Trump really should have taken a Civic's class. Executive orders go up in flames

Ten years from now, you'll be explaining what a big Hillary fan you were way back in 2016.
Trump could never be THAT bad. Hillary should never have had her name on the ballots on election day. Being under multiple FBI investigations days out from the election, she should have been FORCED OUT of the election. That is EXACTLY what Democrats would have done to a GOP candidate had they been in the same situation.
WOW! 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders from Obama! Really? I haven't heard it was that high. OH MY!!

Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.
There never were 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders Obama signed. The poster who claimed that was a misled fool. What's your fucking excuse Easy, just plain stupidity and ignorance or something more insidious and disgusting? Taking things totally out of context and twisting them is one of your dishonest specialties, so maybe the latter fits you better than the former.
Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.
Not when it's over a period of over 400 weeks to amass that many, vs Trump doing it in 8 weeks.
AGAIN - Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.

A violation of the Constitution - even just ONE - is extremely serious. It is a crime .Even when called out on your ignorant comment you still attempt to justify Obama violating the Constitution.
WOW! 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders from Obama! Really? I haven't heard it was that high. OH MY!!

Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.
There never were 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders Obama signed. The poster who claimed that was a misled fool. What's your fucking excuse Easy, just plain stupidity and ignorance or something more insidious and disgusting? Taking things totally out of context and twisting them is one of your dishonest specialties, so maybe the latter fits you better than the former.
Obama repeatedly violated the Constitution throughout his time in office. I am not the one who - even as demonstrated - NOW - made excuses for him doing so and continues to do so.
So. lemme get this straight. Obama's EO's were OK, but Trumps that just reversed them are bad.
WOW! 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders from Obama! Really? I haven't heard it was that high. OH MY!!

Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.
There never were 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders Obama signed. The poster who claimed that was a misled fool. What's your fucking excuse Easy, just plain stupidity and ignorance or something more insidious and disgusting? Taking things totally out of context and twisting them is one of your dishonest specialties, so maybe the latter fits you better than the former.
Obama repeatedly violated the Constitution throughout his time in office. I am not the one who - even as demonstrated - NOW - made excuses for him doing so and continues to do so.
I can say the damn Moon is made of green cheese, too. Is the moon made of cheese, you piece of duplicitous shit? You've claimed Obama violated the Constitution over and over. But all you've ever really done is repeat the propaganda spew of the far right. You're just a fucking parrot Easy, and a useful idiot! Polly want a cracker, Bird Boi?
So. lemme get this straight. Obama's EO's were OK, but Trumps that just reversed them are bad.
They are what they are. Each and every one of them should be individually evaluated on their purpose, merits and defects...OBJECTIVELY, and certainly not through a partisan and jaundiced lens.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.
I can say the damn Moon is made of green cheese, too. Is the moon made of cheese, you piece of duplicitous shit? You've claimed Obama violated the Constitution over and over. But all you've ever really done is repeat the propaganda spew of the far right. You're just a fucking parrot Easy, and a useful idiot! Polly want a cracker, Bird Boi?
Not only are you STUPID, TC, you are a LIAR. I have repeatedly posted links, reports, and evidence to back up what I have claimed. 'We' have covered THIS very issue over and over, in fact, and I have posted evidence to support what I have said. I no longer do it every time because of having to do so SO many times to counter snowflakes in denial's opinions.

Obama drug the US, for example, into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional WARS.

He entered the United States into an ILLEGAL, UN-Constitutional PERSONAL TREATY with Iran. You snowflakes can call it a 'deal' all you want to but anyone with any integrity and Intelligence knows it is an illegal TREATY. He by-passed Congress to enter into it then by-passed Congress again by taking it straight to the UN to get it ratified before letting Congress see it.

These are only 2 of the cases.

Partisan snowflakes who WORSHIP the Democratic Party and Obama, like you do, will NEVER admit to their wrong-doing.

I bet you're one of the dumbasses who claim Hillary did nothing illegal regarding her e-mail scandal...DESPITE FBI Director Comey testifying before Congress under oath that Hillary DID in fact grant individuals who had no security clearance access to highly classified information. THIS IS A CRIME, also acknowledged b Comey. snowflakes, however, will ignorantly continue to profess tha tshe engaged in no illegal activity until their dying day.

Again, thank you for demonstrating your blind, partisan, delusional BULLSHIT!

To little to late for Obama, you should have posted that the eight years of Obama! Silly far left drones!

Did you completely miss the point of the content found at the link? I think you did given that you posted the remarks you have in response to that content.
  • What does what Obama did have to do with the content at the link I shared?
  • What does Obama's approach to executive orders have to do with how any other President used or uses them?
Why is Trumps ? As for what past presidents did withe EO's being important, that's because what they signed kind of sets a standard for what gets signed now and in the future.

Yes, well, plenty of past POTUS' EOs (and their "siblings" presidential memoranda and presidential proclamations) have ranged from merely bold to brazen and impudent. What's the difference between the genres of EO? How the court rules on them and/or whether Congress overturns them, thus whether they remain in force for the remainder of given POTUS' term(s). Whether directly or indirectly, all of them constitute a presidential "power grab" of sorts. Here are some examples of EOs that were particularly audacious. Some have persisted and some have not
  • Executive Order 11905: United States Foreign Intelligence Activities -- promulgated in the wake of the CIA and FBI scandals of the 1960s and 1970s, as numerous Congressional committees criticized intelligence agencies, this EO:
    • Established policies to improve the quality of intelligence provided by the intelligence community
    • Set out the responsibilities of Intelligence Community members
    • Established comprehensive Executive Branch oversight mechanisms for the first time.
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Executive Order 9981 -- Ended segregation in the U.S. military
  • Executive Order 11130 -- Clearly, as shown by this EO, if Trump were truly of a mind to "get to the bottom" of "Russia-gate," and, as a good CEO would, effect the efficient coordination of multiple disparate groups working on the same thing, he could fire off an executive order to make that happen. That would make sense to do because the investigative process into "Russia-gate" is going to happen. It makes more sense -- rationally as a matter unto itself, and politically -- get "in front of the thing" and be part of the "solution" rather than cumber it and be part of the "problem."
  • Executive Order 13233 - Constrained access to presidential papers
  • Executive Order 6102 -- Secured gold so the Federal government could legally print the money needed to effect "New Deal" policies that helped overcome the impact of the Great Depression. [1]
  • Executive Order 7034 -- The "New Deal" itself, more specifically the WPA, was also an executive order. insofar as EO 7034 established the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a massive new government agency designed to put the millions of people rendered unemployed by the Great Depression back to work. In the eight years it existed, the WPA created eight million jobs, with its workers building over 600,000 miles of roads, 125,000 bridges, 8,000 parks, and 850 airport landing fields. Much of the infrastructure built under the WPA is still in use. It also provided work for artists, musicians, and writers who beautified the country and created public artwork to lift downtrodden spirits. The WPA was only closed down when war work led to nearly full employment.
  • Executive Order 10340 -- Nationalized the U.S. steel industry, which the POTUS argued, via radio address, was in the national interest. (Of course, the POTUS asserted it was in the national interest.)
  • Proclamation 4311 -- Pardoned Richard Nixon.
  • Executive Order 12148 -- Created the FEMA.
  • Suspension of habeas corpus
Some of those EOs "stood" and others did not. Given the broad scope of what past POTUSes have tried to do and/or done via executive orders, it's clear that their actions don't provide any useful guide to subsequent POTUSes on where be the limit of a president's discretionary authority to issue and enforce edicts.

  1. Nothing was more efficiently effective at ending the Depression than WWII, which like New Deal initiatives, was also a massive spending event on the part of the federal government. The difference is that New Deal program spending mostly had only domestic "customers" whereas WWII spending had foreign customers. Thus is illustrated as plainly as possible the impact of:
    1. a nation exploiting to the fullest its comparative advantage whereby it exports high value, highly demanded goods/services, and
    2. having a monopoly in the production and sale of goods/services that a materially large group of consumers must purchase or perish.
I can say the damn Moon is made of green cheese, too. Is the moon made of cheese, you piece of duplicitous shit? You've claimed Obama violated the Constitution over and over. But all you've ever really done is repeat the propaganda spew of the far right. You're just a fucking parrot Easy, and a useful idiot! Polly want a cracker, Bird Boi?
Not only are you STUPID, TC, you are a LIAR. I have repeatedly posted links, reports, and evidence to back up what I have claimed. 'We' have covered THIS very issue over and over, in fact, and I have posted evidence to support what I have said. I no longer do it every time because of having to do so SO many times to counter snowflakes in denial's opinions.

Obama drug the US, for example, into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional WARS.

He entered the United States into an ILLEGAL, UN-Constitutional PERSONAL TREATY with Iran. You snowflakes can call it a 'deal' all you want to but anyone with any integrity and Intelligence knows it is an illegal TREATY. He by-passed Congress to enter into it then by-passed Congress again by taking it straight to the UN to get it ratified before letting Congress see it.

These are only 2 of the cases.

Partisan snowflakes who WORSHIP the Democratic Party and Obama, like you do, will NEVER admit to their wrong-doing.

I bet you're one of the dumbasses who claim Hillary did nothing illegal regarding her e-mail scandal...DESPITE FBI Director Comey testifying before Congress under oath that Hillary DID in fact grant individuals who had no security clearance access to highly classified information. THIS IS A CRIME, also acknowledged b Comey. snowflakes, however, will ignorantly continue to profess tha tshe engaged in no illegal activity until their dying day.

Again, thank you for demonstrating your blind, partisan, delusional BULLSHIT!
Another shotgun blast of bullshit from you Easy without getting to the topic to which YOU responded; the alleged 13 Executive Orders Obama had declared unconstitutional by the Court. Where the fuck are those 13 unconstitutional EO's shit for brains? Why are you avoiding getting to the topic of the post to which you initially responded, you fucking, trolling dumbass? Fuck your propagandized talking points, Easy! Produce the EO numbers, Big Boi!
I can say the damn Moon is made of green cheese, too. Is the moon made of cheese, you piece of duplicitous shit? You've claimed Obama violated the Constitution over and over. But all you've ever really done is repeat the propaganda spew of the far right. You're just a fucking parrot Easy, and a useful idiot! Polly want a cracker, Bird Boi?
Not only are you STUPID, TC, you are a LIAR. I have repeatedly posted links, reports, and evidence to back up what I have claimed. 'We' have covered THIS very issue over and over, in fact, and I have posted evidence to support what I have said. I no longer do it every time because of having to do so SO many times to counter snowflakes in denial's opinions.

Obama drug the US, for example, into 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional WARS.

He entered the United States into an ILLEGAL, UN-Constitutional PERSONAL TREATY with Iran. You snowflakes can call it a 'deal' all you want to but anyone with any integrity and Intelligence knows it is an illegal TREATY. He by-passed Congress to enter into it then by-passed Congress again by taking it straight to the UN to get it ratified before letting Congress see it.

These are only 2 of the cases.

Partisan snowflakes who WORSHIP the Democratic Party and Obama, like you do, will NEVER admit to their wrong-doing.

I bet you're one of the dumbasses who claim Hillary did nothing illegal regarding her e-mail scandal...DESPITE FBI Director Comey testifying before Congress under oath that Hillary DID in fact grant individuals who had no security clearance access to highly classified information. THIS IS A CRIME, also acknowledged b Comey. snowflakes, however, will ignorantly continue to profess tha tshe engaged in no illegal activity until their dying day.

Again, thank you for demonstrating your blind, partisan, delusional BULLSHIT!
Another shotgun blast of bullshit from you Easy without getting to the topic to which YOU responded; the alleged 13 Executive Orders Obama had declared unconstitutional by the Court. Where the fuck are those 13 unconstitutional EO's shit for brains? Why are you avoiding getting to the topic of the post to which you initially responded, you fucking, trolling dumbass? Fuck your propagandized talking points, Easy! Produce the EO numbers, Big Boi!

Perhaps this is what he was talking about...I don't know but since you seem so frustrated... Obama Lost Supreme Court More Than Any Modern President
Civics class? Maybe lefties should take a history class. Too bad nobody was around to object when FDR issued the infamous executive order #9066 that ordered the incarceration of American citizens without due process or Harry Truman illegally sending Troops to Korea on an executive order.
Why are you avoiding getting to the topic of the post to which you initially responded, you fucking, trolling dumbass? Fuck your propagandized talking points, Easy! Produce the EO numbers, Big Boi!

Wow, what a profanity-laced 'triggered snowflake tirade. :p This is what you do when someone calls you on your bullshit and demands evidence from you instead of hate-filled, butt-hurt rants.

I have already addressed the topic and explained how it is more FAKE NEWS, biased snowflake opinion. The OP is more snowflake propaganda.

No Civics Class is required to understand liberals went out to the 'Land of Liberal Activist Judges' to find an Obama-appointed Liberal Activist Judge who got his position by BUYING it through bundling money for Obama.

A 1st year college student could also tell you how judge over-stepped his bounds as, according to the law, the case can not legally be heard and a ruling be given UNTIL the Federal Govt actually took action to cut funding for Sanctuary Cities. The 'act' for which the law suit was filed had not been taken yet. THIS point has been argued by several legal SMEs on MSNBC, CNN, and Fox.

Now, let's take a quick review of our two posts for comparison, shall we, snowflake? ONE of us spewed a profanity-laced, triggered fit while the OTHER discussed the topic, calmly, like an adult, giving sound, logical points based on discussions and points made by subject matter experts.

Why don't you collect yourself, put your out-of-control emotions in check, and try again.
Perhaps this is what he was talking about...I don't know but since you seem so frustrated...


Study: Obama Had Worst Record in Supreme Court in Modern History

"President Barack Obama had the worst record before the Supreme Court in modern history, losing half of the cases argued before the High Court in his two terms, according to a new study."

Obama's Abysmal Record Before the Supreme Court

As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.

Last edited:
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

His supporters got tired of winning right away and are now getting their fill of losing.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

His supporters got tired of winning right away and are now getting their fill of losing.

They need civics classes too.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

His supporters got tired of winning right away and are now getting their fill of losing.

They need civics classes too.

Oh they need an education no doubt about it. But these aren't the type of people that seek out knowledge. They pride themselves on ignorance.

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