Trump Rally Moved Due to Security Concerns

Why doesn't Heels Up? Obviously you have no idea how it works

Well considering the fact that his life has been threatened twice I think that it's a legit question.

The GOP. They are hiding under a rock.

Oh duh as lol I don't know why I thought that meant that they were dead.

So now Trump’s in on it too?

Careful, or your conspiracy theories will start to be like the snake that eats itself and create a hole in the spacetime continuum

I was just asking a question. 🙄
So basically, as things now stand, the federal government’s staff shortage leaves the federal government unable to provide adequate security for the opposing political party. Thus, the feds can now dictate which Trump event is getting cancelled. I wonder. 🧐

Lucky thing for Kamala that she never gathers big enough crowds to ever want or need to do an outdoor event!

Kinda gives new meaning now to why Crooks was given a wide open berth and the smug, smiling Routh was left to hide in Trump's hedges for 12 hours.

Crooks is dead. Gee, I hope some unlucky accident doesn't befall Routh now.
Good. I hope that means that they're finally using their heads. Either that or some people got fired and other people who are actually intelligent and care about Trump's safety took their places.

That's too bad. Trumpy needs Wisconsin
Oh duh as lol I don't know why I thought that meant that they were dead.

Speaking of the half dead, last I checked, Mitch was still clocking in at just under 2 beats a minute.

Screen Shot 2024-09-27 at 9.28.35 PM.png
Why do his rallies have to be outdoors?

Obviously, that’s a much bigger security risk and a harder venue to secure
Good. I hope that means that they're finally using their heads. Either that or some people got fired and other people who are actually intelligent and care about Trump's safety took their places.

Trump needs to apologize to the Haitians whose lives he has put danger.
They are trying to keep him from doing a Rally in Wisconsin where the race is tight...
I have never seen anything like this before... Trump needs private security and to tell the SS to pound sand....
Like Richard Nixon before him. Trump can get his own private security and opt out of secret service protection.

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