Trump Rally Tonight 1/14/2020 - 8:00 Eastern

Pocahontas has less Indian blood that the President! :21:
If you want to keep America safe vote for the President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
I have the rally playing in another window so I can hear it while I scroll thought the comments from all the great USMB righties. Go Trump! Lock her up! 306 to 232!
Lefties won't know what's going on at the rally, they have to wait for the lefty media to tell them what Trump said.
I have the rally playing in another window so I can hear it while I scroll thought the comments from all the great USMB righties. Go Trump! Lock her up! 306 to 232!

Me too! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:2up::2up:
I love it when the President says the media is a bunch of corrupt people!!!!!! because they are they are FAKE news!:auiqs.jpg:
:2up:The President says: turn the cameras on CNN ....FAKE NEWS NETWORK!!!

( I hate CNN myself! that's me lol)
I don't trust all those repubs that were up there with Priebus....
We'll be explaining to our grandkids what the Democrats were; like our history teachers told us what the Whigs were...
GOD they love President Trump in Wisconsin..................yes yes yes yessssssssssssssss

hey but then......they love him everywhere ... Bless ......Bless and protect President Trump!:thup::thup::thup:
8:00 Eastern
7:00 Central

Did you hear the wave upon wave of cheers for our beloved president at the LSU game yesterday? It even drown out the snare drums! :banana:


President Trump is having a rally tonight at the same time as the final democrat debate just to piss off the filth! :auiqs.jpg:

And why will millions watch the Trump rally? Because there is no better place to spend a tuesday night than a Trump rally!

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Who cares?
I think this is turning out to be one of his best rallies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW the feeling the energy the Magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2: :2up::2up::2up:

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