Trump represents a desperation not understood

anathema, like protectionist and shootspeeders and healthmyths, all live in their looney worlds. That is why the support Trump, because he seems to listen to them although he is laughing behind his back at them. He simply wants their votes.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

Anyone who supports Hillary is in no position to be lecturing anyone on morality.
I understand concerns about Hillary but to think she is even close to being as bad morally or competently as Trump, I do not understand.

She's a hundred times worse. She's as corrupt as a person can be. She's been in politics her whole life, and she's been crooked since day one. She's only gotten worse with time. Her plundering has grown with each phase of her career until it has reached proportions so vast that she comes to resemble some African or Caribbean dictator.
How are those indictments coming?
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!

Let me guess, you believe Trump's words about women are the worst thing ever, but Bill's actions amount to nothing...

For a person whom feels and "talk" matters more than actual actions and consequences, Hillary is the choice without doubt. Trump is mean!!!
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

Anyone who supports Hillary is in no position to be lecturing anyone on morality.
I understand concerns about Hillary but to think she is even close to being as bad morally or competently as Trump, I do not understand.
The entire world KNOWS how corrupt Hillary is. We have been witness to her literally getting away with murder for decades.
ALL you know about Trump has come from the LIB MSM.
The last minute "allegations" for instance are being repeating thousands of times a day on MSM.
No proof.
The MSM is corrupt. They are Hillary's Pravda.
And just like one of the Jone's Town zombies you swallow the BS.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!

Let me guess, you believe Trump's words about women are the worst thing ever, but Bill's actions amount to nothing...

For a person whom feels and "talk" matters more than actual actions and consequences, Hillary is the choice without doubt. Trump is mean!!!
I wonder how many times 'MO' has said "cuunt, fuck, pussy, niger" in her life?
I wonder if she's watched the video of Obama prancing around on the plane showing off his dick to the female reporters.
This one's for you 'MO':
What you need to understand is that for many people, the potential election of Hillary Clinton makes us incredibly uneasy.

We see her as a very serious threat to just about everything we believe in. A force promoting every idea and value that we ashore and fighting against everything we stand for.

I told my wife..... the first thing we have to do if/when Hillary is elected is ensure my personal documents (life jnsurance, will, etc...) are in order, because I don't see myself living through her term in office. I know I'm not the only one that feels like thst.
For what little it's worth, I'm pretty sure she's far more moderate than what you're hearing from conservative media. She's playing to the base, just as Trump is, just as all politicians do.

Plus, checks & balances exist.

The GOP really needs to sober up, repair its horrible messaging, and stop listening to the wrong voices.
I just read that Hillary is in fact a Catholic.
This BREAKING NEWS came out shortly after the Podesta emails were released.
Um, danny, you are placing your belief in a manufactured image and memes that are not true.

A solid majority of the country now realize that Orange Creepy thinks like you do, with his feelingz not his head.

It's all about feeling for you not facts.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

If you don't support him how can you speak for those who do?
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

This might help you understand.

Life Expectancy for White Americans Declines

"There have been signs for years that health and socioeconomic problems might be chipping away at improvements in longevity for parts of the U.S. population. In 2008, the IHME reported that life expectancy had stagnated or declined for about 4% of men and 19% of women in the U.S. in the 1980s and 1990s. The report cited diseases related to smoking, high blood pressure and obesity as contributors and noted wide disparities in life expectancy between poor and wealthy U.S. counties."

"Life expectancy fell for the U.S. white population in 2014 and remained flat for all population groups combined, according to data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,"

We are literally DYING out here.

And being ridiculed for being upset about it.
It's not rocket science....

The difference between the modern-day Washington Establishment GOP and today's Liberals who have taken over the Democratic 0party is nearly un-recognizable.

Both parties have slowly conditioned Americans, much like the frog in the pot of warm water scenario, to accept ever-growing violations of Constitution and Rule of Law in the search for and assumption of power, control, and rule.
- They do not have the Constitutional Authority or the Judicial Authority to elevate themselves above the law, to ignore the law, to refuse to allow the Judicial process to equally apply to themselves; yet, they do, and they get away with it.
--- Obama runs the most criminal administration in US History: He has refused to allow criminals be punished according to the law, protecting, instead, such law breakers as Ex-Atty General Eric Holder, Ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Cabinet Member Julian Castro, Senator harry Reid, The 'Mastermind of the Benghazi Attack, his/Hillary's International Arms Dealer he used to run weapons to Al Qaeida in Libya and ISIS in Syria out of Benghazi.

- They do not have the Constitutional Authority to Exempt themselves from Laws they pass and impose onto others. The ACA is the perfect example. Congress KNEW this bill was a lie-based BS 'sandwich' imposed upon the majority of Americans who opposed it, and as soon as it was passed Congress exempted itself from it....UN-CONSTITUTIONALLY. Americans just accepted it....the water was boing, and the 'frogs' didn't even notice it.

The Washington Establishment began to accept the same tactics, the same actions, and the same drive for power and 'relevancy'.
- They STOPPED Representing the people. They started IMPOSING their 'rule' on people. For years they told their constituents to shut up, hold their noses, and vote for the candidate that was selected for them. Now the people have revolted, picker their own non-Washington Insider/Establishment candidate and have told the career politicians to hold THEIR noses and support the people's candidate....Unfortunately, to put down this revolt, the WE GOP would rather lose the country, have Liberal USSC Justices, etc than let their constituents 'win'.

- They stopped 'rocking the political boat' - allowing politicians / Barry to get away with stuff because they have no political courage / integrity. if they maintain the status quo and don't rock the boat they get to stay around longer. They have betrayed Conservatives, betrayed our Founding Fathers, and betrayed their oaths of office.

The people chose a NON-WE GOP...and unfortunately the only one that was running was Trump.
Well the latter two sentences appear to be "what you believe" and not based in reality.

Belief is often used as an excuse for not going out there and finding out the truth. As they say, "ignorance is bliss", personally I disagree, but many don't.

I find that more often than not "Truth" is there simply to determine who will maintain Faith/Belief and who will abandon their beliefs.

Uh huh?

Sounds like a reason to carry on believing and ignore the truth.
The fact that you believe that any of that is even possible is proof enough of you being fooled into irrational fear.
Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
Your fascism is being rejected by Americans......sadness on you....
You over and misuse the word fascism.

And boy are you going to cry after election day
How so, fascist?
This is how dummy

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Fucking learn how to google stupid.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

You're phony. Trump is morally bankrupt and your confused why people support him? You're a phony. If you were honest you would see that Hellary is as morally bankrupt as the clown, she is a horrible canidate, a horrible person. People support the clown because they are fed up with the GOP establishment, people support Hellary because they are Libs and are told "this is your candidate", go vote for her. Nothing confusing about it if you aren't a phony.
The fallacy of equitable evils reeks in your post, BTM. They are both horrible, bad people. Americans are fed up with both candidates and the parties that can produce such candidates. You are not a phony, only mistaken.

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