Trump Rips “Very Low IQ” Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

He’ll say it’s 160. The very highest on the planet.

Sure, but what is it really?
Enough to have made him a billionaire and President of the United States.

And he only had millions of dollars given to him to start, and then inherited tens of millions. A real self made man.

Do you understand the difference between millions and billions, if he started with $200 million he still did a great accomplishment.

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DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND once and for all that when Trump started out, he wanted to crack Manhattan and his father tried to talk him out of it, saying it was too tough. So they made a deal, his father loaned him ONE million dollars with the understanding that if Donald succeeded, he would pay him back. Donald did. Don't know where you people keep pulling this 200 million out of your ass.

His father WORKED HARD for that money having built housing plans in Queens, and had Trump gotten that loan from a bank, you wouldn't be trying to claim that his "fat daddy" had bankrolled his son into being rich. Trump is super rich because of ONE THING: Donald Trump. One way or the other, it was going to happen.

What in the hell does this have to do with the OP?
The only requirement for him to attend Wharton was his daddy's money.You don't know his grades there.

Always the Dolt, there are minimum standards for graduating. You don't graduate Wharton without being a pretty smart cookie. You just reek of jealousy because your daddy couldn't loan you money, if you even had a daddy. Trump is much better than you.
He’ll say it’s 160. The very highest on the planet.

Sure, but what is it really?
Enough to have made him a billionaire and President of the United States.

And he only had millions of dollars given to him to start, and then inherited tens of millions. A real self made man.

Do you understand the difference between millions and billions, if he started with $200 million he still did a great accomplishment.

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DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND once and for all that when Trump started out, he wanted to crack Manhattan and his father tried to talk him out of it, saying it was too tough. So they made a deal, his father loaned him ONE million dollars with the understanding that if Donald succeeded, he would pay him back. Donald did. Don't know where you people keep pulling this 200 million out of your ass.

His father WORKED HARD for that money having built housing plans in Queens, and had Trump gotten that loan from a bank, you wouldn't be trying to claim that his "fat daddy" had bankrolled his son into being rich. Trump is super rich because of ONE THING: Donald Trump. One way or the other, it was going to happen.
The only requirement for him to attend Wharton was his daddy's money.You don't know his grades there.

Always the Dolt, there are minimum standards for graduating. You don't graduate Wharton without being a pretty smart cookie. You just reek of jealousy because your daddy couldn't loan you money, if you even had a daddy. Trump is much better than you.
Trump’s a smart cookie?
Sure, but what is it really?
Enough to have made him a billionaire and President of the United States.

And he only had millions of dollars given to him to start, and then inherited tens of millions. A real self made man.

Do you understand the difference between millions and billions, if he started with $200 million he still did a great accomplishment.

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DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND once and for all that when Trump started out, he wanted to crack Manhattan and his father tried to talk him out of it, saying it was too tough. So they made a deal, his father loaned him ONE million dollars with the understanding that if Donald succeeded, he would pay him back. Donald did. Don't know where you people keep pulling this 200 million out of your ass.

His father WORKED HARD for that money having built housing plans in Queens, and had Trump gotten that loan from a bank, you wouldn't be trying to claim that his "fat daddy" had bankrolled his son into being rich. Trump is super rich because of ONE THING: Donald Trump. One way or the other, it was going to happen.

What in the hell does this have to do with the OP?

Funny you ask that when I'm just continuing YOUR conversation! How much more can be said about Water's low IQ? It always gravitates back to resentment over "Trump's Daddy's Money" and Trump being a "Dolt" by the Left no matter what anyway. No democrat ever took out a bank loan or borrowed money from their family.
So what is Trump's IQ?
He’ll say it’s 160. The very highest on the planet.

Sure, but what is it really?
Enough to have made him a billionaire and President of the United States.

And he only had millions of dollars given to him to start, and then inherited tens of millions. A real self made man.

Do you understand the difference between millions and billions, if he started with $200 million he still did a great accomplishment.

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Big deal. He would have made more if he just invested in indexes funds. Trump's playing at real estate lost money for him. Some smart guy, you bet..
Just what did Maxine Waters do anyway to become a member of the House? She was one of thirteen children, raised by a single mother (no father), graduated high school. She worked in a garment factory sewing clothes, and as a telephone operator before being hired as an assistant teacher(?) with the Head Start program at Watts in 1966. She eventually enrolled at Los Angeles State College on public funding where she received a bachelor's degree in "sociology."

The woman is a seamstress and telephone operator (numbah pleeaze) who parlayed her blackness into getting a job she wasn't qualified for, then a bogus degree from a public funded program until she could get onboard with a black city councilman to kickstart her useless political career because she knew she'd never make it in the private sector, which began on exploiting racism and hasn't changed since.
He’ll say it’s 160. The very highest on the planet.

Sure, but what is it really?
Enough to have made him a billionaire and President of the United States.

And he only had millions of dollars given to him to start, and then inherited tens of millions. A real self made man.

Do you understand the difference between millions and billions, if he started with $200 million he still did a great accomplishment.

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DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND once and for all that when Trump started out, he wanted to crack Manhattan and his father tried to talk him out of it, saying it was too tough. So they made a deal, his father loaned him ONE million dollars with the understanding that if Donald succeeded, he would pay him back. Donald did. Don't know where you people keep pulling this 200 million out of your ass.

His father WORKED HARD for that money having built housing plans in Queens, and had Trump gotten that loan from a bank, you wouldn't be trying to claim that his "fat daddy" had bankrolled his son into being rich. Trump is super rich because of ONE THING: Donald Trump. One way or the other, it was going to happen.

And the huge inheritance he got hen daddy died.
I would guess him to probably be an Artisan/Operator/Promoter (good guess!), which puts him in the company of the likes of General Patton and Winston Churchill. Not bad.

Er...both Patton and Churchill served in the military...unlike our cowardly president. Please don't insult their memories by comparing a draft dodger to them.

DROP DEAD, Moron, I insulted or compared NO ONE imbecile, the website I linked to did, because both they are Trump fit the exact same personality profile. Go suck an egg. Next to you, Trump's a genius.
[And the huge inheritance he got hen daddy died.

Really sucks your daddy didn't leave you jack.

Trump's grandfather immigrated to the USA in the 19th century and soon became a big restaurant tycoon after coming here as a boy. He had a son, and at the age of FIFTEEN, started working in real estate with his mother and built it into a huge New York business. Donald, one of FIVE kids from that son, took over the business in 1971 and built it into a multi-billion dollar global enterprise. Whatever Donald got of his father's inheritance split between the children, he EARNED. You've earned nothing but Snowflake Award for Best Whiner of 2018.
Wharton has been an elite school for decades that you take the word of one person shows your dishonesty and bias.
YOU cited that person, I just enlightened you about the person YOU cited to vouvh for Wharton.

So what proof do you have to back up your claim that Wharton was not a top school when Trump went to school there?
Tramp only took undergraduate courses at Wharton, not their famed MBA courses. As far as the undergraduate courses go, the local joke was "are you going to college or are you going to Wharton?"

You make up a saying as proof? Lol!

Do you have proof of your claim that Wharton was not a top school when Trump went there?
Tramp went there!

So you have nothing but bigotry and hate, thanks!
Wharton requirements would place him between 145 and 149 according to Snopes
FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient
Of course that is not quite what Snopes said.
The part you left out from YOUR link:
"Wharton’s admission requirements are irrelevant, since Trump did not enter Wharton as a freshman. He transferred there his junior year, and Wharton does not list SAT scores among its requirements for transfer students."

I left nothing out, Ass, I gave you the link to read and more. And I told you he transferred there in his Junior year. He did well at Wharton and had he attended full term, that would place his IQ in the high 140s. The fact that he didn't start there until his Junior year, I gave it the benefit of the doubt and knocked ten points off his IQ, which STILL leaves him very smart, but the fact of the matter is that you just don't know. There is nothing stopping it from being even higher. He's nothing of the drooling idiot that your left wing tries to make him out to be.
You don't know if he did well at Wharton, none of his grades were released. He used to claim he was first in his class until that was exposed as a lie, so his saying he did well is as worthless as his marriage vows. He talks like a "fucking moron" and Tillerson said exactly that.
Just what did Maxine Waters do anyway to become a member of the House? She was one of thirteen children, raised by a single mother (no father), graduated high school. She worked in a garment factory sewing clothes, and as a telephone operator before being hired as an assistant teacher(?) with the Head Start program at Watts in 1966. She eventually enrolled at Los Angeles State College on public funding where she received a bachelor's degree in "sociology."

The woman is a seamstress and telephone operator (numbah pleeaze) who parlayed her blackness into getting a job she wasn't qualified for, then a bogus degree from a public funded program until she could get onboard with a black city councilman to kickstart her useless political career because she knew she'd never make it in the private sector, which began on exploiting racism and hasn't changed since.

She must be real proud of her mother. A woman so stupid she kept spreading her legs to get knocked up and spew kids she couldn't possibly support.
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!

Another student's accomplishments are irrelevant.

Still looking for the evidence to support your silly claim.


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