Trump retreats from claim that the NFL sent him a letter

Trump won the lying contest between all 20 candidates from both parties and he won it hands down. He lied almost twice as much as the second place liar. Trump also won the lie of the year. This is all by Politifact who previously gave Obama the lie of the year. If people pay attention they would find it's almost a daily event that Trump gets caught in a lie.
Yet, Trump supporters ignore all the facts that clearly show that Trump is by far a pathological liar and instead, Trumpents call everyone else liars.
Totally amazing how some people block out one of the most obvious things, ever!
Wow, you just won the Liar of the Century Award for that pile of shit.

Hillary has lied under other, lied to conceal her criminal activities, and lied to obstruct damage she has done to our national security, meanwhile you try to play Trumps over-generalizations as though they were the same thing.

You are a lying sack of shit.

Just think, you wasted your time on me whining about Hillary lying.
Considering I will not be voting for her because I don't trust her
No one is forcing me to vote for Trump or Hillary, so I'll do what I have done in the past and not vote for the lesser of two evils.
But if I had to choose between the two, well I am not so stupid that I'd vote for Trump, he is the worse candidate ever, for prez.
You want to vote for Trump? Well, knock your socks off. You can vote for whoever you want, that's what so great about the US.
No one is forcing me to vote for Trump or Hillary, so I'll do what I have done in the past and not vote for the lesser of two evils.
That is fortunate, as you dont seem to have a grasp of the key issues involved in this election anyway, which is the dismantling of the Multinational Corporate Crony Network and you would rather vote for the worst and most criminal of the Cronies in that network because you are gullible enough to believe the corporate owned media lies about him.

You are precisely the sort of fool that the corporations bought the media to make a fool of.
Trump - "The NFL sent me a letter"
NFL - "We didn't send him anything, we don't want to see him anymore than anyone else, he clashes with the Bronco uniforms"
Trump - "I meant there are letters. Like N. And F. And, oh I don't know, maybe L. That I've seen. I was talking about those."

Lie Meter - "I'm going to have to start asking for overtime pay, I mean this is getting ridiculous"
Trump - "The NFL sent me a letter"
NFL - "We didn't send him anything, we don't want to see him anymore than anyone else, he clashes with the Bronco uniforms"
Trump - "I meant there are letters. Like N. And F. And, oh I don't know, maybe L. That I've seen. I was talking about those."

Lie Meter - "I'm going to have to start asking for overtime pay, I mean this is getting ridiculous"

The main point is that Trump does not like having the debates scheduled against NFL football games and neither does the NFL.

That idiots like you focus on Trumps short hand version of events rather than the cause of the events illustrates what a moron you are.
Trump - "The NFL sent me a letter"
NFL - "We didn't send him anything, we don't want to see him anymore than anyone else, he clashes with the Bronco uniforms"
Trump - "I meant there are letters. Like N. And F. And, oh I don't know, maybe L. That I've seen. I was talking about those."

Lie Meter - "I'm going to have to start asking for overtime pay, I mean this is getting ridiculous"

The main point is that Trump does not like having the debates scheduled against NFL football games and neither does the NFL.

That idiots like you focus on Trumps short hand version of events rather than the cause of the events illustrates what a moron you are.
short hand version of events? I'm sure you meant hallucinated version of events
short hand version of events? I'm sure you meant hallucinated version of events
No, I mean short hand version, as in not going into boring details to avoid the critics sniping.

Say that my wife's aunt came over Friday night from a short trip to Disney world and stayed till Sunday morning then drove to her home in a little town outside of Buffalo New York.

I could say that 'An aunt visited for three days for three days before returning home to Buffalo' without it being a lie, though the details are not given.

It is not a lie since I did not mention she was MY aunt-in-law, or that she lives outside of Buffalo or that she was not there for three full days, etc. This is how normal people communicate, though politicians and policy wonks do not.

Plainly someone wrote Trump a letter, most likely sent him an email, on behalf of the NFL, with or without the NFLs permission, and communicated to Trump that they did not like the schedule no more than he did and they supported him changing it. This way they communicate their contact while maintaining deniability. You have to do these sorts of things when dealing with organized criminal syndicates like the Clinton Machine.

So it is not a lie that the 'NFL sent Trump a letter', though they did not do so officially.

Aside from all that, which is obvious to anyone but a wonk or an ideologue like yourself, the main point of the whole thing is not whether the NFL sent Trump a letter or not, released a homing pigeon or used smoke signals. THEY DO NOT LIKE THE DEBATES SCHEDULE EITHER SINCE IT IMPACTS THEIR GAMES, DUMBASS.
Plainly someone wrote Trump a letter, most likely sent him an email, on behalf of the NFL, with or without the NFLs permission, and communicated to Trump that they did not like the schedule no more than he did and they supported him changing it.
why do you believe that?
why do you believe that?
Why do you not believe that?

Trump had a letter of some kind sent to him by a person close enough to the NFL he thought it was accurate in a general sense to say it was 'from the NFL'. That would suggest the person who sent it to him is somehow associated with the NFL, my guess is an owner, and Trumps point that you dodge like a cop is that the NFL does not want the debates scheduled as they are, a repeat of Crooked Hillarys debate schedule int he Democratic primaries.
why do you believe that?
Why do you not believe that?
mostly because trump has a history of lying about these sorts of things.

he didn't influence the rnc to select cleveland. he didn't influence nato to develop a counterterrorism unit. he both doesn't know michael bloomberg, except that yeah, he did golf with him and obviously trump was a better golfer. he has communicated directly with putin except wait, no, never spoken with him.
Trump had a letter of some kind sent to him by a person close enough to the NFL he thought it was accurate in a general sense to say it was 'from the NFL'.
sent by whom? who is this person? why would you believe he received a letter at all?
why do you believe that?
Why do you not believe that?

Trump had a letter of some kind sent to him by a person close enough to the NFL he thought it was accurate in a general sense to say it was 'from the NFL'. That would suggest the person who sent it to him is somehow associated with the NFL, my guess is an owner, and Trumps point that you dodge like a cop is that the NFL does not want the debates scheduled as they are, a repeat of Crooked Hillarys debate schedule int he Democratic primaries.

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