Trump Rally Moved Due to Security Concerns

The Secret Service is an ELITE SERVICE and they do not make such egregious errors as what they claimed during their first Trump assassination attempt. I have an old roommate that is SS and tells me how they roll.

Trump wants to empower America yet millions of brainwashed retards do not want a strong America and hate MAGA. Do any of these HATERS ever think of the world they are going to get under Communist Totalitarian Rule by the Super wealthy ??? Answer : NO

IMHO,,,,the SS / Democrats are setting Trump up for a REAL ASSASSINATION.
1. Stage some fake "Attempts" that fail. This will lend credibility to the idea that a lone nut shot him without any intel assistance.
2. Bring in a real hit team to shoot Trump.
3. Blame it on the mentally ill and young white guy who will be shot soon after his mission is done.
No, he is microscopically less useless than she is.

But even Nancy has her uses. She introduced me to Jeni Ice Cream, which sells for $9 a pint, which she carries a freezer full.
Inside a $30,000 commercial dual refrigerator/freezer, no less.

Sooooooo relatable!

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