Trump Recieves a Warm and Loving Reception in London

And of course, the left mob never passes up a chance to be violent:

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London
To the right wing, a milkshake is terrible violence.


Lol.... but nobody cares about a white terrorism threat!! Only the far left Nutters:113::113:

s0n.... might as well be standing naked on a bar stool in the middle of Siberia screaming "fire"
And of course, the left mob never passes up a chance to be violent:

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London
To the right wing, a milkshake is terrible violence.


You're the typical self-hating white Uncle Tom.

I feel sorry for you Dean.
Don’t feel sorry for me. I live in a blue state. Feel sorry for the millions of poor right wingers that are screwed over by the Republican Party who live in Appalachia.

Invite them up to your state then Dean if you really feel bad for them and want them to suck off your tax dollars.

Just make sure you get out of that Blue state when you retire and are living on a more fixed income.
And of course, the left mob never passes up a chance to be violent:

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London

'Nazi scum': Protesters mob, 'milkshake' Trump supporter in London
To the right wing, a milkshake is terrible violence.


You're the typical self-hating white Uncle Tom.

I feel sorry for you Dean.
Don’t feel sorry for me. I live in a blue state. Feel sorry for the millions of poor right wingers that are screwed over by the Republican Party who live in Appalachia.

Invite them up to your state then Dean if you really feel bad for them and want them to suck off your tax dollars.

Just make sure you get out of that Blue state when you retire and are living on a more fixed income.

Yep.... these progressives have the political IQ of a small soap dish. Its fascinating but they fail to comprehend that their shit resonates in a handful a places in the country only. Outside of community message boards their shit resonates with nobody.....

The people in England who showed up to protest Trump represent a sliver of the population.:cul2::cul2::cul2::deal:
Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.
Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

In a town that Trump claimed he was going to bring an end to the violence in. What has he done? Not a damn thing.

Trump went on to say that when he was in Chicago once he met some "very top police" who assured him they could stop the violence in one week. "And I believed him 100 percent," Trump said. "Tough police tactics," (though he didn't explain what he meant by that exactly), Trump said, would get the job done. When O'Reilly countered that a police officer doesn't have the authority to just beat people up and arrest them without cause, Trump doubled down.

"I could see by the way [this unspecified 'top cop'] was dealing with his people, he was a rough, tough guy. They respected him greatly," he said. "I said, 'How do you think you do it?' He said, 'Mr. Trump, within one week, we could stop much of this horror show that's going on.'"
Every time President Trump tries to do something, either Congress or some activist Judge blocks him. Got a problem see those twits.

That is what they are suppose to do when he tries to do dumb shit.



I thought many of the signs were so loving and warm and very inventive.

"Fight For A Socialists Future"

That say's it all, the left are such needy people. They need mommy to wipe their asses and tuck them in at night.
I just wish the government would stop the flow of money from blue states to ridiculous red states who are suffering from 150 years of lousy and failed conservative economic policies.
They would still be using outhouses if not for the blue states
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
52 black people get shot this weekend in a town in America run by democrats for 70 years and you say trump is racist lol.. your so dumb

The OP and those like him dont give a wit about what's happening to blacks in Chicago. Fucks their whole narrative to engage the mind on that so its avoided at all costs.....ghey.

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.
He offered they said no and called him racist.. now enjoy voting for democrats lol

I know Trump lies all the time, but do Trump Humpers really have to lie as well.

Donald J. Trump

If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!

10:25 PM - Jan 24, 2017

He didn't offer, he made an ultimatum. It hasn't stopped and what has he done? NOT A DAMN THING.
All talk, no action

Chicago is Trumps fault
Who give a squirt of piss what those cucks think of POTUS?

Didn’t we best their asses in a war a few hundred years ago and told them to fuck off?

Bullocks to the protestors, no one gives a shit except for political shithead hacks trying to damage Trump politically.
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!


Wow that is scary, but what do you think about this?

Here are the most dangerous states in America for 2019:
  1. New Mexico
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. Arkansas
  5. Tennessee
  6. South Carolina
  7. Alabama
  8. Arizona
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Missouri
How many of those states are run by Republican Governors and majority Republican State Houses?
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Deflection because most gun deaths are suicides. And most of them are right wingers killing themselves. And 3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right.
Every time you point a finger, there’s three pointing back at you.
3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right. I call bullshit. Link please.
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Deflection because most gun deaths are suicides. And most of them are right wingers killing themselves. And 3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right.
Every time you point a finger, there’s three pointing back at you.
3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right. I call bullshit. Link please.

You can call anything you want, but you know it's true.
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!


Wow that is scary, but what do you think about this?

Here are the most dangerous states in America for 2019:
  1. New Mexico
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. Arkansas
  5. Tennessee
  6. South Carolina
  7. Alabama
  8. Arizona
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Missouri
How many of those states are run by Republican Governors and majority Republican State Houses?
cities and their managers are more significant.
When you say dangerous what are you counting? Frost bite?
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!


Wow that is scary, but what do you think about this?

Here are the most dangerous states in America for 2019:
  1. New Mexico
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. Arkansas
  5. Tennessee
  6. South Carolina
  7. Alabama
  8. Arizona
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Missouri
How many of those states are run by Republican Governors and majority Republican State Houses?
cities and their managers are more significant.
When you say dangerous what are you counting? Frost bite?

Come on Trump Humper, Trump said he could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. It's been 2.5yrs and nothing.

Yes, Donald Trump could stop the violence in Chicago in a week. Obviously, that is not true for the former Mayor Rahm Emmanuel nor probably their new Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

As you know, President Donald Trump has eliminated the ISIS Caliphate in two years. Something failed former President Barack Hussein Obama could not do. Did he try?

Wow! Look at the crowd!! More people attended this historic event that attended his inauguration! Fantastic here are some selected photos :


What a crowd! Lets have a closer look at what these people had to say:


Ouch! That's gotta hurt, or at least it would if you're not Trump. For his part, he probobly takes this as a compliment and something that will surely inspire his base.


And performance art as well. How thoughtful!


And of course there is the petulant, snarling man child balloons . See the whole collection of photos documenting the crowd adulation here:


The Best Photos From The Anti-Donald Trump Protest In London | HuffPost


Name one thing he has actually done to justify this nonsense.
Are you guys fucking serious. He is a racist, misogynist pig, he is destroying the economy and the environment . He is alienating important defense of economic allies, he is an embarrassment. ! The dame fool insulted the mayor of London in a tweet just before landing. If you can't see that he is a dangerous combination of stupid and crazy, you are hopelessly brain washed. Or, brain dead. Worse, you might think those are all good things.
Tissue and a tampon change perhaps.
London isn't English anymore, bub.

You're 100% right! They are little or no different from New York today. London elected a Muslim mayor and now their crime and murders are exploding.

London murder rate 2019 – how many murders have there been this year so far & which city has the world’s highest murder rate?

My far left Progressive friends would tell us that this is impossible since England, specifically London have such great gun laws.

Disarmed Britain: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in Four Counties
Gun crime has hit a ten-year high in the English counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, and West Yorkshire, despite strict gun control laws.
UK: Illegal Gun Factory Arrests, Gun Crime at 10-year High in 4 Counties

Globalism sacrifices culture to the Prog God.
The left are such classless assholes.
Because Trump has so much class?

Yes, unlike failed former President Barack Hussein Obama and the First Lady who screwed the pooch at his State Dinner and Michelle who mauled the Queen. They were too sophisticated to take advice and listen to the Office of Protocol in the Whitehouse.
Absolutely! I already said that Americans will see that America's standing in the world is being diminished by this ignorant lout and all of those who claim to love their country should care.
Our global presence has deteriorated

Nah. Our military is stronger than ever. That’s all that matters
It matters if Trump thinks he can build a military alliance

Obama did

Obama did build up ISIS, that's true

It all makes perfect sense.
“In fact, in many respects, you know they honour President Obama, Isis is honouring President Obama. He is the founder of Isis. He is the founder of Isis. He’s the founder. He founded Isis.

“And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton. Co-founder. Crooked Hillary Clinton.”

Blowback: How ISIS Was Created by the U.S. Invasion of Iraq

Had it not been for Bush’s catastrophic decision to invade and occupy Iraq in 2003, in defiance of international law, the world’s most feared terrorist group would not exist today. ISIS is blowback.

Republicans even try to blame Obama for the terrible job done after Katrina.

Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for Katrina

I know many Republicans even blame Obama for the 2008 recession even when Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009.

It cracks me up Republicans could be so stupid.

just pitiful.

And they get so upset when we make fun of them. They complain that some people call them stupid. But what else CAN you call it?
More excuses, he didn't claim he was going to ask Rahm. He said what he was going to do and hasn't done shit.

Good to see you are stepping up and admitting that Democrats, leading large cities, leads to a crime-riddled city. Gosh, I am shocked, SHOCKED I SAY!

Deflection because most gun deaths are suicides. And most of them are right wingers killing themselves. And 3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right.
Every time you point a finger, there’s three pointing back at you.
3/4 of terrorist attacks come from the right. I call bullshit. Link please.

OK, I was off one percentage point. So sue me.

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