Trump Republicans Can't Hide

LeftofLeft said:
Think businesses in urban areas throughout the US are worried about Trump supporters hiding?...
If you are aware of any instances of violence that are not being prosesuted anywhere in the land you should bring them to the attention of the proper authorities, of course, but they do not serve as a diversion from the need to prosecute Trump's goons.

Their violent assault upon democracy is unprecedented, and it is the duty of Congress to confront the who, why, and how of its having happened.

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 10.34.27 AM.png
John T. Ford said:
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe.

You can proclaim whatever you like to imagine those "Leftists" that fester in your noggin believe, and you can bray until your buttocks disassociate, of course, but the Trump bum kissers will not get away with trying to sweep Trump's goons attacking Congress under the rug.

The assault upon democracy will be center stage for as long as they filibuster against its being confronted in an independent, bipartisan manner.

Conservative Congresswoman Liz Cheney was banished from Republican House leadership because she insisted upon maintaining the truth that minority leader Kevin McCarthy had openly acknowledged:

View attachment 489391
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]
Trumped officeholders desperately hoped to sweep his goons' assault upon democracy under the rug.

Their farting past the graveyard was a doomed strategy.

Lawmakers announce deal on bipartisan Jan. 6 commission​

Progress on the commission to investigate the Capitol riot stalled for months amid partisan sniping
and disagreements about the scope of the commission's focus.

The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
Trumpers had desperately hoped to dilute the commission's mission, but its focus will be limited to the Jan. 6 attack and factors leading up to it.

Some Trump bum kissers had tried to downplay the violence at the Capitol that day. One crackpot, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), actually compared the mob’s behavior to “a tourist visit.”

The truth commission will coincide with hundreds of Trump goons who were identified and apprehended being prosecuted.

Props and kudos to those real cyber ninjas who downloaded all the photos and posts from social media apps like Parler (before they magically disappeared) that helped identify all the morons who were stupid enough to post about their big doings, thinking they'd never be held accountable for it...because their man was going to be reinstalled. :auiqs.jpg:

Call me when the trials start.
Patience. Wait for it. :)

Never before has DC classified political rivals as an enemy...this is what they do in tyrannical you libs really want DC to have this kind of unchecked power? day it may be used on you....

Oh the humanity! These were not “political rivals”. This was a mob intent on preventing democracy from happening. Your mob was the very definition of the tyranny you say you fear.

The election was OVER. Trump had lost. These people were trying to overturn the election. That’s sedition.
Never before has DC classified political rivals as an enemy...this is what they do in tyrannical you libs really want DC to have this kind of unchecked power? day it may be used on you....

Oh the humanity! These were not “political rivals”. This was a mob intent on preventing democracy from happening. Your mob was the very definition of the tyranny you say you fear.

The election was OVER. Trump had lost. These people were trying to overturn the election. That’s sedition.
The mob is in Portland and Seattle....

Conservative Congresswoman Liz Cheney was banished from Republican House leadership because she insisted upon maintaining the truth that minority leader Kevin McCarthy had openly acknowledged:

View attachment 489391
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.”
[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]
Trumped officeholders desperately hoped to sweep his goons' assault upon democracy under the rug.

Their farting past the graveyard was a doomed strategy.

Lawmakers announce deal on bipartisan Jan. 6 commission​

Progress on the commission to investigate the Capitol riot stalled for months amid partisan sniping
and disagreements about the scope of the commission's focus.

The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
The bill could come to the floor “as soon as next week,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Friday, noting that the panel is modeled after a bipartisan study of events leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. That floor vote will likely be followed by a long-awaited emergency funding bill to address security flaws within the Capitol that the siege exposed.
“It is imperative that we seek the truth of what happened on January 6 with an independent, bipartisan 9/11-type Commission to examine and report upon the facts, causes and security relating to the terrorist mob attack,” Pelosi said in a statement.
Trumpers had desperately hoped to dilute the commission's mission, but its focus will be limited to the Jan. 6 attack and factors leading up to it.

Some Trump bum kissers had tried to downplay the violence at the Capitol that day. One crackpot, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.), actually compared the mob’s behavior to “a tourist visit.”

The truth commission will coincide with hundreds of Trump goons who were identified and apprehended being prosecuted.

That's ironic. Speak of hiding, how come you tuck tail and run when you're DESTROYED under your own threads? I think you're a coward, what you say?
WTH_Progs said:
Speak of hiding, how come you tuck tail and run when you're DESTROYED under your own threads? I think you're a coward, what you say?
I have no idea what you are fantasizing about.

If you could be specific in documenting your delusions, I might be able to help you.

If you can't, I understand.
Never before has DC classified political rivals as an enemy...this is what they do in tyrannical you libs really want DC to have this kind of unchecked power? day it may be used on you....

Oh the humanity! These were not “political rivals”. This was a mob intent on preventing democracy from happening. Your mob was the very definition of the tyranny you say you fear.

The election was OVER. Trump had lost. These people were trying to overturn the election. That’s sedition.
The mob is in Portland and Seattle....

What elections have they tried to overturn?
This is truly a disappointment that 25% of the voting population is indoctrinated by the trump cult.
The trump cult need to be put down.
Hmmm...let's see...he got about 75 million votes. I wasn't aware we had 300 million voters in 2020. Leaving that aside, how would you propose we "put down" 75 million Americans?
This is truly a disappointment that 25% of the voting population is indoctrinated by the trump cult.
The trump cult need to be put down.
Hmmm...let's see...he got about 75 million votes. I wasn't aware we had 300 million voters in 2020. Leaving that aside, how would you propose we "put down" 75 million Americans?

Trump got 74 million voted BEFORE January 6th. Since January 6th, the nearly half of the Republican voters have either turned on Trump or left the party. Trump would be unlikely to get 1/2 that number today, given the number of Republicans has dropped by the hundreds of thousands since January 6th, and only 53% of those remaining would still vote for him.

LeftofLeft said:
Think businesses in urban areas throughout the US are worried about Trump supporters hiding?...
If you are aware of any instances of violence that are not being prosesuted anywhere in the land you should bring them to the attention of the proper authorities, of course, but they do not serve as a diversion from the need to prosecute Trump's goons.

Their violent assault upon democracy is unprecedented, and it is the duty of Congress to confront the who, why, and how of its having happened.

the funny thing I notice on all these photos is that there is never a trump flag at the fence. Instead everyone of the aggressors is in black and covering their faces like Antifa BLM fkers. hmmmm, in fact, in your photo here the one dude that might be a trumper is going the other way. too funny, can you say set up? I can.
This is truly a disappointment that 25% of the voting population is indoctrinated by the trump cult.
The trump cult need to be put down.
Hmmm...let's see...he got about 75 million votes. I wasn't aware we had 300 million voters in 2020. Leaving that aside, how would you propose we "put down" 75 million Americans?
math, again, they have no idea what it is.
Wow, just Wow.

What a reach of desperation.
These were in FACT trump cult members.
I get it, the demofks slight of hand gets you all the time. I know. Just like you don't know they needed three extra days in the election to get the count adjusted to win. You are so hypnotized, you don't see. Bark like a dog!!
John T. Ford said:
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe.

You can proclaim whatever you like to imagine those "Leftists" that fester in your noggin believe, and you can bray until your buttocks disassociate, of course, but the Trump bum kissers will not get away with trying to sweep Trump's goons attacking Congress under the rug.

The assault upon democracy will be center stage for as long as they filibuster against its being confronted in an independent, bipartisan manner.

Meanwhile, the DOJ has been dropping charges against Antifa in Portland.

It's pretty clear the government is compromised at this point.
hmmmm, in fact, in your photo here the one dude that might be a trumper is going the other way.
Are you referring to the guy wearing a black shirt over a white hoody and a red hat?
good job.
That Trump supporter gave a cop a concussion. He’s currently chilling in federal prison. Long history of violent offenses, particularly against women too.

hmmmm, in fact, in your photo here the one dude that might be a trumper is going the other way.
Are you referring to the guy wearing a black shirt over a white hoody and a red hat?
good job.
That Trump supporter gave a cop a concussion. He’s currently chilling in federal prison. Long history of violent offenses, particularly against women too.

did you read the link? hahahaahahahahahahahaha
John T. Ford said:
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist believe.

You can proclaim whatever you like to imagine those "Leftists" that fester in your noggin believe, and you can bray until your buttocks disassociate, of course, but the Trump bum kissers will not get away with trying to sweep Trump's goons attacking Congress under the rug.

The assault upon democracy will be center stage for as long as they filibuster against its being confronted in an independent, bipartisan manner.

Meanwhile, the DOJ has been dropping charges against Antifa in Portland.

It's pretty clear the government is compromised at this point.

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