Trump represents a desperation not understood

Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
Your fascism is being rejected by Americans......sadness on you....
You over and misuse the word fascism.

And boy are you going to cry after election day
How so, fascist?
This is how dummy

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

Fucking learn how to google stupid.
Google? How fascist of you....:lol:

We know where you stand girly girl....

Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!

Let me guess, you believe Trump's words about women are the worst thing ever, but Bill's actions amount to nothing...

For a person whom feels and "talk" matters more than actual actions and consequences, Hillary is the choice without doubt. Trump is mean!!!

Bill Clinton has been investigated and impeached for his transgressions. He's already paid the price. Trump has not.

Stop whining.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!

Let me guess, you believe Trump's words about women are the worst thing ever, but Bill's actions amount to nothing...

For a person whom feels and "talk" matters more than actual actions and consequences, Hillary is the choice without doubt. Trump is mean!!!

Bill Clinton has been investigated and impeached for his transgressions. He's already paid the price. Trump has not.

Stop whining.
Couldn't you come up with a less 'aggressive' word to describe Bill's crimes?
Maybe "picadillos"?
You know. A word that doesn't really state the truth.
The fucking bastard would still be in prison had he not been protected by his corrupt political hacks.
A meaningless distinction when you've already shown the intention of using them as weapons.

Not meaningless at all. In fact a very important distinction.

It's totally meaningless when your very first post explains how you believe you will not survive a Clinton presidency by the use of your weaponry.
You're just trying to make the distinction so as to not seem like a total loon. You miss the fact that you're already a loon if you truly believe you won't survive the next president. :laugh:
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.
The fact that you see Trump as less moral than the Clintons is all we need to know about why you are so confused.
Such Irony!

Let me guess, you believe Trump's words about women are the worst thing ever, but Bill's actions amount to nothing...

For a person whom feels and "talk" matters more than actual actions and consequences, Hillary is the choice without doubt. Trump is mean!!!

Bill Clinton has been investigated and impeached for his transgressions. He's already paid the price. Trump has not.

Stop whining.
Couldn't you come up with a less 'aggressive' word to describe Bill's crimes?
Maybe "picadillos"?
You know. A word that doesn't really state the truth.
The fucking bastard would still be in prison had he not been protected by his corrupt political hacks.

Transgression is apt as no allegation has risen beyond that in spite of multiple investigations. Who's protecting Trump?
What you need to understand is that for many people, the potential election of Hillary Clinton makes us incredibly uneasy.

We see her as a very serious threat to just about everything we believe in. A force promoting every idea and value that we ashore and fighting against everything we stand for.

I told my wife..... the first thing we have to do if/when Hillary is elected is ensure my personal documents (life jnsurance, will, etc...) are in order, because I don't see myself living through her term in office. I know I'm not the only one that feels like thst.

But then you're talking about values, of which Trump has none.

Most of the values that the right "believe in" are merely that, beliefs. You see it on this forum all the time, people desperately clinging on to their beliefs and trying to avoid the truth at all costs, because they'll damage those beliefs.
So any day now Hillary is going to be translated from capitol hill.
It's totally meaningless when your very first post explains how you believe you will not survive a Clinton presidency by the use of your weaponry.
You're just trying to make the distinction so as to not seem like a total loon. You miss the fact that you're already a loon if you truly believe you won't survive the next president. :laugh:

I am a total loon by Liberal definition. I take pride in that.

As I've said to others, if you don't believe Hillary Clinton will go after private firearms as a,major part of her administration, then you're too much of a fool for me to continue talking to.
It won't be a matter of what I want. I simply won't give up my arms to the Government when Hillary's thugs,come for them.

President Clinton's gonna come for your guns.... Obama's gonna come for your guns ..... Hillary's gonna come for your guns.
Only none of them ever so much as threatened to come for your guns, much less attempted it. So yes, you are drinking the kool-aide.

And please all you badass wannabee right wingers, just spare the rest of us all the tough talk and saber rattling. Spouting macho bullshit about handling threats you aint facing, is nowhere near as impressive as you've obviously convinced yourselves it is.
President Clinton's gonna come for your guns.... Obama's gonna come for your guns ..... Hillary's gonna come for your guns.
Only none of them ever so much as threatened to come for your guns, much less attempted it. So yes, you are drinking the kool-aide.

And please all you badass wannabee right wingers, just spare the rest of us all the tough talk and saber rattling. Spouting macho bullshit about handling threats you aint facing, is nowhere near as impressive as you've obviously convinced yourselves it is.

A wise man always prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. Hillary has made firearms regulation part of her platform for years. All the way back to the "Brady" Assault Weapons Bill, which her husband signed. I have no faith in her respect for the 2nd amendment.

Nobody is trying get to impress you or anyone else. We're just politely commenting get on our stance if there ever were to be an attempt to confiscate guns,in this country.
President Clinton's gonna come for your guns.... Obama's gonna come for your guns ..... Hillary's gonna come for your guns.
Only none of them ever so much as threatened to come for your guns, much less attempted it. So yes, you are drinking the kool-aide.

And please all you badass wannabee right wingers, just spare the rest of us all the tough talk and saber rattling. Spouting macho bullshit about handling threats you aint facing, is nowhere near as impressive as you've obviously convinced yourselves it is.

A wise man always prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. Hillary has made firearms regulation part of her platform for years. All the way back to the "Brady" Assault Weapons Bill, which her husband signed. I have no faith in her respect for the 2nd amendment.

Nobody is trying get to impress you or anyone else. We're just politely commenting get on our stance if there ever were to be an attempt to confiscate guns,in this country.
Well her plan isn't an assault on the 2nd amendment just like stopping Americans from owning nuclear bombs isn't an assault on the 2nd amendment.
Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

when you have people who are told for decades that the government is their enemy,.... that anyone who doesn't think or look like them is the enemy... that the press is the enemy... that people who don't believe what they believe is the enemy... and that you can't trust facts because if those facts don't coincide with the above, they must be false.....then you get the "base" of angry white males aggrieved because they are afraid they don't run the show anymore and a bunch of women and gays and black and brown people do.
President Clinton's gonna come for your guns.... Obama's gonna come for your guns ..... Hillary's gonna come for your guns.
Only none of them ever so much as threatened to come for your guns, much less attempted it. So yes, you are drinking the kool-aide.

And please all you badass wannabee right wingers, just spare the rest of us all the tough talk and saber rattling. Spouting macho bullshit about handling threats you aint facing, is nowhere near as impressive as you've obviously convinced yourselves it is.

A wise man always prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. Hillary has made firearms regulation part of her platform for years. All the way back to the "Brady" Assault Weapons Bill, which her husband signed. I have no faith in her respect for the 2nd amendment.

Nobody is trying get to impress you or anyone else. We're just politely commenting get on our stance if there ever were to be an attempt to confiscate guns,in this country.
but a dumbass tries to create the worst.
President Clinton's gonna come for your guns.... Obama's gonna come for your guns ..... Hillary's gonna come for your guns.
Only none of them ever so much as threatened to come for your guns, much less attempted it. So yes, you are drinking the kool-aide.

And please all you badass wannabee right wingers, just spare the rest of us all the tough talk and saber rattling. Spouting macho bullshit about handling threats you aint facing, is nowhere near as impressive as you've obviously convinced yourselves it is.

A wise man always prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. Hillary has made firearms regulation part of her platform for years. All the way back to the "Brady" Assault Weapons Bill, which her husband signed. I have no faith in her respect for the 2nd amendment.

Nobody is trying get to impress you or anyone else. We're just politely commenting get on our stance if there ever were to be an attempt to confiscate guns,in this country.
but a dumbass tries to create the worst.
“I’d be honored if Donald Trump would touch me inappropriately! I sure would! Do it again!” Trina Hudson laughed as she walked out of Trump’s Friday night rally in Charlotte, the second one she’s been to so far.

“It. Does. Not. Matter,” she said. “I would still vote for him.”

Hudson had come to Charlotte with a friend from Gastonia, where she is a manager at a manufacturing company. What does she like about Trump?

“Everything,” Hudson said. “I think he’d be good for this country. I like his morals and his judgment. He’ll get ISIS out of here and Hillary’s just going to bring more over.”

But even as most women declare Trump and his White House aspirations dead to them, another group, numbering in the tens of millions, is steadfastly refusing to leave his side.

At Trump’s Charlotte rally, Susan Brewer and her daughter carried matching “Women for Trump” signs, pink placards the Trump campaign offered to females on their way in.

Brewer spoke quietly, her face framed by soft, white curls, as she listed the reasons she’ll vote for him in November.

“I believe he’s truly a patriot,” she said of Trump. She liked his focus on defeating ISIS and helping veterans and said she didn’t believe the latest stories about Trump and women.

“I think it’s part of the big lies of Hillary,” she said. “Of course I don’t think he’s a saint.”
“The big thing is the threat of Hillary.”

“But if you look at Bill and Hillary paying hundreds of thousands to cover up a rape that Bill did, I don’t see her as being a champion for women’s rights.”

“Hillary is corrupt,” said Byrd. “In anything she’s ever done, she’s just selling us out.”

“He may be disgusting and maybe he’s done the things that they said he’s done,” she said. “But he’s still got common sense and he’s saying smart things.”

Her sister also stopped short of defending Trump from the women accusing him, but said the issues in the election matter more.

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