TRUMP ridicules GW Bush's thousand points of light...

It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.
Last I recall, both Bushes were the devil incarnate during their presidencies. The left truly has no moral or ethical compass.
and republicans said anyone who opposed George W was a terrorist and hated America --- remember that bullshit?

Dickie Chicks lost their career because they criticized Bush for the war in Iraq. These Trump suppprters have short term memories where they forget that they were a fan of the Bushes.
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.

And those few words have such venom. I have no love for Bush Sr. He was just as bad as his son when he was president.

But the man is in a freaking wheel chair and his wife just died. There’s something called tact and empathy. Which clearly Trump and his supporters lack.
You’ll stand up for anyone to spite Trump.
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.

And those few words have such venom. I have no love for Bush Sr. He was just as bad as his son when he was president.

But the man is in a freaking wheel chair and his wife just died. There’s something called tact and empathy. Which clearly Trump and his supporters lack.
You’ll stand up for anyone to spite Trump.
and you will attack anyone Trump tells you to -- even yourself
feck 'mcstain' , GO Trump !!
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
---------------------------------------------------- i did like how 'ghwb' did build the 'highway of death' from 'kuwait' back to 'iraq' when the 'iraqi' army was retreating but that was mostly General Schwarzkopf giving the orders RWinger .
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
Fuck all Bushes.
You’ll love everyone Trump hates, you hypocrite.
Trump hates a lot of people
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.

And those few words have such venom. I have no love for Bush Sr. He was just as bad as his son when he was president.

But the man is in a freaking wheel chair and his wife just died. There’s something called tact and empathy. Which clearly Trump and his supporters lack.
You’ll stand up for anyone to spite Trump.
and you will attack anyone Trump tells you to -- even yourself
Trump is doing what I want.
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
Fuck all Bushes.
You’ll love everyone Trump hates, you hypocrite.
Trump hates a lot of people
Like illegals.
feck 'mcstain' , GO Trump !!
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
---------------------------------------------------- i did like how 'ghwb' did build the 'highway of death' but that was most General Schwarzkopf RWinger .
Do you understand what a commander in Chief is?
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.
Last I recall, both Bushes were the devil incarnate during their presidencies. The left truly has no moral or ethical compass.
and republicans said anyone who opposed George W was a terrorist and hated America --- remember that bullshit?

Dickie Chicks lost their career because they criticized Bush for the war in Iraq. These Trump suppprters have short term memories where they forget that they were a fan of the Bushes.

A fan? No. Better than the alternative? By far.
feck 'mcstain' , GO Trump !!
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
---------------------------------------------------- i did like how 'ghwb' did build the 'highway of death' from 'kuwait' back to 'iraq' when the 'iraqi' army was retreating but that was mostly General Schwarzkopf giving the orders RWinger .

I recall the Left complaining at the time about our troops burying the Iraqis alive in their trenches with armored bulldozers.
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.
Democrats protesting the sliming of a man in a wheel chair whose wife just died.

It's OK, you wouldn't understand. No, clearly, you wouldn't understand.
Trump needs to come out for more gun control. It would be funny for you supporting owning an ar15.
rude and crude , Deplorables and TRUMP have a Country to save and being straight forward is the only way to go Bodecea ??
It’s so hilarious to see President Trump speak a few words and seconds later the regressive left are defending Bush.
Last I recall, both Bushes were the devil incarnate during their presidencies. The left truly has no moral or ethical compass.
and republicans said anyone who opposed George W was a terrorist and hated America --- remember that bullshit?

Dickie Chicks lost their career because they criticized Bush for the war in Iraq. These Trump suppprters have short term memories where they forget that they were a fan of the Bushes.
You know that the Dixie Chicks are still out there, right?
rude and crude , Deplorables and TRUMP have a Country to save and being straight forward is the only way to go Bodecea ??
We know that trumpanzees entire baseline of "thinking" is that it pisses off decent Americans.
Good. "Read my lips: No new taxes."

Both Bushes were not good presidents. H.W. Bush was really running things...into the ground for about 12 years. NAFTA, War on drugs, Civil forfeiture, that's all H.W. Bush. Anything to strip Americans of rights and wealth and push them one step closer to the New World Order.
Bush—the Sound of Barfing

His service in World War II was that of a bored richkid looking for a thrill. He lost all claims to patriotism when he got Junior out of having to fight the Commies.

By the way, billionaire's son Osama bin Laden had the same motivation.
feck 'mcstain' , GO Trump !!
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
---------------------------------------------------- i did like how 'ghwb' did build the 'highway of death' from 'kuwait' back to 'iraq' when the 'iraqi' army was retreating but that was mostly General Schwarzkopf giving the orders RWinger .

I recall the Left complaining at the time about our troops burying the Iraqis alive in their trenches with armored bulldozers.
if it happened all the time -- you should have links
feck 'mcstain' , GO Trump !!
The concept is a thousand points of light is above Trumps intellectual paygrade

Trump admitted that last night

A thousand points of light did NOT:

create millions of jobs,
make the VA accountable with immediate care for vets
Seek peace with russia and Korea
Lower taxes for corporations so they can compete globally
Support law enforcement and those that secure the border
Keep immigration in check

Trump has a right to slap any president that didn't put Americans first.
Bush 41 actually was a vet and a war hero
Bush negotiated peace with the USSR
Bush actually sought to tear down walls not build them
Bush saved Kuwait
---------------------------------------------------- i did like how 'ghwb' did build the 'highway of death' from 'kuwait' back to 'iraq' when the 'iraqi' army was retreating but that was mostly General Schwarzkopf giving the orders RWinger .

I recall the Left complaining at the time about our troops burying the Iraqis alive in their trenches with armored bulldozers.
if it happened all the time -- you should have links
Are you an idiot?
Years ago the price of servers was outrageous and forums such as this were unheard of.
An an example, Trump could never have won the election when only major corporations were able to afford servers.
In fact, GW's destroying our economy almost killed the PC market.
Damn, you Liberals are so stupid.
Good. "Read my lips: No new taxes."

Both Bushes were not good presidents. H.W. Bush was really running things...into the ground for about 12 years. NAFTA, War on drugs, Civil forfeiture, that's all H.W. Bush. Anything to strip Americans of rights and wealth and push them one step closer to the New World Order.
Bush—the Sound of Barfing

His service in World War II was that of a bored richkid looking for a thrill. He lost all claims to patriotism when he got Junior out of having to fight the Commies.

By the way, billionaire's son Osama bin Laden had the same motivation.

His plane was shot down

2 September 1944: USNR Lt. George H. W. Bush shot down in dive bomb attack

On 2nd September 1944 Lieutenant George W. H. Bush, an Avenger pilot with VT-51 on the USS San Jacinto (CVL-30), was ordered to lead an attack on a Japanese radio station on the island of ChiChi Jima. He continued with the dive bomb attack after his plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire and then managed to get his aircraft over the sea before baling out.

His two crew members, Radioman Second Class John Delaney, and substitute gunner Lieutenant Junior Grade William White were killed – one of them parachuted out but the parachute failed to open, the other went down with the plane.

..but yea, just a rich kid taking the easy way out -- unlike Trump

There is a reason why people who may have disagreed with Bush on policy didn't ever try to attack his military record -- its because they aren't depraved shameless sycophants -- so it won't be no "both sides" do it on this shit

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