Trump admits the WALL rhetoric was nothing more than POLITICS-rambling's of a mad man.

Well child, keeping the bitch out of the WH and that Supreme Court pick were my two primary reasons for voting for him.

I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.

Last edited:
I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.
I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

Private sector investors aren't going to invest in rusted out factories so they can lose money to China. A Republican congress isn't going to subsidise Steel and textile manufacturing. The reason jobs move overseas is payroll taxes (social security/medicare/unemployment insurance/workman's compensation and now health care.)

Even if wages were comparable to foreign countries it would still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas.
I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.


Get back to me when you have something other than speculation. Also both Mexico and Canada are dealing in bad faith. Just ask the dairy farmers up north and the folks that live along the US southern border.

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

I see you have memorized all the talking points.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

Private sector investors aren't going to invest in rusted out factories so they can lose money to China. A Republican congress isn't going to subsidise Steel and textile manufacturing. The reason jobs move overseas is payroll taxes (social security/medicare/unemployment insurance/workman's compensation and now health care.)

Even if wages were comparable to foreign countries it would still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas.

Yet Toyota just decided to build a new factory here instead of Mexico, go figure.

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

Private sector investors aren't going to invest in rusted out factories so they can lose money to China. A Republican congress isn't going to subsidise Steel and textile manufacturing. The reason jobs move overseas is payroll taxes (social security/medicare/unemployment insurance/workman's compensation and now health care.)

Even if wages were comparable to foreign countries it would still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas.

Yet Toyota just decided to build a new factory here instead of Mexico, go figure.

Yes and look what's happening in those plants. All the jobs are temp jobs. Very few Toyota employees with benefits.

Hey, better than in mexico
But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

Who is "we?"

When I was a kid in the 1960's, here is the reality of life: the home had one TV, 19" black and white, 3 channels available. We had one car, when dad went to work, there was no car. Oh yeah, we had something called "dads" back then, democrats have since done away with those. If we wanted to get around, we walked or rode our bikes. Mothers did not drive their little darlings to school, herds of kids walked from all directions - oddly there were far fewer fat kids. Chicken was too expensive to have more than once a week, steak was something most people had maybe twice a year. Most homes had one bathroom that the entire family shared. College was for the top 1% of students, based purely on performance.

You paint a fantasy that never was. People lived lives with vastly lower standards of living. We could still do so, but most desire more.
But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.


Get back to me when you have something other than speculation. Also both Mexico and Canada are dealing in bad faith. Just ask the dairy farmers up north and the folks that live along the US southern border.

You can provide a link to that if you're going to make the claim on dairy farmers. We have dairy farmers that I can provide links too, that are very concerned they won't have the help they need to bring in the milk or their harvests right now.

Dairy farmers rely on thousands of immigrants, most of them undocumented, to milk the cows. They fear Trump administration policies will cause their labor pool to dry up.
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Maine farmers worry about workers' future under Trump immigration policy - Portland Press Herald
Trump's Immigration Crackdown Triggers Anxiety Across U.S. Farms
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News

No need to worry about what Canada is doing to dairy farmers, Trump has done enough already.
So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

Private sector investors aren't going to invest in rusted out factories so they can lose money to China. A Republican congress isn't going to subsidise Steel and textile manufacturing. The reason jobs move overseas is payroll taxes (social security/medicare/unemployment insurance/workman's compensation and now health care.)

Even if wages were comparable to foreign countries it would still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas.

Yet Toyota just decided to build a new factory here instead of Mexico, go figure.


LINK? We've had Toyota plants here for decades.
So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.


Get back to me when you have something other than speculation. Also both Mexico and Canada are dealing in bad faith. Just ask the dairy farmers up north and the folks that live along the US southern border.

You can provide a link to that if you're going to make the claim on dairy farmers. We have dairy farmers that I can provide links too, that are very concerned they won't have the help they need to bring in the milk or their harvests right now.

Dairy farmers rely on thousands of immigrants, most of them undocumented, to milk the cows. They fear Trump administration policies will cause their labor pool to dry up.
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Maine farmers worry about workers' future under Trump immigration policy - Portland Press Herald
Trump's Immigration Crackdown Triggers Anxiety Across U.S. Farms
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News

No need to worry about what Canada is doing to dairy farmers, Trump has done enough already.

They worry they may have to pay minimum wage.

But have no fear, democrats are here to keep illegals working for pennies on the dollar and denying jobs to Americans.
Once again, trump exposes himself to the deplorables

They bend over and cheer

"more please"
So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.


Get back to me when you have something other than speculation. Also both Mexico and Canada are dealing in bad faith. Just ask the dairy farmers up north and the folks that live along the US southern border.

You can provide a link to that if you're going to make the claim on dairy farmers. We have dairy farmers that I can provide links too, that are very concerned they won't have the help they need to bring in the milk or their harvests right now.

Dairy farmers rely on thousands of immigrants, most of them undocumented, to milk the cows. They fear Trump administration policies will cause their labor pool to dry up.
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Maine farmers worry about workers' future under Trump immigration policy - Portland Press Herald
Trump's Immigration Crackdown Triggers Anxiety Across U.S. Farms
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News

No need to worry about what Canada is doing to dairy farmers, Trump has done enough already.

Wisconsin Farmers Lose Milk Contracts As Canada Changes Dairy Pricing

BTW farmers can sponsor visas if they need workers and can't find them here. Hell my wife worked on a dairy farm when she was a teen.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.

Our way worked but the rich wanted more and they got it. They didn't want to pay union wages so they sent those jobs and more overseas.

Now you say you're bringing manufacturing back but not those high paying jobs back. You say it's unsustainable but now instead of wages going up only executives pay goes up.

Dont forget the rich are doing great and I don't see Trump bringing wages up significantly. His buddies wouldn't like that.

Private sector investors aren't going to invest in rusted out factories so they can lose money to China. A Republican congress isn't going to subsidise Steel and textile manufacturing. The reason jobs move overseas is payroll taxes (social security/medicare/unemployment insurance/workman's compensation and now health care.)

Even if wages were comparable to foreign countries it would still be much cheaper to manufacture overseas.

Yet Toyota just decided to build a new factory here instead of Mexico, go figure.


LINK? We've had Toyota plants here for decades.

There was a thread on it in the last few day, look it up.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

No economic plan will work when regressives regulate businesses out of business. That's exactly what's been happening over the last 40 years. Then you have bureaucrats like in the EPA that gives grants to environazis to sue them, the EPA doesn't defend the law in court and settles getting a judgment from a court ordering them to do things the wanted to do all along but couldn't get congress to give them the authority. Then they pay the legal bills of the people they hired to sue them in the first place. Commiecrat policies and schemes are what don't work, with out them we'd be doing just fine.


Let's talk about trade deficits which was in Trump's transcripts with the Mexican President. Trade deficits are nothing more than paper deficits, not real "money" loss's.

Mexico is the 3rd largest purchaser of American goods in the world. We buy more of their products simply because we are a larger population and require more. We can't expect Canada or Mexico to purchase 2 washers & dryers per family and 5 American cars. Really the only place we should have a trade surplus is with China as they are a larger population, but they manipulate their currency during trade. I seriously doubt Trump will do anything with China because he owns hotels there. IOW--they have him held hostage.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Mexico trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

Canada trade charts
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

So for 2016 Mexico bought $230 BILLION dollars worth of American goods, and Canada bought $267 BILLION. I don't think it's real smart to insult countries that buy that much from us.


Get back to me when you have something other than speculation. Also both Mexico and Canada are dealing in bad faith. Just ask the dairy farmers up north and the folks that live along the US southern border.

You can provide a link to that if you're going to make the claim on dairy farmers. We have dairy farmers that I can provide links too, that are very concerned they won't have the help they need to bring in the milk or their harvests right now.

Dairy farmers rely on thousands of immigrants, most of them undocumented, to milk the cows. They fear Trump administration policies will cause their labor pool to dry up.
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Maine farmers worry about workers' future under Trump immigration policy - Portland Press Herald
Trump's Immigration Crackdown Triggers Anxiety Across U.S. Farms
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News

No need to worry about what Canada is doing to dairy farmers, Trump has done enough already.

They worry they may have to pay minimum wage.

But have no fear, democrats are here to keep illegals working for pennies on the dollar and denying jobs to Americans.

No it's much more than offering a minimum wage. It's back breaking work--that Americans will not do for minimum wage.

So what are the consequence's to that? Milk, eggs, beef, chicken, fruit and vegi's go through the roof at the grocery store, and who gets hurt the most? The poor and elderly in this country that are on a fixed incomes--is who will get hurt the most.

Alabama kicked out all undocumented workers, and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.

"Hidden behind the Banco del Sol and the Tienda El Nino is the economic pillar of this rural town: A massive factory that processes 130,000 chickens a day. Inside, headless plucked birds move along conveyor belts while 300 workers, in repeated deft strokes, slice each passing carcass into chunks of kitchen-ready meat.

For years, most poultry workers here were Mexican immigrants, including some who were in the country illegally. But last fall, after a tough state law against illegal immigrants took effect, many vanished overnight, rattling the town’s large Hispanic community and leaving the poultry business scrambling to find workers willing to stand for hours in a wet, chilly room, cutting up dead chickens.

“Even someone born and raised in Albertville may not have the necessary skills or be able to pass a background check,” said Frank Singleton, a spokesman for Wayne Farms, which owns the slaughterhouse. The firm held a job fair that attracted about 250 local residents, but few were hired, and some soon quit, daunted by the demanding work. Since the law took effect, he said, our turnover rate has gone through the roof.”

Sponsors of the law say it has done exactly what they had hoped, driving tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from the state. The U.S. Justice Department has challenged some parts of the law, and President Obama’s announcement Friday of a temporary legal amnesty for more than 1 million young undocumented immigrants nationwide clashes directly with Alabama’s legislation.

A variety of employers in Alabama said they have not been able to find enough legal residents to replace the seasoned Hispanic field pickers, drywall hangers, landscapers and poultry workers who fled the state. There was an initial rush of job applications, they said, but many new employees quit or were let go.

Wayne Smith, 56, raises tomatoes on a family farm in the misty hills of Chandler Mountain, a 40-minute drive from Albertville. Last fall, he said, his entire Mexican crew ran off, and Smith and his neighbors scoured the area for new workers. The growers pay $2 for every large box of picked tomatoes, and a worker must be able to pluck fast all day, bent over in the hot sun, to fill two or three dozen boxes.

“The whites lasted half a day, and the blacks wouldn’t come at all. The work was just too hot and hard for them,” Smith said. He dismissed the argument, often made by critics of illegal immigration, that Americans might do the work if offered a higher and hourly wage. “We’ve been using Mexicans for 30 years, and now they’ve been run off,” he said. “Everyone is worried about Arizona. If this law sticks, what’ll we do then?”
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
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