Trump Report Card, March


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So far, Trump has done very well in anticipating the need for travel bans, hospital expansions and accessing every Federali resource available to him. Appointing Pence to head the task force was spot on.

As a result we are not suffering the death/million rate that the oh-so-sophisticated and Erudite Europeans have been, led by their neoMarxist EU leadership. And why doesnt anyone show total EU stats for this plague which is impacted by stupid EU open border policies?


Total EU stats would be over 220k cases, nearly 2,000 deaths in the last 24 hours, and around 14,000 deaths.

Compare this to Obama's response to H1N1 and Trump is way ahead of that poor performance.

Trump is doing a fantastic job when you compare his resp[onse to the UK, the EU and the Chicoms. Our death rate is very low, around that of South Korea, not Italy thanks to Trump.
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Not yet....
But we have not reached peak from what they are saying....?
We do not know if/when a peak is reached except in the rear view mirror.

I think there is good reason that our response is going to be much more like South Korea than Europe.
Trump is now number one in the world in number of cases of TRUMPvirus
So far, Trump has done very well in anticipating the need for travel bans, hospital expansions and accessing every Federali resource available to him. Appointing Pence to head the task force was spot on.

As a result we are not suffering the death/million rate that the oh-so-sophisticated and Erudite Europeans have been, led by their neoMarxist EU leadership. And why doesnt anyone show total EU stats for this plague which is impacted by stupid EU open border policies?

View attachment 315739

Total EU stats would be over 220k cases, nearly 2,000 deaths in the last 24 hours, and around 14,000 deaths.

Compare this to Obama's response to H1N1 and Trump is way ahead of that poor performance.

Trump is doing a fantastic job when you compare his resp[onse to the UK, the EU and the Chicoms. Our death rate is very low, around that of South Korea, not Italy thanks to Trump.

You went through a lot of hoops and re-sorting just to try to find excuses for the Orange Crash.
The fact remains we are now first in the world in CV cases, outpacing China and Italy and everybody else, already were first in still-active cases, our infection penetration (248) is four times what it was last Saturday and forty times what it was ten days ago, and more to the desperate point here, we are well behind the timetable of the Chinas and Italys and South Koreas that have been dealing with this far longer. Take a look at that second column of "New Cases" if you have any doubt.
#1 in active cases and quickly growing. Deaths are sure to follow. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Unfortunately, I don't see much to be optimistic about in the data.
I don't fault Trump for this coronavirus response -- Trump is just the PR guy....he has made some serious messaging gaffes that will probably hang around his neck for years...

But when it comes to the logistical aspects of the response -- I highly doubt Trump has much say in that.....all he wants to know is what parts he can take credit for and what parts can he blame on someone else
I don't fault Trump for this coronavirus response -- Trump is just the PR guy....he has made some serious messaging gaffes that will probably hang around his neck for years...

But when it comes to the logistical aspects of the response -- I highly doubt Trump has much say in that.....all he wants to know is what parts he can take credit for and what parts can he blame on someone else
He said some truly stupid and characteristically Trumpian things at first, and that can't be changed. Hopefully enough people knew not to take him seriously.

At some point, he figured out his bullshit wasn't working and threw everything -- including the kitchen sink -- at it. The biggest government in our history. Kudlow says this could end up being $6T, and we'll clean up later. My guess is that will work. We have to do what we have to do.

And, hopefully, no one is paying attention when Trump speaks at those bizarro pressers.
Keep cheerleading this Wuhan flu. Every single time you marxist shitstains latch onto a hoax, DJT takes a big smelly steamer in your face. And that's because he's superior to you in every way imaginable. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
What hoax? :dunno:
Who knows. Maybe it's the one that Trump has been pushing on us, declaring a national emergency, throwing trillions at it 'n stuff. Trumpsters are very angry at him for going huge government.
Keep cheerleading this Wuhan flu. Every single time you marxist shitstains latch onto a hoax, DJT takes a big smelly steamer in your face. And that's because he's superior to you in every way imaginable. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
What hoax? :dunno:
Who knows. Maybe it's the one that Trump has been pushing on us, declaring a national emergency, throwing trillions at it 'n stuff. Trumpsters are very angry at him for going huge government.

Yeah, maybe? ;)
Keep cheerleading this Wuhan flu. Every single time you marxist shitstains latch onto a hoax, DJT takes a big smelly steamer in your face. And that's because he's superior to you in every way imaginable. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
What hoax? :dunno:
Who knows. Maybe it's the one that Trump has been pushing on us, declaring a national emergency, throwing trillions at it 'n stuff. Trumpsters are very angry at him for going huge government.
I really don't think Trumpers are mad at him for the price tag of the bailout bill, nor would they be angry at him for much of anything else...

As long as he feeds them their proper dose of xenophobia and "triggering the libs" -- he can practically do anything policy wise and they won't complain....including pushing for Medicare For All....
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Keep cheerleading this Wuhan flu. Every single time you marxist shitstains latch onto a hoax, DJT takes a big smelly steamer in your face. And that's because he's superior to you in every way imaginable. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
What hoax? :dunno:
Who knows. Maybe it's the one that Trump has been pushing on us, declaring a national emergency, throwing trillions at it 'n stuff. Trumpsters are very angry at him for going huge government.
I really don't think Trumpers are mad at him for the price tag of the bailout bill, nor would that be angry at him for much of anything else...

As long as he feeds them their proper dose of xenophobia and "triggering the libs" -- he can practically do anything policy wise and they won't complain....including pushing for Medicare For All....
The Fifth Avenue Rule. They're emotionally glued to this man.

Incredible to watch.
He said some truly stupid and characteristically Trumpian things at first, and that can't be changed.
When rumors were going around about the COVID19 virus, nobody knew what was what. Trump, an eternal optimist, was downplaying it until we had people come here from China and die in Washington state, and then he dug into the topic and issued a travel ban from China, and set up his task force. He directed the CDC to look into a vaccine a week prior to that.

He was not taking it seriously until people started dying, which I guess is normal for normies that dont binge on internet news all day like me.
Keep cheerleading this Wuhan flu. Every single time you marxist shitstains latch onto a hoax, DJT takes a big smelly steamer in your face. And that's because he's superior to you in every way imaginable. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
What hoax? :dunno:
Trump has referred to the mainstream media coverage as a hoax and fake news. He is not, and to my knowledge never has, called the COVID19 virus a hoax.

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