Trump Rally in North Carolina Draws Fewer Than 2,000 People: Report

In the photo you posted, possibly accurate. This was not the entire crowd. It never is. I saw drone shots of the ENTIRE crowd, and it was far, FAR bigger than this.

Your continual whining about crowd size just makes me think that you are into political self gratification because you have nothing real. I'll send you a tube of K-Y so you don't get all chapped and abraded.

But, by all means, keep up the comedy. It's not quite spring yet in the Midwest so I'm still stuck in the house and could use the entertainment.

That was the entire crowd.

Watch as you run from your claim ... post the drone shot of which you speak...
What's the view like with your head up that orange ass? Keep that tongue in shape.

Have you ever kissed your own progeny? Nieces and nephews? Grandkids? what does that say about you?

Aww, it hurts you learning that Trump is a pedo. How sad. :(
That was the entire crowd.

Watch as you run from your claim ... post the drone shot of which you speak...
No, I'm not your little google bot. Find it your own ignorant self.

And while we're at it, go fuck yourself.
Actually what it does bode well for is a strong confirmation of the National dislike of Bill's wife in 2016...
How did that Republican logiks work out for you last time?


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