TRUMP ridicules GW Bush's thousand points of light...

The Bushes are globalist scumbags.

Bush41, Kissinger, George Shultz, and Alexander Haig were behind the real "opening of China" and made mega-millions doing it.....who else would give tax breaks to companies who left the US to move their operations there and form the WTO to stack the deck against us? Dubya I kinda liked but his old man is a POS and always was.
--------------------------------simply because people learn or notice things at different times and at different speeds and paces is my guess . I probably voted 'ghwb' but the end of my voting 'bush' or 'repub' came when 'gwb' was running for his second term and then i didn't vote for 'gwb' Biff .
Doesn't Trump claim to be a Christian?

Romans 12:10

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

Trump seethes with hate and division.
Doesn't Trump claim to be a Christian?

Romans 12:10

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

Trump seethes with hate and division.
--------------------------------- i think that he is a born practical PROTESTANT Christian like me and i'll crush my enemies at the Drop of a Hat if i can Kiwiman .
yep , we dodged that 'jebito' bullet for now at least Aba .

Forever! He threw the election to his brother. Would we have had Al Gore though? America has been blessed.

Jeb may be a factor in Central America these days, but not in The United States, Thank God.
i guess that they are SUGGESTIONS or as Billy said , adjurations but thats a new word for me till i look it up KMan .
for ME , its because the 'bushs' are pro immigration , especially mexican plus see 'jebitos' immediate 'mexican' family . The 'bushs' have plans to extend their 'dynasty' and will do that extending by importing mexicans / third worlders DaveP .
good , happy to see the TRUMP go after the 'bush's' .

Maybe because they're globalist bastards that..grand-daddy funded the Nazis, Son stripped American's rights, and grandson had thousands of good, American boys killed for personal purposes.
I liked H.W. and voted for him twice.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is what it is. If it was up to me, they'd be hanged for treason.

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