Trump rally reminded me of a musical

I watched some of Trump's rally, and the reporting on it. Almost as many people outside wanting to get in as were people inside. Contrast that to Joe Biden who can't even pack a movie theater.

Watching the hysteria of the left so desperate to get rid of Trump before the election, (because he'll probably win) it reminded me of a scene from the movie Jesus Christ Superstar. Now I'm not comparing Trump to Jesus Christ, but the situation is very similar. While most won't watch the video, for those who were fans of the movie like I am, tell me if this isn't similar to what we are seeing today.

But Ray, Jesus didn't win the election, Barabbas did. Not that I accept your premise, but your analogy is factually false.
I have yet to remember anybody who presided more conservatively than Trump, so your story is pretty hard to believe.

What I do notice is that people who otherwise never cared about politics starting to care. People are working, paying less taxes for the most part, have job availabilities, and are generally optimistic about our future.
Look at the graphs. They are a continuation of Obamas
Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first two.
Never mentioned
So he hasn't screwed it up yet.
I'm just revolted by his history of vagina grabbing, teen spying, wife raping

Job creation is easy when you're at the bottom than being near the top. I believe the lowest unemployment in our history was 2.5%, and we're only about one percent away from that. More importantly is the kind of jobs created than the amount.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Very few people got off of social programs under DumBama, and never a hike in interest rates either. I don't attribute anything to DumBama because all is business policies were anti-business. I can't point to several things about Trump's agenda that were pro-business. We now have nearly 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to work them.
Why read more from a made up mind.
Please look at the graphs
The 10x is such garbage.
Gateway pundit?

I see you didn't even look at the link yet alone click it. Typical left. Always criticize the source and never the information.
Yes I did.
And apparently you didn't check the graphs since O took over
If you look at the numbers
130000000 jobs a month
10000 manufacturing v's 1000?
Unbelievable growth, what is it 10x of ? it's 10x nothing

Sure you looked at it. That's why you couldn't even site the correct source.

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