Trump really should have taken a Civic's class. Executive orders go up in flames

Trump will win 1 & 4 on appeal. The wall is not a dead issue. Some rules are being rolled back on maobamacare and waivers are being granted the previous administration refused. To my knowledge there was no EO on voter fraud, but NC did an audit and found 504 votes illegally cast. So the majority of your pathetic chest pounding will do you as much good as it did King Knog.

I don't know what you're watching but when Chuck Schumer comes out and states that he's happy that Trump threw the WALL in the can--and now they can move forward on the budget and avoid a shutdown--"what does that mean to you?"--LOL

Number 1 isn't going to make it, the Judges will believe it's just a 2.0 version of the 1st travel ban that they believe is really a Muslim ban.

The states have refused to do a recount, they like Missouri have laws that say if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount, and Trump can't force them to do one, unless he wants to use Federal Taxpayer dollars to pay for it, which again would require Congressional approval first.

So saying ol'what the fucky chucky wouldn't lie ? If you believe this you are a perfect excample of a slave to the political elite. Here are all half black Jesus's EO's.

13 times a friendly court to Bammer tossed his EO's. So by your logic, Bammer was a huge loser. Keep watching.

Those don't count!
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


Someone needs to learn the difference between federal grants programs and specific legislation. Grants are discretionary funds handed out by federal agencies, entities have to apply to receive them. There is nothing that says they must be granted.

Discrimination also violates law. It would be very easy for these cities to launch a class action law suit against a Federal Government agency that was discriminating against a city--based on their personal preference--especially when there is no written legal definition of what a Sanctuary city is. I would hate for taxpayers to be put on the tab for that law suit.

Doesn't matter. They're in violation of federal law. Has nothing to do with discrimination.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


Someone needs to learn the difference between federal grants programs and specific legislation. Grants are discretionary funds handed out by federal agencies, entities have to apply to receive them. There is nothing that says they must be granted.

Discrimination also violates law. It would be very easy for these cities to launch a class action law suit against a Federal Government agency that was discriminating against a city--based on their personal preference--especially when there is no written legal definition of what a Sanctuary city is. I would hate for taxpayers to be put on the tab for that law suit.

It's not discrimination if the applying entities aren't qualified to receive the grants. One of those qualifications is compliance with federal law.
Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

There is 'Enforcing Federal Law' then there is 'facilitating violation of Existing law - aiding and abetting criminals'. Liberals - Sanctuary Cities - are actively, defiantly violating Federal law, not refusing to enforce federal law.

Without a LEGAL written in stone DEFINITION--(written and voted into law by Congress) of what a Sanctuary city is and what isn't--there is no way to legally determine which ones are Sanctuary and which ones aren't. They would also have to make written in stone laws on what legal remedies or what they intend to do with "Sanctuary cities."

That's never been done. Again it's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket, for a violation that DOES NOT exist.

Futhermore, immigration is the sol responsibility of the Federal Government, and you cannot penalize others because they aren't doing their job. And that will be exactly how the courts look at this.

All that is needed is evidence that these cities are violating the Constitution, aiding and abetting criminal illegals who are preying on US citizens and stealing tax dollars from this country. Again, since the snowflake activist judge has temporarily blocked the measure the DOJ should send in Federal Marshals/ the FBI to begin arresting the Mayors and others who are aiding and abetting these criminals.
Didn't Obama threaten to pull Federal Funding from North Carolina if they didn't follow federal law?

That was ok, though...because it was Obama. Right?

Funny that snowflakes didn't cry about Federal overreach then.
On what date was this executive order signed?

Where is a link to the specific order itself?
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


I said, albeit obliquely in an attempt at humor, that both Trump and Obama tend to overplay their powers under the Constitution by acting without congress passing laws.
The difference is 13 eos over 8 years for Obama, vs half a dozen eo's over 8 weeks for Trump. Trump has to have set a record for illegal eo's in the first 100 days.

Obama issued 277 executive orders during his eight years in office.

Obama did most of his 'best' work when by-passing Congress. He was in office for over a year before ever meeting with Republicans. Even then he told them 'Elections have consequences' and that they can 'come along for the ride but have to get in the back of the bus'. What a prick! Of course, now that the snowflakes have been handed their asses with another historic loss they have no desire to take their own advice.

So was he the most? Don't think so.

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland
Trump is doing a fantastic job.

Lefties in full meltdown and slavering attack mode.
WOW! 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders from Obama! Really? I haven't heard it was that high. OH MY!!

Thanks for demonstrating part of the twisted problem with snowflakes - THEIR President VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION is no big deal to them - it's a joke.
There never were 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders Obama signed. The poster who claimed that was a misled fool. What's your fucking excuse Easy, just plain stupidity and ignorance or something more insidious and disgusting? Taking things totally out of context and twisting them is one of your dishonest specialties, so maybe the latter fits you better than the former.

He figures if Fox news can spew FAKE NEWS he can to.
Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

There is 'Enforcing Federal Law' then there is 'facilitating violation of Existing law - aiding and abetting criminals'. Liberals - Sanctuary Cities - are actively, defiantly violating Federal law, not refusing to enforce federal law.

Without a LEGAL written in stone DEFINITION--(written and voted into law by Congress) of what a Sanctuary city is and what isn't--there is no way to legally determine which ones are Sanctuary and which ones aren't. They would also have to make written in stone laws on what legal remedies or what they intend to do with "Sanctuary cities."

That's never been done. Again it's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket, for a violation that DOES NOT exist.

Futhermore, immigration is the sol responsibility of the Federal Government, and you cannot penalize others because they aren't doing their job. And that will be exactly how the courts look at this.

Funny, if we didn't exact a 55 MPH speed limit, fed funding was withheld. Same with 21 drinking age.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


I said, albeit obliquely in an attempt at humor, that both Trump and Obama tend to overplay their powers under the Constitution by acting without congress passing laws.

I dont consider that humorous. Both did and do.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


I said, albeit obliquely in an attempt at humor, that both Trump and Obama tend to overplay their powers under the Constitution by acting without congress passing laws.

I dont consider that humorous. Both did and do.

Well, ironic if not humorous.
Immigration is the ultimate responsibility of the Federal Government--so via Trump's executive order on Sanctuary cities--(a law that doesn't exist---as Sanctuary City is not defined by any law)--it is the equivalent of you getting fined for the mess your neighbor has refused to clean up in his yard.

There is 'Enforcing Federal Law' then there is 'facilitating violation of Existing law - aiding and abetting criminals'. Liberals - Sanctuary Cities - are actively, defiantly violating Federal law, not refusing to enforce federal law.

Without a LEGAL written in stone DEFINITION--(written and voted into law by Congress) of what a Sanctuary city is and what isn't--there is no way to legally determine which ones are Sanctuary and which ones aren't. They would also have to make written in stone laws on what legal remedies or what they intend to do with "Sanctuary cities."

That's never been done. Again it's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket, for a violation that DOES NOT exist.

Futhermore, immigration is the sol responsibility of the Federal Government, and you cannot penalize others because they aren't doing their job. And that will be exactly how the courts look at this.

Funny, if we didn't exact a 55 MPH speed limit, fed funding was withheld. Same with 21 drinking age.

You're talking about FEDERAL highway funding. Where there were current laws regarding speed limits on Federal Highways. So if a state said no we want a 60 mile an hour on your Federally funded highway--they had every right to say if you allow someone under the age of 21 to drink in your state we will not maintain those roads, your state can take care of them.

Again the issue is--that CONGRESS has not legally defined what a Sanctuary City is. Until there is a definition, & laws written by Congress--there is no LEGAL way to determine which ones are Sanctuary and which ones aren't. Leaving the decision up to an arbitrary conclusion that anyone in office could make--and one that would never stand up in a court of law.
13 times a friendly court to Bammer tossed his EO's.
WOW! 13 unconstitutional Executive Orders from Obama! Really? I haven't heard it was that high. OH MY!!

If the Courts put thumbs down to 13 EO's, it should be a piece of cake to list five of them so would you be so very kind to post just five of the most offending EO's. I'll give you a hand with your search.

Below is the Addy for the Executive Order Disposition Tables maintained by the National Archives for ALL of Obama's Executive Orders which have been published in the Federal Register. You probably won't need it because you already KNOW those 13 EO's, but just in case.... Happy Hunting there Tiger!

~~ Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables ~~

The difference is 13 eos over 8 years for Obama, vs half a dozen eo's over 8 weeks for Trump. Trump has to have set a record for illegal eo's in the first 100 days.

As was pointed out, friendly judges in the most overturned court in America. Not worried because in the end as years go by all Barry O will be remembered for is being the first Half black presidant.
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

So did Obama's. Amazing what happens when a potus can't get his stuff through congress.

It doesn't matter. Trump doesn't seem to understand that it is congress that holds the purse strings in this country--so it will be they that determines if they're going to spend any money for a WALL. Apparently you didn't understand that either.

Executive order to defund Sancturary Cities flopped. Why? Congress has never written a law to define Sanctuary city. If there is no approved congressional LEGAL definition there is no way to determine which cities are sanctuary and which ones aren't. Then there is this. The President's duty is to execute and enforce the laws created by Congress -- all the laws, not just the ones he picks and chooses. So if Congress decides cities will get X dollars for schools, urban development, whatever, he can't hold it back to fulfill his personal agenda. Doing so is a breach of his oath of office, and technically therefore, impeachable." Seattle Washington is suing Donald Trump over this one.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The Muslim aka Travel ban would have made if he hadn't continually campaigned on it, and referred to it as a Muslim Ban. If Rudi Guiliani hadn't gone on FOX News after he helped write it and referred to it as a Muslim Ban.
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

Obamacare--we all know what happened with that one. A new health care bill they wrote in 2 weeks that Republicans wouldn't even vote for. John Boehner stated months ago that Republicans would never come up with a health care bill to replace Obamacare.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

Republicans are looking extremely incompetent right now. They campaigned incessantly about these topics and have received an F for their leadership and ability to get anything done.

With this ass clown at the helm, it's the blind leading the inept.


Someone needs to learn the difference between federal grants programs and specific legislation. Grants are discretionary funds handed out by federal agencies, entities have to apply to receive them. There is nothing that says they must be granted.

Discrimination also violates law. It would be very easy for these cities to launch a class action law suit against a Federal Government agency that was discriminating against a city--based on their personal preference--especially when there is no written legal definition of what a Sanctuary city is. I would hate for taxpayers to be put on the tab for that law suit.

Doesn't matter. They're in violation of federal law. Has nothing to do with discrimination.

Why do we bother debating the meaning of the Constitution? It clearly is meaningless today, thanks to the ruling class.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.
10USC311 is also, federal law; need sanctuary, gun lovers?
Also the feds have statutory authority to withhold federal grants if the entity that request them is not in compliance with federal law..

Not unless that is specifically written into the law authorizing payments. You can't just take your ball and go home if you don't like the way the game is played. Saying they're in violation of the federal law is meaningless, because every state that legalized marijuana is in violation of federal law, and unless you propose to withhold federal funds from each of those states, you have a selective application violation.

Actually I'd have no problem withholding all federal funds from them and going in and seizing all the profits from these ongoing criminal enterprises, including taxes collected by the States.
You national socialist, you.
There is NO LAW defining Sanctuary cities. It's the equivalent of someone writing you a ticket when no such law exists for that violation.
No law is required. Any city giving sanctuary to illegals - law breakers, violent non-Americans that prey on US citizens - in direct violation of US Federal Law is a 'Sanctuary City'. It's common sense....which snowflakes / liberals don't have.

Exactly, federal law supercedes local state law.
Means nothing; the States have their own police power.

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