Trump: RINO extraordinaire

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
How well do you really know Trump?
These aren't 20 or 30 year old clips.

He's Bernie-Sanders-Left on everything, including Free Universal Healthcare paid by the govt in 2015.

A Wealth tax on the rich only (over $10 mil) to pay off the deficit.
Guns... Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, etc.
Pro-choice, even partial Birth abortion.

But he just picked up the mood of the country the last few years and became a populist RINO.

2 minutes with Karl Marx

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How well do you really know Trump?
These aren't 20 or 30 year old clips.
He's Bernie-Sanders-Left on everything including Free Healthcare paid by the govt.
A Wealth tax on the rich only (over $10 mil) to pay off the deficit
Pro-choice, even partial Birth abortion.

But he just picked up the mood of the country the last few years and became a populist RINO.


Feel better?
Didn’t think so.
Feel better?
Didn’t think so.
And indeependent's next post a minute later in another thread:

Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere
Because your ad hominems are in the way of everybody else’s posts.
But I am considering putting you on Ignore since you haven’t posted anything thoughtful in about 3 years.
And his post previous to that in the same thread?
You’re a boring asshole.
True story.

If the shoe fits, shove it up your own contentLess ass.
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Feel better?
Didn’t think so.
And indeependent's next post a minute later in another thread:

Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere
Because your ad hominems are in the way of everybody else’s posts.
But I am considering putting you on Ignore since you haven’t posted anything thoughtful in about 3 years.
And his post previous to that in the same thread?
You’re a boring asshole.
True story.

If the shoe fits, shove it up your own contentLess ass.
Thanks for admitting you don’t read most of my posts.
But then, most of them are above the head that God forgot to give you.
How well do you really know Trump?
These aren't 20 or 30 year old clips.
He's Bernie-Sanders-Left on everything, including Free Healthcare paid by the govt.

A Wealth tax on the rich only (over $10 mil) to pay off the deficit.
Guns... Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, etc.
Pro-choice, even partial Birth abortion.

But he just picked up the mood of the country the last few years and became a populist RINO.


That may be all the Ammunition Hillary needs! You did it!
Thanks for admitting you don’t read most of my posts.
But then, most of them are above the head that God forgot to give you.
Actually, when reading the whole first page of your recent posts, only Two need more space than the app 20 words that fit the rest in full view.
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So who is this shadowy figure Michael Santanello, whose Youtube page seems to have nothing but anti-Trump videos?

I searched the internet far and wide and couldn't find a shred of information about him, except that many of his videos were on some Russian video sites.

Sounds suspicious to me, but then I'm not the trusting type.
I’m responding to your non-existent IQ.
Actually, I don't mind pure asinine Trolls like you.
I use them.

When my thread drifts down the board, LOW IQ unwitting 'straight men' like you provide a terrific Bump opportunity for MY Headline/Politics.
Yes, I use you and intentionally waited until this was on Page 2.
YOU rescued it Asshole.
You can pull up your pants now BOY. I'm done with you.
(keep em coming!)

Trump proposes Massive one-time Tax on the Rich
By Phil Hirschkorn/CNN
November 9, 1999
Trump proposes massive one-time tax on the rich - November 9, 1999

NEW YORK -- Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has a plan to pay off the national debt, grant a middle class a tax cut, and keep Social Security afloat: tax rich people like himself.

Trump, a prospective candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination, is proposing a one-time "Net Worth Tax" on individuals and trusts worth $10 million or more.

By Trump's calculations, his proposed 14.25% levy on such net worth would raise $5.7 trillion and wipe out the debt in one full swoop.

The U.S. national debt decreased by $9.7 billion in September but remains at $5.66 trillion, according to the latest U.S. Treasury figures.

The net worth tax is the cornerstone of Trump's economic plan released Tuesday morning.

"No one has put forward a plan to make this country entirely debt free as we enter the next millenium," Trump said in a written statement. "The plan I am proposing today does not involve smoke and mirrors, phony numbers, financial gimmicks, or the usual economic chicanery you usually find in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac," Trump said....

"By my calculations, 1% of Americans, who control 90% of the wealth in this country, would be affected by my plan," Trump said.

"The other 99% of the people would get deep reductions in their federal income taxes," he said.

Eliminating the national debt would save the federal government $200 billion a year in interest payments, Trump said. He proposes to earmark half the savings for middle class tax cuts, and the other half for Social Security...

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Feel better?
Didn’t think so.
And indeependent's next post a minute later in another thread:

Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere
Because your ad hominems are in the way of everybody else’s posts.
But I am considering putting you on Ignore since you haven’t posted anything thoughtful in about 3 years.
And his post previous to that in the same thread?
You’re a boring asshole.
True story.

If the shoe fits, shove it up your own contentLess ass.
You just PWNED his ass!!!

Feel better?
Didn’t think so.
And indeependent's next post a minute later in another thread:

Ruth Bader Ginsberg.......I am not going anywhere
Because your ad hominems are in the way of everybody else’s posts.
But I am considering putting you on Ignore since you haven’t posted anything thoughtful in about 3 years.
And his post previous to that in the same thread?
You’re a boring asshole.
True story.

If the shoe fits, shove it up your own contentLess ass.
You just PWNED his ass!!!

Welcome to Wheel of Fortune.
Would you care to buy a vowel?
An “A”, perhaps?
How well do you really know Trump?
These aren't 20 or 30 year old clips.

He's Bernie-Sanders-Left on everything, including Free Universal Healthcare paid by the govt in 2015.

A Wealth tax on the rich only (over $10 mil) to pay off the deficit.
Guns... Hillary, Pelosi, Obama, etc.
Pro-choice, even partial Birth abortion.

But he just picked up the mood of the country the last few years and became a populist RINO.

2 minutes with Karl Marx


Can you see the democrat Party ads? Trump is a communist, he stands for the thing we stand for! Vote for the real Communists, vote democrats
Can you see the democrat Party ads? Trump is a communist, he stands for the thing we stand for! Vote for the real Communists, vote democrats
No, but I can see his GOP opponent's ads!
And looks like at least Kasich will be running against him.. if he's not Impeached first.

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