Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia

Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
what has Australia done for us lately

I shall inform you ignorant arse. Last figures available show Oz exported $11 billion worth of goods to the US while importing $28 billion worth of US goods. Yeah, that's right we gave you $17 billion more. Wonder what would happen if Aussie told you to fuck off and what at got that $17 billion worth eleswhere. Sure your exporters would be happy about that. That equates to about 170,000 jobs going down the gurgler. That's what we've done for you you ignorant idiot...
we wouldn't even feel it

our GDP is 18 trillion 17 billion isn't even 1% of that
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
what has Australia done for us lately

I shall inform you ignorant arse. Last figures available show Oz exported $11 billion worth of goods to the US while importing $28 billion worth of US goods. Yeah, that's right we gave you $17 billion more. Wonder what would happen if Aussie told you to fuck off and what at got that $17 billion worth eleswhere. Sure your exporters would be happy about that. That equates to about 170,000 jobs going down the gurgler. That's what we've done for you you ignorant idiot...
we wouldn't even feel it

our GDP is 18 trillion 17 billion isn't even 1% of that

Tell that to the 170,000 people that would lose their jobs.
As a time bomb for Trump who was the President in waiting at that time, Obama agreed with Turnbull to accept these Muslim refugees against the wishes of Trump.

Trump also has a long memory for those who ridicule him and Malcolm Turnbull was one of those.

He also sided with China against Trump during the break up of the TPP

Little wonder that Trump strongly disagreed with Turnbull and ended the conversation early. For good reason, President Trump doesn't like Turnbull and also dislikes wasting his time on trivial issues.

Turnbull should have delayed getting Trump to agree with this stupid deal until the dust had settled regarding the temporarily immigration ban.
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Ya bro fuck 'em! Let the Asians have 'em go MAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if whats his name Turnbull doesn't want to be nice , well , feck'em OldShool . And i like the aussies and their history for the most part . Aussies and Canadians are almost like / similar to Americans in my book OldSchool !!
They are number one in adopting American trends.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ thankyou --- BUT , the 'aussies' gave up their guns Bleipreister.
Their guns?
One more thing on this issue

Turnbull is an unpopular Prime Minister with an approval rating of only 35% ,less than the opposition leader, he only has a majority of one seat in Parliament and is one of Australia's VERY worst PMs.

Hopefully he will soon be gone.Good riddance.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't represent the majority of Australia.
To preserve the integrity of the nation's word, President Trump will honor the promise made by the evil devil spawn, obama.
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Ya bro fuck 'em! Let the Asians have 'em go MAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if whats his name Turnbull doesn't want to be nice , well , feck'em OldShool . And i like the aussies and their history for the most part . Aussies and Canadians are almost like / similar to Americans in my book OldSchool !!
They are number one in adopting American trends.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ thankyou --- BUT , the 'aussies' gave up their guns Bleipreister.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go , hilary and mrobama would like Aussie style gun control like the Aussies have . --- --- this is just some video from years ago in Australia Bleipriester .
One more thing on this issue

Turnbull is an unpopular Prime Minister with an approval rating of only 35% ,less than the opposition leader, he only has a majority of one seat in Parliament and is one of Australia's VERY worst PMs.

Hopefully he will soon be gone.Good riddance.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't represent the majority of Australia.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't represent the majority of Australia.[
Sorta like trump...
To preserve the integrity of the nation's word, President Trump will honor the promise made by the evil devil spawn, obama.
---------------------------------- I wonder what the President has up his sleeve or under his hat , if anything ??
I hope that Trump returns these jihadists to their home countries. They don't have to come here. Send them back.
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
what has Australia done for us lately
Fought with us in wars and lost lives.

The Fight Against ISIS: Australia Rejects US Plea To Boost Efforts In Iraq And Syria After Paris Attacks
-------------------------------------------------- as I said , feck the aussies , let them get chummy with the Chinese !!
Despite this being a blatant booby-trap by Obama (no doubt in my mind) I do think that as a nation we have to be a bit careful about dumping agreements every time we change presidents ya know what I mean.

Renegotiating the deal is exactly what we should do with contentious shit like this. Like I said, /if/ President Trump got something along the lines of "if they don't pass our extreme vetting procedures then they're not our problem" then that is a logical and fair way to go. We're maintaining our national security while still somewhat honoring deals we've made as a nation. And if they happen to fail our vetting well that's just too bad.

On the other hand if President Trump /didn't/ get that assurance, I think the we can still deport them after the fact on the basis of connection to terrorist groups as noted in the USC yeah?
Despite this being a blatant booby-trap by Obama (no doubt in my mind) I do think that as a nation we have to be a bit careful about dumping agreements every time we change presidents ya know what I mean.

Renegotiating the deal is exactly what we should do with contentious shit like this. Like I said, /if/ President Trump got something along the lines of "if they don't pass our extreme vetting procedures then they're not our problem" then that is a logical and fair way to go. We're maintaining our national security while still somewhat honoring deals we've made as a nation. And if they happen to fail our vetting well that's just too bad.

On the other hand if President Trump /didn't/ get that assurance, I think the we can still deport them after the fact on the basis of connection to terrorist groups as noted in the USC yeah?
----------------------------------------- the reason that the President SUPPOSEDLY got annoyed and slapped the aussie around a bit is to publicize that he is a hardazz which is a good thing to be with the aussie and other so called world leaders . Now , everyone knows that the President is a hardazz and that's a good thing ECurious !!
You misunderstand, I don't have any problem with how President Trump said anything to the PM. I respect alpha's, beta's are there to be lead around, that's their entire purpose in life.

However, I still argue that as a nation we cannot just renig on deals because of partisan games. We need to maintain our honor as a nation, even if it's a blatant partisan trap because otherwise we give an impression that we're only "sometimes" honorable, depending on what happens every four years - ya know what I mean?
One more thing on this issue

Turnbull is an unpopular Prime Minister with an approval rating of only 35% ,less than the opposition leader, he only has a majority of one seat in Parliament and is one of Australia's VERY worst PMs.

Hopefully he will soon be gone.Good riddance.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't represent the majority of Australia.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn't represent the majority of Australia.[
Sorta like trump...


President Trump was voted by the majority of America.

Like it not he is THE PRESIDENT:2up:

Thanks GOD.
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
what has Australia done for us lately
Fought with us in wars and lost lives.

The Fight Against ISIS: Australia Rejects US Plea To Boost Efforts In Iraq And Syria After Paris Attacks
-------------------------------------------------- as I said , feck the aussies , let them get chummy with the Chinese !!

I wouldn't say that. Aussies are the best! I Love Oz:banana::thup:

Rather I would say: Feck stupid Malcolm Turnbull.

Two different things.;)
You misunderstand, I don't have any problem with how President Trump said anything to the PM. I respect alpha's, beta's are there to be lead around, that's their entire purpose in life.

However, I still argue that as a nation we cannot just renig on deals because of partisan games. We need to maintain our honor as a nation, even if it's a blatant partisan trap because otherwise we give an impression that we're only "sometimes" honorable, depending on what happens every four years - ya know what I mean?
-------------------------------------------------- sure , pretty much agree ECurious !!
I /love/ Aussies, their no-nonsense yammering has made me almost pee my pants laughing more times than I can count.

Frankly of all the nations in the world, Aussies are by far my favorite evar. (And sadly, they're gaining ground over American's thanks to liberal fruit loops heh)

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