Trump responds to Obama admin's sanctions against Russia


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Trump Responds to Obama Admin’s Sanctions Against Russia

"It's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things"

“It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” he wrote. “Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation.”



Well here we go with a new attack on Trump. He can't say anything right, do anything right all in the eyes of Trump haters. Who claim him to be Hitler lmfao, Any crack head who thinks that demonstrates just how indoctrinated they are. Because the obvious piece missing from their swiss cheese brain is he is fighting the Globalist / New world order. So is Putin.
SOROS/ THE PUPPET MASTERS do not like Trump is his own man and not controlled by him nor big banks. He does not want to play their game this is why we see the attacks upon him via MSM etc.

The sheep no , no different so they believe it all and run with it.
Trump now see's what Obama went through for 8 years with the horrible social media comments all over the internet..
No matter what Obama did, there were hater's all over it. So hopefully Trump has some thick skin...we will see.
Trump now see's what Obama went through for 8 years with the horrible social media comments all over the internet..
No matter what Obama did, there were hater's all over it. So hopefully Trump has some thick skin...we will see.
Trump deflects like crazy away from the Russian hacking crisis.

Almost like he's in on it.
Oh come on. You know he's in on it. Meeting with the intelligence community is merely a formality. Trump gets his orders from Russia. To bad they don't film it. Would love to hear him tell them "I don't believe it. My friend Putin tells my you are all lying".
Trump is in debt to Putin. He's Putin's bitch. So of course Trump is denying Russia had anything to do with the election.
If the libs would just use a little logic they would realize Russia was not the hacker. If Russia wanted to influence the election they would have tried to get Hillary elected. As soft as she is on the military and national defense they would have had a field day with no fears of reprisal with her in office.

By the way Nia88, like your tag line. When is she going to keep her promise and leave?
Trump is in debt to Putin. He's Putin's bitch. So of course Trump is denying Russia had anything to do with the election.

Blah, blah, blah....Obama and Co have lied about everything from the get go there is no reason to start believing them now
Trump is in debt to Putin. He's Putin's bitch. So of course Trump is denying Russia had anything to do with the election.

So aren't most of you Obama's little bitches. and you were Clintons' little bitch as well.
If the libs would just use a little logic they would realize Russia was not the hacker. If Russia wanted to influence the election they would have tried to get Hillary elected. As soft as she is on the military and national defense they would have had a field day with no fears of reprisal with her in office.

By the way Nia88, like your tag line. When is she going to keep her promise and leave?

They have no logic nor common sense , no wonder Hillary Clintons said Democrats were weak mined and easy to manipulate. But of course they to go snopes and see if it is true and since the fat ass wife of snopes and her husband are both dem. liberals funded by Soror's to keep their sheep following they think what Clinton said isn't true LMFAO......... can we see the circle of stupidity going round and round. With such lacking skills of reality they can't even jump off the train and wise up to the political games.

So aren't most of you Obama's little bitches. and you were Clintons' little bitch as well.

Obama and Clinton are US citizens.

Putin is not.

Well maybe you can offer to lick the shit off Obama's boots for him. I'm sure you love communist activity and that's what they do best. Obey their masters and maybe you can get that stock holm syndrome checked out while your at it.

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