Trump admits the WALL rhetoric was nothing more than POLITICS-rambling's of a mad man.

So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?

You mean like Wikileaks?

There was no reason to believe any of the crap about Secty Clinton but Trump and his fans fell for that, hook, line and sinker.

Face facts - Trump was caught in several more lies. Just admit you love being lied to.

Sent from my iPad using
In this transcript with Trump & Enrique Pena Nieto (President of Mexico)--we see the ramblings of a mad-man (Donald Trump.)

"The Washington Post has obtained transcripts of two conversations President Trump had with foreign leaders: one with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and another with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The transcripts were prepared by the White House but have not been released. The Post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources. The reproductions below also include minor spelling and grammatical mistakes that appeared in the documents."
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

Here are just a few of the exerpts--the rest is wandering unbeliveable physco babble. Somehow he thinks he won New Hamshire--he talks about the size of his rallies, and how popular he was, and is now only concerned with his supporters approval of him--so he has worked out a plan to keep it. Then he goes into tariffs, and border taxes that he brags he has the authority to do alone--which he doesn't have that authority without congressional approval. This is mad man physco babble.

Regarding the Wall:
1. Trump says: Believe it or not, (The WALL) this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important thing to talk about. "We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out.
2. Trump--I think the most popular thing for "me" would just to put a tariff on the border.
3. Nieto--This is what I suggest, Mr. President – let us stop talking about the wall. I have recognized the right of any government to protect its borders as it deems necessary and convenient. But my position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico will not pay for that wall. Trump in response: But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that.

After he calls the President of Mexico he then gets on the phone with the Australian Prime Minister and apparently hangs up on him.

It's all right here--including a video explanation of it all.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

There is something that is definitely mentally wrong with Trump, and it's clear the only thing that concerns him is his popularity within his base of support--(it's all about him.) Ratings and adoration--again his narcissistic personality comes into full view.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Rush Limbaugh one of Trumps biggest promoters-was cornered by a caller that was able to sneak onto his program--to admit something shocking.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Campaigning on a 1000-40' high wall that Mexico would pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sanders campaigning on a free college education for everyone. How STUPID are Americans today?
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Trump can hurt his supporters all he wants they'll tell themselves he was better than Hillary

I disagree simply for that supreme Court pick Trump got to make.

Well child, keeping the bitch out of the WH and that Supreme Court pick were my two primary reasons for voting for him.


I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.


What level of classification was assigned to Trump's phonecalls?

I support they're classified but so were the secrets Trump leaked to the Russians.

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So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?

You mean like Wikileaks?

There was no reason to believe any of the crap about Secty Clinton but Trump and his fans fell for that, hook, line and sinker.

Face facts - Trump was caught in several more lies. Just admit you love being lied to.

Sent from my iPad using
No wiki leak was ever disproved or denied.
So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?
I love how for Clinton Wikileaks was just revealing the truth and the conversation couldn't be about the hacks. But for Trump we can't talk about the substance of the leaks, it's has to be about the horrible crimes of "stealing documents" or leaking information. Y'all crack me up

Conversations between national leaders are classified for a reason. They have to be able to speak openly to each other. Trying to draw a false parallel between classified information and emails in a private organization just shows how stupid you regressives are.


What level of classification was assigned to Trump's phonecalls?

I support they're classified but so were the secrets Trump leaked to the Russians.

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A president as explained earlier cannot leak. He has the power to DECLASSIFY anything!
You miss the point completely

No, like the typical regressive you were trying to claim there is hypocrisy it wanting to protect information vital to national security and not much giving a shit that a corrupt private organization like the DNC was exposed for the world to see.

If you lack the ability to distinguish the difference, well, that just makes you stupid.

I don't lack the ability to distinguish the difference. I recognize the security issues with leaks and respect the fact that our POTUS should be able to have private conversations. But you all use this anti leak argument to divert from talking about the substance of the leaks. It's weak

Well skippy, I'm not the one who tried to draw a false equivalence between the hacking of the DNC and national security leaks, you did, and when challenged you doubled down. You're the one that diverted the conversation, the OP introduced 2 topics, my original question was which he wanted to discuss.

Apologies, what was the subject you want to discuss?

That was my question to the OP, so far I haven't gotten an answer. So I've addressed comments that drew my interest. I have yet to discuss anything in the OP.

I, like you, was just responding to a post. I responded directly with an observation. Not my style to try and divert away from a conversation topic.
So which topic is up for discussion. Who pays for the wall or a regressive scientist speculation on peoples brains?

Based on a reproduction of stolen documents?

You mean like Wikileaks?

There was no reason to believe any of the crap about Secty Clinton but Trump and his fans fell for that, hook, line and sinker.

Face facts - Trump was caught in several more lies. Just admit you love being lied to.

Sent from my iPad using
No wiki leak was ever disproved or denied.
Nor have the WH leaks been disproved. Except for our POTUS yelling fake news then evidence popping up that it was actually Real News. In most circles that is considered a LIE
I have to admit even I was mildly shocked to find out that Trump didn't really give a shit about the wall.

I need to focus. lol
I have to admit even I was mildly shocked to find out that Trump didn't really give a shit about the wall.

I need to focus. lol

He didn't say he didn't care about the wall, he said the optics of the banter of who would pay for it was the least important thing they were discussing.

In this transcript with Trump & Enrique Pena Nieto (President of Mexico)--we see the ramblings of a mad-man (Donald Trump.)

"The Washington Post has obtained transcripts of two conversations President Trump had with foreign leaders: one with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and another with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The transcripts were prepared by the White House but have not been released. The Post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources. The reproductions below also include minor spelling and grammatical mistakes that appeared in the documents."
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

Here are just a few of the exerpts--the rest is wandering unbeliveable physco babble. Somehow he thinks he won New Hamshire--he talks about the size of his rallies, and how popular he was, and is now only concerned with his supporters approval of him--so he has worked out a plan to keep it. Then he goes into tariffs, and border taxes that he brags he has the authority to do alone--which he doesn't have that authority without congressional approval. This is mad man physco babble.

Regarding the Wall:
1. Trump says: Believe it or not, (The WALL) this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important thing to talk about. "We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out.
2. Trump--I think the most popular thing for "me" would just to put a tariff on the border.
3. Nieto--This is what I suggest, Mr. President – let us stop talking about the wall. I have recognized the right of any government to protect its borders as it deems necessary and convenient. But my position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico will not pay for that wall. Trump in response: But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that.

After he calls the President of Mexico he then gets on the phone with the Australian Prime Minister and apparently hangs up on him.

It's all right here--including a video explanation of it all.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

There is something that is definitely mentally wrong with Trump, and it's clear the only thing that concerns him is his popularity within his base of support--(it's all about him.) Ratings and adoration--again his narcissistic personality comes into full view.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Rush Limbaugh one of Trumps biggest promoters-was cornered by a caller that was able to sneak onto his program--to admit something shocking.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Campaigning on a 1000-40' high wall that Mexico would pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sanders campaigning on a free college education for everyone. How STUPID are Americans today?
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

No he didn't.

That you and the other Nazis are fucking liars doesn't alter what was said on the illegally obtained espionage you filthy scum released.

These leaks are coming from White House staffer, the President's cabinet and advisers.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when Trump fired Reince Preibus over last weekend--that an article comes out in the New York Times, that while ON-BOARD Air Force one--that Trump help write Trump Jr. first lie narrative about the Russian meeting about being about adoptions.

These leaks are coming from White House staffer, the President's cabinet and advisers.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when Trump fired Reince Preibus over last weekend--that an article comes out in the New York Times, that while ON-BOARD Air Force one--that Trump help write Trump Jr. first lie narrative about the Russian meeting about being about adoptions.

The leaks are coming from the Obama/Nazi holdovers that should all have been fired on day one.

That doesn't change the fact that your thread title and the hate site you quote are lying.

Trump said the politics of the wall are more important than the physical wall, he never said it was "political rambling" or any other such horseshit,. My point is that you Nazis lie, incessantly. Even when their are direct quotes, you Nazis still lie.
You mean like Wikileaks?

There was no reason to believe any of the crap about Secty Clinton but Trump and his fans fell for that, hook, line and sinker.

Face facts - Trump was caught in several more lies. Just admit you love being lied to.

Sent from my iPad using

Are you on drugs?

Virtually every last revelation by WikiLeaks has be verified from dozens of sources. You Nazis are fucking insane, you live in a partisan fantasy filled with hatred and utterly divorced from reality.

These leaks are coming from White House staffer, the President's cabinet and advisers.

It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that when Trump fired Reince Preibus over last weekend--that an article comes out in the New York Times, that while ON-BOARD Air Force one--that Trump help write Trump Jr. first lie narrative about the Russian meeting about being about adoptions.

The leaks are coming from the Obama/Nazi holdovers that should all have been fired on day one.

That doesn't change the fact that your thread title and the hate site you quote are lying.

Trump said the politics of the wall are more important than the physical wall, he never said it was "political rambling" or any other such horseshit,. My point is that you Nazis lie, incessantly. Even when their are direct quotes, you Nazis still lie.

No they're not--THEY are coming from White House staffers, cabinet members and Trump advisers. These transcripts came directly from someone within the White House. These are people TRUMP hired.

Every leak is the same, someone close to Trump is leaking. Here they're showing in these transcripts just how incompetent--inept he is at speaking with other world leaders.

The transcripts were prepared by the White House but have not been released. The Post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia
Last edited:

No they're not they are coming from White House staffers, cabinet members and Trump advisers. These transcripts came directly from someone within the White House.

Or butlers, cooks, maids, etc. OR you Nazis may have bugged the Oval Office.

The deal Trump did not take and explained why he would not take it.

You Nazis are below gutter scum, particularly the little Goebbels of the Bezos hate blog.
In this transcript with Trump & Enrique Pena Nieto (President of Mexico)--we see the ramblings of a mad-man (Donald Trump.)

"The Washington Post has obtained transcripts of two conversations President Trump had with foreign leaders: one with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and another with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The transcripts were prepared by the White House but have not been released. The Post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources. The reproductions below also include minor spelling and grammatical mistakes that appeared in the documents."
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

Here are just a few of the exerpts--the rest is wandering unbeliveable physco babble. Somehow he thinks he won New Hamshire--he talks about the size of his rallies, and how popular he was, and is now only concerned with his supporters approval of him--so he has worked out a plan to keep it. Then he goes into tariffs, and border taxes that he brags he has the authority to do alone--which he doesn't have that authority without congressional approval. This is mad man physco babble.

Regarding the Wall:
1. Trump says: Believe it or not, (The WALL) this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important thing to talk about. "We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out.
2. Trump--I think the most popular thing for "me" would just to put a tariff on the border.
3. Nieto--This is what I suggest, Mr. President – let us stop talking about the wall. I have recognized the right of any government to protect its borders as it deems necessary and convenient. But my position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico will not pay for that wall. Trump in response: But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that.

After he calls the President of Mexico he then gets on the phone with the Australian Prime Minister and apparently hangs up on him.

It's all right here--including a video explanation of it all.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

There is something that is definitely mentally wrong with Trump, and it's clear the only thing that concerns him is his popularity within his base of support--(it's all about him.) Ratings and adoration--again his narcissistic personality comes into full view.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Rush Limbaugh one of Trumps biggest promoters-was cornered by a caller that was able to sneak onto his program--to admit something shocking.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Campaigning on a 1000-40' high wall that Mexico would pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sanders campaigning on a free college education for everyone. How STUPID are Americans today?
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Trump can hurt his supporters all he wants they'll tell themselves he was better than Hillary

I disagree simply for that supreme Court pick Trump got to make.

Well child, keeping the bitch out of the WH and that Supreme Court pick were my two primary reasons for voting for him.


I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.


But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare
In this transcript with Trump & Enrique Pena Nieto (President of Mexico)--we see the ramblings of a mad-man (Donald Trump.)

"The Washington Post has obtained transcripts of two conversations President Trump had with foreign leaders: one with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and another with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The transcripts were prepared by the White House but have not been released. The Post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources. The reproductions below also include minor spelling and grammatical mistakes that appeared in the documents."
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

Here are just a few of the exerpts--the rest is wandering unbeliveable physco babble. Somehow he thinks he won New Hamshire--he talks about the size of his rallies, and how popular he was, and is now only concerned with his supporters approval of him--so he has worked out a plan to keep it. Then he goes into tariffs, and border taxes that he brags he has the authority to do alone--which he doesn't have that authority without congressional approval. This is mad man physco babble.

Regarding the Wall:
1. Trump says: Believe it or not, (The WALL) this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important thing to talk about. "We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out.
2. Trump--I think the most popular thing for "me" would just to put a tariff on the border.
3. Nieto--This is what I suggest, Mr. President – let us stop talking about the wall. I have recognized the right of any government to protect its borders as it deems necessary and convenient. But my position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico will not pay for that wall. Trump in response: But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that.

After he calls the President of Mexico he then gets on the phone with the Australian Prime Minister and apparently hangs up on him.

It's all right here--including a video explanation of it all.
‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia

There is something that is definitely mentally wrong with Trump, and it's clear the only thing that concerns him is his popularity within his base of support--(it's all about him.) Ratings and adoration--again his narcissistic personality comes into full view.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Rush Limbaugh one of Trumps biggest promoters-was cornered by a caller that was able to sneak onto his program--to admit something shocking.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Campaigning on a 1000-40' high wall that Mexico would pay for was about as realistic as Bernie Sanders campaigning on a free college education for everyone. How STUPID are Americans today?
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Trump can hurt his supporters all he wants they'll tell themselves he was better than Hillary

I disagree simply for that supreme Court pick Trump got to make.

Well child, keeping the bitch out of the WH and that Supreme Court pick were my two primary reasons for voting for him.


I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.


But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

This conversation occurred during Trump's first week as president.

Thankfully several wall prototypes are under consideration. Mexico paying for the wall is easy. Just tax remittances. That's more than enough to pay for the wall.
This conversation occurred during Trump's first week as president.

Thankfully several wall prototypes are under consideration. Mexico paying for the wall is easy. Just tax remittances. That's more than enough to pay for the wall.
Oh yeah? Why hasn't Trump implemented such a policy?
Trump can hurt his supporters all he wants they'll tell themselves he was better than Hillary

I disagree simply for that supreme Court pick Trump got to make.

Well child, keeping the bitch out of the WH and that Supreme Court pick were my two primary reasons for voting for him.

I know. You guys were more passionate about wanting a con than the masses were for having it be a liberal. I was shocked.

Hillary and the DNC did a horrible job explaining how important that pick was and all the decisions that will now all go the cons way. Citizens united, abortion, etc. Oh well.

I don't think America is as conservative as the court

I think they are even more so with the exceptions of CA and NY and they have a majority of extremest. Thank God they were held in check at least for this cycle.

But will their kids be as conservative? If it works they will. Let's see.

Young kids have it tougher than we did. A guy could support a family right out of highschool. College was affordable and so was healthcare. And we used to get good interest on savings. And pensions. Hope they don't make major cuts to social security and Medicare

So far parents in middle America have been able to neutralize the regressive government halls of indoctrination. And the kids are informed as to why thing are the way they are today and what party is responsible.

They will see for themselves same way we learned Reaganomics didn't work.

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