Trump represents a desperation not understood

Trump represents a desperation not understood by a majority of Americans. i am in a group who cannot understand the support Tump is receiving. The question is not about politics but about morality. We see Trump as bankrupt of moality.
There majority of Tump's supporters are not as low as he is but they are facing a desperation that anybody but Trump do not understand.

Anyone who supports Hillary is in no position to be lecturing anyone on morality.
I understand concerns about Hillary but to think she is even close to being as bad morally or competently as Trump, I do not understand.

She's a hundred times worse. She's as corrupt as a person can be. She's been in politics her whole life, and she's been crooked since day one. She's only gotten worse with time. Her plundering has grown with each phase of her career until it has reached proportions so vast that she comes to resemble some African or Caribbean dictator.
It's a shame that the right wing has scared so many people so much. Some day you might see the world as it really is, but I understand that for now you are afraid of all the false horror stories you fell for.

The Right Wing has nothing to do with it. I was raised to believe in certain things by my family and community. Add my own personal experiences to that and what I see on a daily basis in society and you have a recipe for not wanting anything to do with either of these douche bag candidates.

I'm a Conservative, not a Republican, and I am truly concerned about this nation's and my own future when Hillary is elected.

If you believe all the horrible unfounded accusations that have been made against Hillary, then, yes the right wing has filled you with false reasons to fear.
Most of the values that the right "believe in" are merely that, beliefs. You see it on this forum all the time, people desperately clinging on to their beliefs and trying to avoid the truth at all costs, because they'll damage those beliefs.

I believe what I believe. Nothing will ever change that. Those are called Princes and Values. Something Leftists wouldn't understand.
If you believe all the horrible unfounded accusations that have been made against Hillary, then, yes the right wing has filled you with false reasons to fear.

I believe Hillary Clinton is a woman, at least biologically, and therefore unfit to hold office. The fact that she's a Socialist and a liar are just further nails in her political coffin so far as I'm concerned.
What you need to understand is that for many people, the potential election of Hillary Clinton makes us incredibly uneasy.

We see her as a very serious threat to just about everything we believe in. A force promoting every idea and value that we ashore and fighting against everything we stand for.

I told my wife..... the first thing we have to do if/when Hillary is elected is ensure my personal documents (life jnsurance, will, etc...) are in order, because I don't see myself living through her term in office. I know I'm not the only one that feels like thst.
For what little it's worth, I'm pretty sure she's far more moderate than what you're hearing from conservative media. She's playing to the base, just as Trump is, just as all politicians do.

Plus, checks & balances exist.

The GOP really needs to sober up, repair its horrible messaging, and stop listening to the wrong voices.
I've never seen a presidential cadidate followed by as much suspicion of corruption, for as long as hillary has. It follows her where ever she goes. And it always has. Shes like the Pied Fucking Piper of scandal. Not to mention the countless amounts of people who die prematurely around her...

She has been the target of made up scandal for a long time.

Now the target of highly illegal hacking activities by foreign actors. The fact that foreign interests and even govts are acting so brazenly to sway a US elections is more concerning to me then anything they've revealed. Partisanship has blinded many to the current and unprecedented threat to cyber security.
It's a shame that the right wing has scared so many people so much. Some day you might see the world as it really is, but I understand that for now you are afraid of all the false horror stories you fell for.

The Right Wing has nothing to do with it. I was raised to believe in certain things by my family and community. Add my own personal experiences to that and what I see on a daily basis in society and you have a recipe for not wanting anything to do with either of these douche bag candidates.

I'm a Conservative, not a Republican, and I am truly concerned about this nation's and my own future when Hillary is elected.

Your personal safety is tied to your personal actions more so than to any resident of the WH.
You're more likely to die from doing something stupid rather than as a result of some supposed conspiracy against you.
What you need to understand is that for many people, the potential election of Hillary Clinton makes us incredibly uneasy.

We see her as a very serious threat to just about everything we believe in. A force promoting every idea and value that we ashore and fighting against everything we stand for.

I told my wife..... the first thing we have to do if/when Hillary is elected is ensure my personal documents (life jnsurance, will, etc...) are in order, because I don't see myself living through her term in office. I know I'm not the only one that feels like thst.
Drama queen
LOL Go ahead, off yourself if that is what you want.

It won't be a matter of what I want. I simply won't give up my arms to the Government when Hillary's thugs,come for them.

The fact that you believe that any of that is even possible is proof enough of you being fooled into irrational fear.
Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
LOL Go ahead, off yourself if that is what you want.

It won't be a matter of what I want. I simply won't give up my arms to the Government when Hillary's thugs,come for them.

The fact that you believe that any of that is even possible is proof enough of you being fooled into irrational fear.
Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
Your fascism is being rejected by Americans......sadness on you....
LOL Go ahead, off yourself if that is what you want.

It won't be a matter of what I want. I simply won't give up my arms to the Government when Hillary's thugs,come for them.

The fact that you believe that any of that is even possible is proof enough of you being fooled into irrational fear.
Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
Your fascism is being rejected by Americans......sadness on you....
You over and misuse the word fascism.

And boy are you going to cry after election day
It won't be a matter of what I want. I simply won't give up my arms to the Government when Hillary's thugs,come for them.

The fact that you believe that any of that is even possible is proof enough of you being fooled into irrational fear.
Your ignorance is matter, you will hate America when Trump wins....
Another darkly deluded dupe.
Trump has no chance. Don't you know? It's all rigged.
Your fascism is being rejected by Americans......sadness on you....
You over and misuse the word fascism.

And boy are you going to cry after election day
How so, fascist?
Most of the values that the right "believe in" are merely that, beliefs. You see it on this forum all the time, people desperately clinging on to their beliefs and trying to avoid the truth at all costs, because they'll damage those beliefs.

I believe what I believe. Nothing will ever change that. Those are called Princes and Values. Something Leftists wouldn't understand.

Well the latter two sentences appear to be "what you believe" and not based in reality.

Belief is often used as an excuse for not going out there and finding out the truth. As they say, "ignorance is bliss", personally I disagree, but many don't.
I've never seen a presidential cadidate followed by as much suspicion of corruption, for as long as hillary has. It follows her where ever she goes. And it always has. Shes like the Pied Fucking Piper of scandal. Not to mention the countless amounts of people who die prematurely around her...

She has been the target of made up scandal for a long time.

Now the target of highly illegal hacking activities by foreign actors. The fact that foreign interests and even govts are acting so brazenly to sway a US elections is more concerning to me then anything they've revealed. Partisanship has blinded many to the current and unprecedented threat to cyber security.
And she was only made vunerable to these actors through her own criminal acts as Secretary of State. Karma is a real bitch

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