Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia

Australia habitually elects wankers as PMs. This time they got one who's better at it than most but then he does spend more time working on his technique than any who went before him.
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”
Trumps about to find out just how lonely the world can really be over the next 4 years.:ack-1:
I /love/ Aussies, their no-nonsense yammering has made me almost pee my pants laughing more times than I can count.

Frankly of all the nations in the world, Aussies are by far my favorite evar. (And sadly, they're gaining ground over American's thanks to liberal fruit loops heh)
Oh BULL SHIT. The problem is backwoods-hill billy conservatism is taking all the air out the room.
Australia habitually elects wankers as PMs. This time they got one who's better at it than most but then he does spend more time working on his technique than any who went before him.
The Aussie told Trump to go F himself!!!!
Pfft, President Trump has a lot of support, and I think contrary to your fantasy world, he's gaining support not losing it.


Also, everyone elects wankers. Hell our stupid bitch Murkoski is on the Education Committee and day before yesterday she stamped a yea on DeVos in there, then came out to Alaskan's and said she was voting nay on her getting the position. Alaskan's on all sides are bitching up a storm about her backstabbing heh
I /love/ Aussies, their no-nonsense yammering has made me almost pee my pants laughing more times than I can count.

Frankly of all the nations in the world, Aussies are by far my favorite evar. (And sadly, they're gaining ground over American's thanks to liberal fruit loops heh)
-------------------------------------------- like I told and showed Blleipriester , aussies let them take their guns so that a strike against aussies in my book .
I /love/ Aussies, their no-nonsense yammering has made me almost pee my pants laughing more times than I can count.

Frankly of all the nations in the world, Aussies are by far my favorite evar. (And sadly, they're gaining ground over American's thanks to liberal fruit loops heh)
Oh BULL SHIT. The problem is backwoods-hill billy conservatism is taking all the air out the room.

Guess what asshole, those 'backwoods-hill billy's' are fucking American's -- deal with it little bitch.

I have no patience for your kind.
Pfft, President Trump has a lot of support, and I think contrary to your fantasy world, he's gaining support not losing it.


Also, everyone elects wankers. Hell our stupid bitch Murkoski is on the Education Committee and day before yesterday she stamped a yea on DeVos in there, then came out to Alaskan's and said she was voting nay on her getting the position. Alaskan's on all sides are bitching up a storm about her backstabbing heh
Oh bull shit. That support you conservative idiots speak of over 4 years won't be spent on Trump.
I /love/ Aussies, their no-nonsense yammering has made me almost pee my pants laughing more times than I can count.

Frankly of all the nations in the world, Aussies are by far my favorite evar. (And sadly, they're gaining ground over American's thanks to liberal fruit loops heh)
Oh BULL SHIT. The problem is backwoods-hill billy conservatism is taking all the air out the room.

Guess what asshole, those 'backwoods-hill billy's' are fucking American's -- deal with it little bitch.

I have no patience for your kind.
They are fucking "Ideologues"....NOT AMERICANS. Quit mixing it up!!!!
Bullshit, they are American's -- get the fuck out of here if you want to pretend your personal ideologues are better than anyone else's.
I don't give a crap who you are, calling most of the states non-American's is just an evil lie.
you are getting emotional and furious , desperate and frantic , its funny to see Rasta !! [chuckle]
Bullshit, they are American's -- get the fuck out of here if you want to pretend your personal ideologues are better than anyone else's.
This is what Red State voting conservatives have done!!!! They act as if their personal ideologues should run the entire country. Red State conservatives need to learn how to COMPROMISE. Remember, Red State conservatives elected Trump with ONLY 26 percent of registered voters. Hence, this why Trump is getting protested so badly!!!! Only 62 million idiots voted for Trump out of 162 million possible registered voters.

Trump in his old Dementia early staged brain is writing EO's like an illegitimate President like he knows he is.
I don't give a crap who you are, calling most of the states non-American's is just an evil lie.
Its not evil its the truth!!!! When conservatives act like Ideologues......then they are CALLED IDEOLOGUES!!!

When conservatives-conservatism learns to Compromise.........perhaps then the country will view you conservatives as Americans; and the country might let you join the Human Race.
you are getting emotional and furious , desperate and frantic , its funny to see Rasta !! [chuckle]
Wait until Trumps dementia and Alzheimer kicks that would be sadly funny and a danger to the U.S. and the entire world.

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