brand than Democrats.
School lockdowns, small businesses being shut down, people's lives got ruined. All because of Democrats' fear of their 'Orange Man Bad.' Democrats will go to any lengths to promote their progressive, Marxist agenda and the expense of American strength and individualism.

You have a fascist agenda you are trying to impose on us. It was something called a pandemic. How many more would have died had Trump got his way.
Are you a Professional Troll ?
BOTH sides are loaded with corrupt criminals.
Nah. 90% of the corruption comes from the Republicans. While the Democrats have a few corrupt people, corruption is not normal for Democrats. Corruption is normal for Republicans, at least at the national level.

Anyone saying both sides are equally corrupt is deliberately running cover for that Republican corruption, lying to support the corruption. That's you. You spend your days as a lapdog for the corrupt. Ethical people point out that, while the Democrats aren't perfect, they are far less corrupt than Republicans.

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