Trump really should have taken a Civic's class. Executive orders go up in flames

As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

all of these new regulations? wasn't Mr. Trump supposed to, get us a two for one deal.
Liberals keep insisting that the actions taken by Liberal Activist Judges somehow proves Trump incompetence when the truth is it only exposes the divide between Conservative and liberal ideology.

Never has it been this evident before...and it is EVERYWHERE, not just in the courts.

Because Hillary / Democrats lost an election and was ousted from power, liberals engaged in violence, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, threats against citizens in an attempt to flip Electoral College Voters, calls for Impeachment before Trump had taken office, calls for military coups, and even calls for Trump's assassination.

To prevent Trump from winning Obama and his DHS attempted 14 times to hack into the Georgia and Indiana state election systems while trying to seize control of EVEY state election system....Hillary's campaign was exposed as funding groups that sent agitators to Trump rallies to physically attack Trump supporters...and just recently it was exposed by the Directors of the NSA and FBI that the previous administration and it's loyalists perpetrated the Felony crimes of Espionage by illegally leaking protected personal classified information in an attempt to undermine the newly elected government.

After the election was over and the Democrats had lost, the Party's leaders openly declared they were committing themselves to NOTHING except to OBSTRUCT every thing the new President attempts to do for the sole benefit of their PARTY rather than do what is best for their country.

Such open SEDITION has NEVER been seen before on this scale, demonstrating today's liberals have no tolerance and no desire to compromise, concede to the leaders elected by the people, and will do anything - ANYTHING - to get that power back.

As pointed out, the Judge in this case is yet another Liberal Activist Judge who was sought out because of his ideology and willingness to stop Trump's plans at all cost, even if it means protecting cities criminally breaking existing US law by harboring, aiding, and abetting violent, criminal illegals that are breaking our laws and preying on American citizens.

The actions of these judges do not reflect anything about Trump at all but instead mirrors / demonstrates the political ideological division in the nation right now.
Liberals keep insisting that the actions taken by Liberal Activist Judges somehow proves Trump incompetence when the truth is it only exposes the divide between Conservative and liberal ideology.

Never has it been this evident before...and it is EVERYWHERE, not just in the courts.

Because Hillary / Democrats lost an election and was ousted from power, liberals engaged in violence, destruction of property, looting, terrorism, threats against citizens in an attempt to flip Electoral College Voters, calls for Impeachment before Trump had taken office, calls for military coups, and even calls for Trump's assassination.

To prevent Trump from winning Obama and his DHS attempted 14 times to hack into the Georgia and Indiana state election systems while trying to seize control of EVEY state election system....Hillary's campaign was exposed as funding groups that sent agitators to Trump rallies to physically attack Trump supporters...and just recently it was exposed by the Directors of the NSA and FBI that the previous administration and it's loyalists perpetrated the Felony crimes of Espionage by illegally leaking protected personal classified information in an attempt to undermine the newly elected government.

After the election was over and the Democrats had lost, the Party's leaders openly declared they were committing themselves to NOTHING except to OBSTRUCT every thing the new President attempts to do for the sole benefit of their PARTY rather than do what is best for their country.

Such open SEDITION has NEVER been seen before on this scale, demonstrating today's liberals have no tolerance and no desire to compromise, concede to the leaders elected by the people, and will do anything - ANYTHING - to get that power back.

As pointed out, the Judge in this case is yet another Liberal Activist Judge who was sought out because of his ideology and willingness to stop Trump's plans at all cost, even if it means protecting cities criminally breaking existing US law by harboring, aiding, and abetting violent, criminal illegals that are breaking our laws and preying on American citizens.

The actions of these judges do not reflect anything about Trump at all but instead mirrors / demonstrates the political ideological division in the nation right now.

The executive order to overule Trump's travel ban came from a G.W. Bush appointee.
Bush-appointed judge halts Trump travel ban nationwide

There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

What is your point? Did Obama need one as well? He signed 276... sounds like Trump is a piker.
Why are you avoiding getting to the topic of the post to which you initially responded, you fucking, trolling dumbass? Fuck your propagandized talking points, Easy! Produce the EO numbers, Big Boi!

Wow, what a profanity-laced 'triggered snowflake tirade. :p This is what you do when someone calls you on your bullshit and demands evidence from you instead of hate-filled, butt-hurt rants.

I have already addressed the topic and explained how it is more FAKE NEWS, biased snowflake opinion. The OP is more snowflake propaganda.

No Civics Class is required to understand liberals went out to the 'Land of Liberal Activist Judges' to find an Obama-appointed Liberal Activist Judge who got his position by BUYING it through bundling money for Obama.

A 1st year college student could also tell you how judge over-stepped his bounds as, according to the law, the case can not legally be heard and a ruling be given UNTIL the Federal Govt actually took action to cut funding for Sanctuary Cities. The 'act' for which the law suit was filed had not been taken yet. THIS point has been argued by several legal SMEs on MSNBC, CNN, and Fox.

Now, let's take a quick review of our two posts for comparison, shall we, snowflake? ONE of us spewed a profanity-laced, triggered fit while the OTHER discussed the topic, calmly, like an adult, giving sound, logical points based on discussions and points made by subject matter experts.

Why don't you collect yourself, put your out-of-control emotions in check, and try again.
I accept your tacit admission of trolling Easy! But to your return to the thread's topic...
A 1st year college student could also tell you how judge over-stepped his bounds as, according to the law, the case can not legally be heard and a ruling be given UNTIL the Federal Govt actually took action to cut funding for Sanctuary Cities.
That MIGHT be true with other specifics thrown into the mix, but that's not a relevant particular in this case. You haven't read the decision have you, but of course that won't stop you from looking the fool as a know-it-all stepping on your tongue.

The following is from Section V. of the decision just above the conclusion:


The Government argues that, if an injunction is issued, it should be issued only with regards to the plaintiffs and should not apply nationwide. But where a law is unconstitutional on its face, and not simply in its application to certain plaintiffs, a nationwide injunction is appropriate. See Califano v. Yamasaki, 442 U.S. 682, 702 (1979) ("[T]he scope of injunctive relief is dictated by the extent of the violation established, not by the geographical extent of the plaintiff."); Washington, 847 F.3d at 1166-67 (affirming nationwide injunction against executive travel ban order). The Counties have demonstrated that they are likely to succeed on their claims that the Executive Order purports to wield powers exclusive to Congress, and violates the Tenth and Fifth Amendments. These constitutional violations are not limited to San Francisco or Santa Clara, but apply equally to all states and local jurisdictions. Given the nationwide scope of the Order, and its apparent constitutional flaws, a nationwide injunction is appropriate."
As any fool can read, the EO appears to be violative of the Separation of Powers doctrine, Amendment V and Amendment X. The non-appropriation of treasury assets, notwithstanding! Your talking points are foolish even to consider, given the scope of the decision. It's best to get informed before you shoot your mouth off, Easy! One would think you'd get that through you head after being embarrassed over and over again with the actual facts.
I accept your tacit admission of trolling Easy! But to your return to the thread's topic...

I admitted no such thing - I simply destroyed your argument. I also addressed the topic and destroyed its basis / argument. The accusers continue to provide no evidence. You lose.

Get back to me when Democrats provide any evidence and indict and / or impeach Trump. On 2nd thought, don't get back to me at all. Having proved you are a liar with no credibility and having no ability to provide the 1st shred of evidence, I am simply ignoring you from now on.
I accept your tacit admission of trolling Easy! But to your return to the thread's topic...

I admitted no such thing - I simply destroyed your argument. I also addressed the topic and destroyed its basis / argument. The accusers continue to provide no evidence. You lose.

Get back to me when Democrats provide any evidence and indict and / or impeach Trump. On 2nd thought, don't get back to me at all. Having proved you are a liar with no credibility and having no ability to provide the 1st shred of evidence, I am simply ignoring you from now on.
I see that WHITE FLAG waving! You're just a bloody damn phony, Easy. You tried to bullshit your way with fake news and when confronted with the facts of the Orange One's latest UNCONSITUTIONAL EXECUTIVE ORDER in the form of the actual decision, you crawl away with excuses waving your white skivvies you whimpering ass!

OH, and look up the definition of tacit, dummy!
Also the feds have statutory authority to withhold federal grants if the entity that request them is not in compliance with federal law..

Not unless that is specifically written into the law authorizing payments. You can't just take your ball and go home if you don't like the way the game is played. Saying they're in violation of the federal law is meaningless, because every state that legalized marijuana is in violation of federal law, and unless you propose to withhold federal funds from each of those states, you have a selective application violation.

Actually I'd have no problem withholding all federal funds from them and going in and seizing all the profits from these ongoing criminal enterprises, including taxes collected by the States.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.

Exactly, federal law supercedes local state law.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


Someone needs to learn the difference between federal grants programs and specific legislation. Grants are discretionary funds handed out by federal agencies, entities have to apply to receive them. There is nothing that says they must be granted.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.

Exactly, federal law supercedes local state law.

Seattle Washington has launched a law suit against Trump over this executive order. And their point is well made in this statement.

"Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law."
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

There is 'Enforcing Federal Law' then there is 'facilitating violation of Existing law - aiding and abetting criminals'. Liberals - Sanctuary Cities - are actively, defiantly violating Federal law, not refusing to enforce federal law.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


Someone needs to learn the difference between federal grants programs and specific legislation. Grants are discretionary funds handed out by federal agencies, entities have to apply to receive them. There is nothing that says they must be granted.

Discrimination also violates law. It would be very easy for these cities to launch a class action law suit against a Federal Government agency that was discriminating against a city--based on their personal preference--especially when there is no written legal definition of what a Sanctuary city is. I would hate for taxpayers to be put on the tab for that law suit.
Discrimination also violates law. It would be very easy for these cities to launch a class action law suit against a Federal Government agency that was discriminating against a city--based on their personal preference--especially when there is no written legal definition of what a Sanctuary city is. I would hate for taxpayers to be put on the tab for that law suit.
Ah, the snowflake tactic of claiming that illegals are criminals who have broken the law and continue to do so does not matter - it is all about discrimination / race. What BS!
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

As I said a few months ago, where is the criticism from the right about Trump's excessive use of Executive Orders? They sure shit their pants when Obama was doing it.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.

Exactly, federal law supercedes local state law.

Seattle Washington has launched a law suit against Trump over this executive order. And their point is well made in this statement.

"Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law."
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

Sanctuary cities are and have been violating federal law. That law is constitutional. This is a no go and reflects badly on how stupid the city of Seattle is on regards to constitutional law.
Trump didn't sign any Executive Order with regards to Sanctuary Cities and Federal Funding.

Why are snowflakes so fucking stupid?
Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

There is 'Enforcing Federal Law' then there is 'facilitating violation of Existing law - aiding and abetting criminals'. Liberals - Sanctuary Cities - are actively, defiantly violating Federal law, not refusing to enforce federal law.

Without a LEGAL written in stone DEFINITION--(written and voted into law by Congress) of what a Sanctuary city is and what isn't--there is no way to legally determine which ones are Sanctuary and which ones aren't. They would also have to make written in stone laws on what legal remedies or what they intend to do with "Sanctuary cities."

That's never been done. Again it's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket, for a violation that DOES NOT exist.

Futhermore, immigration is the sol responsibility of the Federal Government, and you cannot penalize others because they aren't doing their job. And that will be exactly how the courts look at this.

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