Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"
Every time President Trump tries to do something, either Congress or some activist Judge blocks him. Got a problem see those twits.
London isn't English anymore, bub.

You're 100% right! They are little or no different from New York today. London elected a Muslim mayor and now their crime and murders are exploding.

London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

My far left Progressive friends would tell us that this is impossible since England, specifically London have such great gun laws.

Disarmed Britain: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in Four Counties
Gun crime has hit a ten-year high in the English counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, and West Yorkshire, despite strict gun control laws.
UK: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in 4 Counties
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :

What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:

Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.

And performance art as well. How thoughtful!

And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.
Oh, dear, doll. This Republican became one in 1962-3 because she was sick and tired of the Democrats' racism, in spite of President Kennedy trying to show them the way out. The Democrats were still using KKK tactics to keep out the votes. I remember it, because I got stood up from a date in Mississippi because all the boys in the Democrat community went out to shanty town to "discourage" the black vote so they could keep all the power in their state in the Democrat Party. It was my lucky day, because the next day we hopped back in the wagon to go home to Texas without me getting married off to a murderous racemonger. You can be better damn sure I decided right then and there I'd never be a racist nor a Democrat racist who holds his race card close to the chest these days. :muahaha:

Some of us are old enough to remember the day. Too bad on modern Democrats who think they are the rising sun in race relations. Sorry, I reserve to have my opinion based on real-life experience up close and personal. And I have the freedom to love everybody who loves the American constitution.

Great post....enjoyed it. Yep....the DUMS cant get away from their racist roots.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost

Saw this tweet from Bette Midler:

Trump said he was greeted by thousands in the UK, but they were actually thousands of protesters. How does he always hear the opposite of the truth? Donald, if you’re reading this you SHOULD NOT slam your dick in a door!
London isn't English anymore, bub.

You're 100% right! They are little or no different from New York today. London elected a Muslim mayor and now their crime and murders are exploding.

London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

My far left Progressive friends would tell us that this is impossible since England, specifically London have such great gun laws.

Disarmed Britain: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in Four Counties
Gun crime has hit a ten-year high in the English counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, and West Yorkshire, despite strict gun control laws.
UK: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in 4 Counties
Maybe the Brits will go house to house and confiscate all the parts that go into a weapon. Take away screws, handles, pipes, pretty soon the Brits wont have anything.
London isn't English anymore, bub.

You're 100% right! They are little or no different from New York today. London elected a Muslim mayor and now their crime and murders are exploding.

London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

My far left Progressive friends would tell us that this is impossible since England, specifically London have such great gun laws.

Disarmed Britain: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in Four Counties
Gun crime has hit a ten-year high in the English counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, and West Yorkshire, despite strict gun control laws.
UK: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in 4 Counties

Yep.....the savages know the public is defenseless.



I thought many of the signs were so loving and warm and very inventive.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost

Saw this tweet from Bette Midler:

Trump said he was greeted by thousands in the UK, but they were actually thousands of protesters. How does he always hear the opposite of the truth? Donald, if you’re reading this you SHOULD NOT slam your dick in a door!


Nobody cares about this. Every Republican American president since Reagan had to deal with this. The k00k left always comes out for these visits but what we have to remember is the numbers are very few.... just about every single one is out there.
Are you guys f•••ing serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame [sic] fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.



In fact, they love Trump so much, they’re projecting images onto the sides of Big Ben and other buildings in London.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.

If millions of people can forgive Clinton enough to vote for and support her,
despite the awful ugly things about her all over the media true or false,
then if millions of people can forgive Trump and thinks he's the greatest,
that just comes out even.

We just don't agree in each other's taste in people to forgive.
Neither side can stand OR understand the other.

If we can grasp that the other side is just as FLABBERGASTED and DISGUSTED
while we can look past what they can't stand in Clinton or Trump,
then we can at least see that it's mutual.

if you want to understand how the other half feels,
imagine swapping Clinton and Trump. Now imagine
asking YOU to swap your feelings around the other way.

If your outrage over Trump is beyond tolerating him in office as a total travesty,
THAT'S how people feel about Clinton. If you absolutely would call for Mutiny
if Clinton had been elected, and disgusted every day from that point on,
no matter what good or bad came out of that administration, THAT'S how
people feel about Trump.

As for racism, both Obama and Trump bring these longstanding suppressed issues out of people.
It's not them directly, but they are used as foils or a catalyst,
and whatever rage people suppress about past racial issues,
it all comes out and these figureheads are the targets to voice and vent all
the rage over past injustice and political garbage from any number of sources.

They are just the targets, like piñata's taking the hits.
But these problems are all over the place, and not generated by either Obama or Trump
who just incite people by triggering the hot buttons because of unresolved garbage already out there!
We just don't agree in each other's taste in people to forgive.
Neither side can stand OR understand the other.
the liberal side wants to fundamentally transform America into the 3rd world shithole, as Obama tried for 8 fucking years that we had to put up with. yet you say we on the right dont agree with their tastes, no fucking shit. Maybe you spineless fuckers want to live like a Venezuelan but I sure the fuck dont. There is no middle, the liberals/Progs will kill everyone if they get the NWO, you can play nice with them, but like a Muslim, the liberal will stab you in the back and smile doing it..
BFD it doesn't change the fact Trump is still President no matter how much the far left assholes in London here in American or even on this board don't like it.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost

Saw this tweet from Bette Midler:

Trump said he was greeted by thousands in the UK, but they were actually thousands of protesters. How does he always hear the opposite of the truth? Donald, if you’re reading this you SHOULD NOT slam your dick in a door!


Nobody cares about this. Every Republican American president since Reagan had to deal with this. The k00k left always comes out for these visits but what we have to remember is the numbers are very few.... just about every single one is out there.
Actually, when Reagan said tear down this wall and stood up to Russia, they were very proud of him in Europe.
It’s an iconic moment for the United States.
Now Republicans want to build walls in this country and have made Russia America’s only friend in the world.
To me, Trump looks like he’s terrified.
Just about everyone he went into office with has quit, been fired, is in prison, waiting to be sentenced, or waiting for trial.


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