Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia

RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
We're not.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
Wtf would you do?
RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
No......fuck you with the ego of you and your ilk who have shown and will continue to show what sore winners you are.

Besides, had Hillary won would conservatives been conciliatory and treated Hillary with respect! Hell no. Its not even in the conservative DNA to have done so!!!!

So basically, all you 20th Century T-Rex conservative pea brains........need to sit back and realize Trump will be treated the same way the GOP treated Obama for 8 years; and would have treated HRC Clinton.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
Trump will and can do nothing. Take it up with local law enforcement.

Trump can and should stop foreign fighters from coming here.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
Wtf would you do?
Oh look conservatives are loathed and viewed as despicable human beings with trail of used toilet tissue trailing behind them. How deplorable.
Trump: "Look, we can do it my way, or I can tell you about the size of my inaugural crowd ..."
Turnbull/Putin/Merkel: "Where do I sign?"
RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
No......fuck you with the ego of you and your ilk who have shown and will continue to show what sore winners you are.

Besides, had Hillary won would conservatives been conciliatory and treated Hillary with respect! Hell no. Its not even in the conservative DNA to have done so!!!!

So basically, all you 20th Century T-Rex conservative pea brains........need to sit back and realize Trump will be treated the same way the GOP treated Obama for 8 years; and would have treated HRC Clinton.
Good news.

Anything that splits this country is joyful.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
Wtf would you do?
Oh look conservatives are loathed and viewed as despicable human beings with trail of used toilet tissue trailing behind them. How deplorable.
Democrats are the ones being viewed as being despicable. It's why they've been losing. :)
RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
I don't care how disgusted you and your ilk are!!!!! The fact is, Red State conservative voters and its GOP Congress will learn in the 21st Century, ya can't have a winner take all attitude! Even Trump will learn he must compromise or have a terrible dictatorship experience. Trump must learn to be President to-for ALL AMERICANS.....not just for Red State non-Americans.
We should be happy to take 1200 killers off their hands.

Send them back to where they came from. Everyone is happy.

which ones are killers?

be specific.

we'll wait.
According to Australia, all of them. They were vetted, considered too dangerous to enter Australia and confined to an island.

A lie.
They were prohibited from Australia because the weather is better on the island.
They were prohibited from Australia because the weather is better on the island.

I'll repost this for your ignorant arse. From a previous post of mine on this thread:
"Let me once again educate your ignorant arse. This goes for Tipsycatlover too. Is Turnball wishy washy? Yes he is. A bit like Obama. However, a massive election promise of the coalition govt when it came to power was to 'stop the boats'. This referred to Indonesian people smugglers illegally landing refugees and other flotsam and jetsam on Aussie shores. Turnball's predecessor, Tony "the Mad Monk" Abbot came to power and said that any refugee that jumped the queue - ie arrived via people smuggler - would never get to settle here and would be settled on Nauru and Manus Islands. The govt kept its promise. However, a large portion of these people were genuine refugees. Also, a large portion are what I call economic refugees. They are not escaping persecution but want a better life for themselves. The ones that the US are getting are genuine refugees. They have been thoroughly vetted. There are still thousands on the aforementioned islands that do not meet that criteria. You were NOT getting them. They have to stay on the island or go to Thailand or Cambodia. NZ offered to take the leftovers but Australia won't let them in because of the reciprocal agreement NZ has with Aussie whereby New Zealanders and Australians can go and live in each others' countries without going through the immigration rigmarole. Also, the US was going to spend another 12 months vetting these refugees.

So no, being a sound-bite deplorable where an in-depth look at the situation is not possible by yourselves or the likes of Trump, you assume that these people are lowlifes. They're not. They are genuine refugees. But being somebody who can't think past soundbites and tweets the situation is beyond you. No surprises there."
RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
No......fuck you with the ego of you and your ilk who have shown and will continue to show what sore winners you are.

Besides, had Hillary won would conservatives been conciliatory and treated Hillary with respect! Hell no. Its not even in the conservative DNA to have done so!!!!

So basically, all you 20th Century T-Rex conservative pea brains........need to sit back and realize Trump will be treated the same way the GOP treated Obama for 8 years; and would have treated HRC Clinton.
Good news.

Anything that splits this country is joyful.
The GOP split the country during President Obama's 8 years in office. Now just because theirs a GOP in the White House......suddenly the country is going to magically......come together!!! You red state conservatives had better-buy a clue!

Trump ran a horrifying-polarizing-Decisive Campaign for 18 months and ran the birther movement for over 4 years before he recently finally admitted that President Obama was born in the U.S.

Now Trump and Red State Ideologues as well as the GOP congress are suing for PEACE........get real.
Elites are losing their shit over 2 tough phone calls. Trump smiles & says "Relax, I got this. I've done lots of these deals." He has.
One of my clients in the day got pregnant by her Aussie boyfriend, a tourist visa oversta
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
I hope Trump does something with "white" home grown terrorist who kill Americans as well!!!!
If they are foreigners, send them back. We don't prowl the back alleys of Europe looking for white hooligans to bring here. We shouldn't be bringing jihadists here.
Again, what will Trump do about the white jihadist home grown terrorist who kill Americans???? These guys are already amongst us and can and will strike at anytime!!!!
Trump will and can do nothing. Take it up with local law enforcement.

Trump can and should stop foreign fighters from coming here.
Meh! What you really mean is Trump is a domestic-global clown and an embarrassment to the United States!
Elites are losing their shit over 2 tough phone calls. Trump smiles & says "Relax, I got this. I've done lots of these deals." He has.
Yes, Trump has signed Executive Order deals going on 40 years. Him got all kinds of experience in that department.:ahole-1:
RASTAMEN Compromise? With people who basically say "Your ideas are stupid" and stick their fingers in their ears? Yea no.

Fuck off with your ego of how you're better than anyone, you're just some random puke - same as me and everyone else on here.

ALL states are fucking American, your idea of painting them colors thus erasing them from the nation disgusts me.
No......fuck you with the ego of you and your ilk who have shown and will continue to show what sore winners you are.

Besides, had Hillary won would conservatives been conciliatory and treated Hillary with respect! Hell no. Its not even in the conservative DNA to have done so!!!!

So basically, all you 20th Century T-Rex conservative pea brains........need to sit back and realize Trump will be treated the same way the GOP treated Obama for 8 years; and would have treated HRC Clinton.
Good news.

Anything that splits this country is joyful.

Red State Conservatives Split the country with their "Free Loader" existence.

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