Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[3][4]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation — using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[5][6][7] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain, readers for financial, political, or other gain.[8][6] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[9][10] Indonesia and the Philippines,[11] Sweden,[12][13] Myanmar,[14] and the United States.[15][16][17] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[5][15][18] Macedonia,[19][20] Romania,[21] and the U.S.[22][23]
Fake news website - Wikipedia

Now based on this description of "Fake News", please prove that the Washington Post, New York Times or CNN are "fakes news".
Trumpsters seem to think any news site that does not goose-step to Trumpster ideology are "fake news" purveyors.
Here's a partial list of other purported "fake news" resources. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR.
I want to see Trumpsters prove that these resources are "faker news".
Come on, Trumpsters, prove your point!
On January 16, 2017, CNN broadcast a story by Manu Raju, titled “First on CNN: Trump’s Cabinet pick invested in company, then introduced a bill to help it”, which omitted facts and drew conclusions in an effort to attack President-Elect Donald Trump’s designee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Tom Price.

The facts were available to CNN through House Financial Disclosure Filings. Dr. Price’s position on the Comprehensive Joint Replacement demonstration, which date back to fall 2015, is also a matter of public record.

The facts are:

• Dr. Tom Price has a diversified portfolio with Morgan Stanley in a broker-directed account. The portfolio includes both health care and non-health care related stocks.
• Dr. Price’s Morgan Stanley financial advisor designed his portfolio and directed all trades in the account. Pursuant to the arrangement with Morgan Stanley, the financial advisor, and not Dr. Price, has the discretion to decide which securities to buy and sell in his account.
• Dr. Price’s financial advisor periodically rebalances his portfolio to ensure proper diversification. On March 17, 2016, Morgan Stanley undertook a comprehensive rebalancing of Dr. Price’s portfolio. In the course of that rebalancing, the advisor purchased 26 shares of Zimmer Biomet, worth $2,697.74, on behalf of Dr. Price.
• Dr. Price learned of the purchase of Zimmer Biomet on April 4, 2016, when his financial advisor sent him a list of trades to be disclosed on his House Periodic Transaction Report (PTR).
• Dr. Price submitted the PTR reflecting the March trades on April 15, 2016.
• Dr. Price began work on his legislative effort to delay the comprehensive joint replacement demonstration project in 2015 in order to preserve treatment options for patients. He sent a Dear Colleague letter regarding this effort on September 21, 2015.

The Presidential Transition Team requests that CNN retract this blatantly false story.

Well that attempt doesn't quite fit the definition of a "fake news" resource. That's one story out of 10's of thousands of stories by CNN, you better do better than that.
Using your questionable logic, Fox News and the gang are a "fake news" resource, right chief? I even found more than one!!!! :2up:

Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity
Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity Uses Fake News Website To Claim ISIS Will Invade America
Read more at: Sean Hannity Uses Fake News Website To Claim ISIS Will Invade America

403 examples of Fox News malaise:

Fox Watch - A long list of examples of Fox News lying, misleading, or generally making the world a worse place

Now, unlike you and other Trumpsters, I know the difference between real "Fake New's" purveyors and left/right leaning news resources..
Do I think Fox News and Sean Hannity are "Fake News" resources? Absolutely not.
That's because I am no one's tool and I goose-step to no one (but my wife :dunno:).
View attachment 107348

Nice picture Roudy. And it means, what?
Now if I had voted for Obama, then you might of made a point.
Just because I don't goose-step to Trump-mania, doesn't mean I'm a lefty. No, it means I'm sane and didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.
So, quit profiling.
Just making an observation. You're critiquing the ONE network that isn't in lockstep with the ocean of biased mainstream media networks that are all foot soldiers of the Democratic fascist party, that's all.

There was a point with my approach.
My exchange is with someone who is obviously from the right who is saying all left leaning MSM is "fake news". Being biased doesn't equate to being a "fake news" resource. Using a right biased resource played into making my point. It's that simple.
It might have been a major newspaper at once point, but now it's Fake News and has no Constitution right to a WH Press credentials. Much like gun rights can be regulated to can press credentials
That point is debatable, but $20 says this blows up in Trump's face.

You're On!

Great! Let's make it $25 since that's the annual fee for a Gold Supporting Membership. Loser pays into the winner's account for USMB.

The criteria for winning/losing will be the Washington Post being allowed at a White House Press briefing. Say by 20JUL17? That's six months.
Do you agree to the terms, CrusaderFrank ?
On January 16, 2017, CNN broadcast a story by Manu Raju, titled “First on CNN: Trump’s Cabinet pick invested in company, then introduced a bill to help it”, which omitted facts and drew conclusions in an effort to attack President-Elect Donald Trump’s designee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Tom Price.

The facts were available to CNN through House Financial Disclosure Filings. Dr. Price’s position on the Comprehensive Joint Replacement demonstration, which date back to fall 2015, is also a matter of public record.

The facts are:

• Dr. Tom Price has a diversified portfolio with Morgan Stanley in a broker-directed account. The portfolio includes both health care and non-health care related stocks.
• Dr. Price’s Morgan Stanley financial advisor designed his portfolio and directed all trades in the account. Pursuant to the arrangement with Morgan Stanley, the financial advisor, and not Dr. Price, has the discretion to decide which securities to buy and sell in his account.
• Dr. Price’s financial advisor periodically rebalances his portfolio to ensure proper diversification. On March 17, 2016, Morgan Stanley undertook a comprehensive rebalancing of Dr. Price’s portfolio. In the course of that rebalancing, the advisor purchased 26 shares of Zimmer Biomet, worth $2,697.74, on behalf of Dr. Price.
• Dr. Price learned of the purchase of Zimmer Biomet on April 4, 2016, when his financial advisor sent him a list of trades to be disclosed on his House Periodic Transaction Report (PTR).
• Dr. Price submitted the PTR reflecting the March trades on April 15, 2016.
• Dr. Price began work on his legislative effort to delay the comprehensive joint replacement demonstration project in 2015 in order to preserve treatment options for patients. He sent a Dear Colleague letter regarding this effort on September 21, 2015.

The Presidential Transition Team requests that CNN retract this blatantly false story.

Well that attempt doesn't quite fit the definition of a "fake news" resource. That's one story out of 10's of thousands of stories by CNN, you better do better than that.
Using your questionable logic, Fox News and the gang are a "fake news" resource, right chief? I even found more than one!!!! :2up:

Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity
Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity Uses Fake News Website To Claim ISIS Will Invade America
Read more at: Sean Hannity Uses Fake News Website To Claim ISIS Will Invade America

403 examples of Fox News malaise:

Fox Watch - A long list of examples of Fox News lying, misleading, or generally making the world a worse place

Now, unlike you and other Trumpsters, I know the difference between real "Fake New's" purveyors and left/right leaning news resources..
Do I think Fox News and Sean Hannity are "Fake News" resources? Absolutely not.
That's because I am no one's tool and I goose-step to no one (but my wife :dunno:).
View attachment 107348

Nice picture Roudy. And it means, what?
Now if I had voted for Obama, then you might of made a point.
Just because I don't goose-step to Trump-mania, doesn't mean I'm a lefty. No, it means I'm sane and didn't vote for Trump or Clinton.
So, quit profiling.
Just making an observation. You're critiquing the ONE network that isn't in lockstep with the ocean of biased mainstream media networks that are all foot soldiers of the Democratic fascist party, that's all.

There was a point with my approach.
My exchange is with someone who is obviously from the right who is saying all left leaning MSM is "fake news". Being biased doesn't equate to being a "fake news" resource. Using a right biased resource played into making my point. It's that simple.
So your approach was to single out the single news organization that isn't under the thumb of the left? Interesting.
A) Call Sign Chaos is General Mattis's call sign, it's an omage.

B) I suggest you look into the Whiskey Rebellion and how Washington crushed it, it then look into Frie and Shay's rebellions as well before you spout off about something which you clearly know nothing about.
1) My call sign (among several over the years) was "Divine Wind". I retired after 21 years of service. You?

Sure you are.

2) As a retired military officer, I'm quite familiar with many aspects of American history, including the controversial "Whiskey Rebellion". You're assertions are not a denial you'd make a great Tory and are now a solid authoritarian.

No I would make a great Federalist, incitement to rebellion against the Republic has been a crime since shortly after the founding you fucking dolt, calling for civil war is not legitimate political opposition and never has been.
Is anyone surprised Putin ..... I mean Trump would do something like this?

I find it real ironic that a man who claims he hates fake news himself , was spreading fake information about Obama being Kenyan and not American.

We are inching closer to state sponsored media.
Sure you fucking dolt....
Awesome. You're in your early to mid-20s? Amirite?

Says the person saying that calling for civil war is legitimate political opposition and those opposed to such rhetoric are some how authoritarians. Lot's of career military folks support the Khamikaze pilots of WW2 as well right? Oh that's right you never said which country you served for.
The chickens coming home to roost
No, you assholes are proving that you were never in support of our Constitution. You always have been closet fascists, now you have a leader that you can come out of the closet with. You, and the orange clown are skating very close to treason with your attempts to shut down the press and support of the Russian dictator.

What revoking their credentials have to do with the Constitution?
I'm amazed that these so-called "constitution-lovers" here from the right wing find nothing wrong with a president willfully silencing the press.

What First Amendment, right?

He revoked their credentials for the WH. They can still write the garbage all day long.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

If you say how you're against that comparison before you use it, so you're not really against it...

Quick search proves otherwise.

Admit it, you love it.

I used to ignore the Trump is like Hitler remarks... but the more I see his supporters say the same comments over and over and over it does remind me of the mindless brainwashing that Hitler was able to create over Germany.
As a distraction, to take everyone's mind off of what really matters. It's just like Hitler blaming the poor German economy on the Jews as a way to distract people from his true intention to take over the world.
You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?

Dem terrorists don't think laws apply to them. They are going to be unpleasantly surprised.

When is Stump going to start throwing political opponents in jail? Its the Putin playbook.

Calling for civil war is not legitimate political opposition it is incitement to rebellion and against the law:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Especially when you're protesting legal election results.

Legal? Really? #1, he lost the popular vote by MILLIONS. #2, he very likely had the help of a foreign enemy, and may have even solicited that help. That's treason.

Bring it on, bitch.

Obama lost popular vote to Hillary in 2008 Dem primaries, but got delegate counts.

Don't see you calling it illegal and bitching against Obama.
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.

He's not "silencing the media". He kicked one paper out of the press room in HIS house.
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

No, seriously, how is the Washington Post being silenced?
Says the person saying that calling for civil war is legitimate political opposition.....
Quote me where I said that. Just for fun, ya know.

You called me an authoritarian (first you called me a Tory) when I pointed out that advocating for civil war is a felony, that's how this whole line of argument started.

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.

You do realize that incitement to rebellion is a felony right?
After all the years of the rightwingnuts on this board calling for a civil war, they now dare critisize someone else for saying that? LOL

I'm not responsible for anyone but myself and the fact of the matter is that incitement to rebellion is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
No doubt true and 100% antithetical to what Thomas Jefferson and the Founders of our great nation stood for.

No doubt most Americans alive today would have been fucking Tories, loyal to the King. I'm guessing you're not a "3%ers, amirite, CSC? Kind of a funny name for a Tory. ;)
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You called me an authoritarian (first you called me a Tory) when I pointed out that advocating for civil war is a felony, that's how this whole line of argument started....
Correct, but still no quote of me "saying that calling for civil war is legitimate political opposition" as you claimed. Are you admitting you jumped to a conclusion? Are you admitting you put words in my mouth? Is that what Tories do? Lie?
You called me an authoritarian (first you called me a Tory) when I pointed out that advocating for civil war is a felony, that's how this whole line of argument started....
Correct, but still no quote of me "saying that calling for civil war is legitimate political opposition" as you claimed. Are you admitting you jumped to a conclusion? Are you admitting you put words in my mouth? Is that what Tories do? Lie?

Lol, if you believe the outlawing of incitement to rebellion IE calls for a civil war is authoritarian and makes one akin to the Tories then you must think that it is legitimate political opposition, there is no alternative.

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