Trump Releases Video Featuring Bill Clinton Rape Accusers

can you imagine a Hillary spread in Playboy? or Mooshelle? The mental images make my stomach turn.
Then he should be the democrat spokesman. That kind of activity is praised by liberals.
Trump is already the leader of the GOP...
Dennis Hastert a Historical Figure for the GOP as he was the Longest Serving Speaker in History for the GOP...turned out to be a child FORNICATOR and must be quite proud ........He would without mercy sodomize young vulnerable students..........
Bill rode on the orgy express 26 times. Which underage girls were involved. You love him, so Clinton is a child rapist in your view, right?
Donald Trump Accused of Brutally Raping Woman
Dennis Hastert a Historical Figure for the GOP as he was the Longest Serving Speaker in History for the GOP...turned out to be a child FORNICATOR and must be quite proud ........He would without mercy sodomize young vulnerable students..........
Wait a minute lets go over this one more accused rapist, Donald Trump, is going to morally shame Hillary Clinton who has never ever been accused of rape ? How is that going to work ...LOL
Recycling faux scandals from the nineties? Bill Clinton ended the nineties with a 65% approval rating.

But these women need to be heard, need to be believed.

The only difference between them and Monica is they don't have a blue dress to prove that Clinton is a serial sex offender and a liar.
Recycling faux scandals from the nineties? Bill Clinton ended the nineties with a 65% approval rating.
Different world today, political correctness will bite you in the ass, on this subject. Also why do you hate women? Remember Hillary said all victims should be heard.

True, but PC only appears to go one way. The left will try and use Trump's wife against him meanwhile saying Bill Clinton is off limits.
Hmmm...kind of an underwhelming would have been better to show Hillary's face and used audio of the woman talking about how she threatened them.
I think showing video of Waco, Benghazi, and Mogadishu while Hillary is laughing in the background would be more effective.
Only to brain dead morons who believe whatever gets put in front of their faces.
Must be why Hillary blamed Benghazi on a video.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You can lie through pictures but you can snap people back into reality as well.
The only difference between them and Monica is they don't have a blue dress to prove that Clinton is a serial sex offender and a liar.
It seems plain as day, from the sworn testimony provided, that Donald Trump is a rapist.
Obviously Hillary's problem will be that, unlike many of her partisan followers, she won't be able to call women rape accusers liars.

Trump's clearly gonna be all over this, whether Hillary plays the gender card or not.

Yuck. Blech. Ugly. More scotch, please.

If the democrats had an ounce of decency it never would have come to this, but they don't. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton should be in the position she is in. It is going to get ugly and should.
Recycling faux scandals from the nineties? Bill Clinton ended the nineties with a 65% approval rating.

Meh, it will matter what Hillary allowed her man to get away with. If she would of ditched him, the WH would easily have been hers


Laura Bush allowed GW Bush to get away with war crimes.
Laura Bush didn’t say publically that she shared the Oval Office with GWB. Two for the price of one is what Hillary claimed.
The tale of two Bill's

Wagging his finger in the faces of all those too stupid to believe him. I'll admit I am one who did believe him, yeah I am that stupid. I didn't think any president would lower himself, first to sexually harass a woman in the workplace then to wag his finger in our collective faces and lie his ass off. Time to end the Clinton crime regime.

Opps, he lied.

Talk about desperation ...look at what they are doing with "Vince Foster" ...these people are "Mental" LOL
By the way notice from the quotes how he fucks with you...he brings up Foster then says he did not bring it up...this guy is bipolar or something

But in his typical fashion, the billionaire mogul claimed he didn’t know enough about Foster’s death to bring it up in the first place.
“I don’t bring [Foster’s death] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it,” Trump said.

Trump Airs Conspiracy Theory About Ex-Bill Clinton Staffer’s Death: ‘Very Fishy
Perfect. I imagine the tape duration had to be cut to make standard air times. Trump will bury Her Thigness Clinton like all the 'H' sigs that used to be around here


In a video that some accuse of being crass and tasteless while others say will provoke Hillary Clinton to finally respond to a topic that she has so far eagerly avoided, but is most likely just a foreshadowing of many more such attacks to come, Donald Trump on Monday released a clip that uses audio of two women who have accused President Clinton of rape to attack Hillary Clinton.

As reported originally by The Hill, the new black-and-white video plays audio of two women - Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick - who have made accusations against Bill Clinton.

It plays the audio against a black-and-white backdrop of the White House and an image of Bill Clinton with a cigar in his mouth. It then pivots to audio of Hillary Clinton laughing.

While Trump has previously sought to use allegations of sexual misconduct against Bill Clinton to attack Hillary Clinton, this is the first time it has been encapsulated in internet media, and seeks to provoke an angry response by his presidential challenger.

A Trump senior adviser warned last week Trump's attacks would escalate after Trump accused Bill Clinton of rape.

Trump Goes For Hillary's Jugular: Releases Video Featuring Bill Clinton Rape Accusers | Zero Hedge

Only a fool runs for the office of President by attacking a former President's personal behavior a quarter of a century ago, and only fools vote for a man (or women) whose major emphasis is on the assassination of the character of others.

Trump is an asshole as anyone who watched his debate behavior with an open and reasoned mind knows, those who supported Trump by their vote are fools, and those who will vote for Trump are fools. The man's a bully, a buffon, a charlatan and a flip flopper.
This is From The Washington Post Today LOL
Trump’s flip-flop on whether the Bill Clinton sex scandals are important
On Aug. 27, 1998, just nine days after Clinton admitted to an “inappropriate relationship” with Lewinsky, Trump appeared on CNBC and was interviewed by Chris Matthews. He praised Clinton’s handling of the economy, saying it was doing better than under Ronald Reagan.

“The best thing he has going is the fact that the economy’s doing great,” Trump said. “I’ve never seen anything like it. You know, they talked about the ‘80s were good. The ‘90s are better. I mean, the ‘90s are really much better.”

Trump also expressed sympathy for Clinton’s plight, saying it was “embarrassing” and that he should have just refused to answer questions about his sex life.

“I’m not even sure that he shouldn’t have just gone in and taken the Fifth Amendment and said, ‘Look, I don’t get along with this man, [independent prosecutor Kenneth] Starr. He’s after me. He’s a Republican. He’s this, he’s that,’ and, you know, just taken the Fifth Amendment. It’s a terrible thing for a president to take the Fifth Amendment, but he probably should have done it. I don’t think he could have done any worse than what’s happened.”

Trump also attacked Paula Jones, who had sued Clinton, alleging sexual harassment: “Paula Jones is a loser,
but the fact is that she may be responsible for bringing down a president indirectly.”
Prove it or shut up.
How old are you? Remember the saying, if you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park. You get a woman like Paula Jones. Just one example.

Paula Jones had her day(s) in court. How old are YOU?
Her life was ruined by Hillary.

Ruined? She fucking posed in Playboy for fuck's sake.

can you imagine a Hillary spread in Playboy? or Mooshelle? The mental images make my stomach turn.
Come on man I was eating breakfast.

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