Trump retreats from claim that the NFL sent him a letter

You Fucking Tool.

Hillary lies her ass off every day of the campaign about her actions in office, national security, and a hundred other substantive issues, and you want to make an issue out of A FUCKING LETTER FROM A FOOTBALL ORGANIZATION?

You Fucking Tool.
The Liar Trump got caught with his pants on fire again !!

His azz must be burnt to rubber by now.
I'll bet his kids are telling Trump to STFU. The name and marketing worth of the name will be worthless by the time Donnie is done dragging it through the mud and filth.
Trump won the lying contest between all 20 candidates from both parties and he won it hands down. He lied almost twice as much as the second place liar. Trump also won the lie of the year. This is all by Politifact who previously gave Obama the lie of the year. If people pay attention they would find it's almost a daily event that Trump gets caught in a lie.
Yet, Trump supporters ignore all the facts that clearly show that Trump is by far a pathological liar and instead, Trumpents call everyone else liars.
Totally amazing how some people block out one of the most obvious things, ever!
Someone associated with the leders in the NFL sent a letter.

Good Gawd, you morons act as if this is the equivalent of Hillary lying about her emails, secret documents, the security of her servers, the Cattle Futures bullshit, etc, etc, etc.

Trump won the lying contest between all 20 candidates from both parties and he won it hands down. He lied almost twice as much as the second place liar. Trump also won the lie of the year. This is all by Politifact who previously gave Obama the lie of the year. If people pay attention they would find it's almost a daily event that Trump gets caught in a lie.
Yet, Trump supporters ignore all the facts that clearly show that Trump is by far a pathological liar and instead, Trumpents call everyone else liars.
Totally amazing how some people block out one of the most obvious things, ever!
Wow, you just won the Liar of the Century Award for that pile of shit.

Hillary has lied under other, lied to conceal her criminal activities, and lied to obstruct damage she has done to our national security, meanwhile you try to play Trumps over-generalizations as though they were the same thing.

You are a lying sack of shit.
It is a joke that the media and the parties are hiding Hillary behind the most popular thing in America.

This is exactly what the DNC did to their debates to hide her so no one would see her lose to sanders.

As far as any letter who cares.... And btw that site you used couldn't be ran by more of a hack than mike florio who always gets political with his blog posts
It is a joke that the media and the parties are hiding Hillary behind the most popular thing in America.

This is exactly what the DNC did to their debates to hide her so no one would see her lose to sanders.

As far as any letter who cares.... And btw that site you used couldn't be ran by more of a hack than mike florio who always gets political with his blog posts
you understand that neither party or candidate picked the dates and the dates were announced 7 months before the nfl schedule, right?

and if nobody cares about the letter why did trump imagine it?
It is a joke that the media and the parties are hiding Hillary behind the most popular thing in America.

This is exactly what the DNC did to their debates to hide her so no one would see her lose to sanders.

As far as any letter who cares.... And btw that site you used couldn't be ran by more of a hack than mike florio who always gets political with his blog posts
you understand that neither party or candidate picked the dates and the dates were announced 7 months before the nfl schedule, right?

and if nobody cares about the letter why did trump imagine it?

Everyone knows when the nfl plays.

And yes the debates are ran by a private firm ..... Who were started by the DNC and RNC.

Just because you want to live in fairy land and pretend they have no influence doesn't me the rest of us have to as well.

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