Trump Rips “Very Low IQ” Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.
Waters is a perfect example of the truth of the Bell Curve study.

Ah the Bell Curve and the conservative continued embrace of all things that smell of white privilege. The only thing that the Bell Curve may predict is that if white inbred opioid addicted rural folks scorning higher education don't change their environment their children will inherit ignorance as a legacy.
The trouble is that Republicans said that the sexual affairs did matter. Now they are saying that Trump's sexual assaults don't matter.
The REAL trouble with your argument is that Bill Clinton's adultery was proven and his harassment was all but proved because he paid his victim to go away and be silent, pretty much like all the Dems in Congress who had engaged in criminal sexual misconduct used tax dollars to pay their victims for their silence, while - as is the 'norm' now with Democrats, Democrats have not been able to produce any evidence to support their claims against Trump.
That would be your burden to prove. Otherwise, you still have ZERO evidence that a guy that graduated from Wharton (oh, and earned billions) is below average intelligence.

Without that evidencetion, you look like a ridiculous hack, by the way.
Money can buy anything, even a degree from Wharton. And all the bankruptcies he had puts a damper on all the billions he supposedly earned. He looks like a dunce who LOST billions to me

Still looking for evidence. Sorry, but "'Cuz I say so" is not an argument.

So much fail going on here...
Who is making the "Cuz I say so" argument?
Not me... I can validate everything i say about your master..

MY master? Did you not see the part where I said "I'm no Trump fan". Didn't vote for him, don't support most of his policies. Same was true of Obama.

Back to the point at hand. Still looking for that evidence.

How's that coming along???
What evidence are you seeking? We can all see and hear that Trump was never college material yet, he got in. As for the bankruptcies? I believe it was 4 of 'em.that is common knowledge. Apparently he outsmarted himself 4 times.

Ah! "We can all see..."

That's one hell of a case you've made.

When you have actual, you know, evidence, you let us know. Until then, you have no idea of the man's IQ. Nothing but your biased speculation. Pass.
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!

Wharton has been an elite school for decades that you take the word of one person shows your dishonesty and bias.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!

Wharton has been an elite school for decades that you take the word of one person shows your dishonesty and bias.
YOU cited that person, I just enlightened you about the person YOU cited to vouvh for Wharton.
So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!

Wharton has been an elite school for decades that you take the word of one person shows your dishonesty and bias.
YOU cited that person, I just enlightened you about the person YOU cited to vouvh for Wharton.

So what proof do you have to back up your claim that Wharton was not a top school when Trump went to school there?
Look, I agree that Maxine Waters is a dope, but the President of the United States should not be saying these kinds of things about members of Congress in public.


Just because he's president, he no longer has the right to voice his opinion? Even those he's voicing what so very many other people are thinking?


Just because you think something does not mean you should say it. Ronald Reagan never personally insulted anyone. Trump is a obnoxious, offensive, nonsensical, profane, egomaniac.
The trouble is that Republicans said that the sexual affairs did matter. Now they are saying that Trump's sexual assaults don't matter.
The REAL trouble with your argument is that Bill Clinton's adultery was proven and his harassment was all but proved because he paid his victim to go away and be silent, pretty much like all the Dems in Congress who had engaged in criminal sexual misconduct used tax dollars to pay their victims for their silence, while - as is the 'norm' now with Democrats, Democrats have not been able to produce any evidence to support their claims against Trump.

There is $130,000 worth of evidence against. There is no doubt in my mind that Clinton and Trump are sexual harassers. The difference is I hold both sides to the same standard. Trump supporters want a low standard for Clinton but a high standard for Trump.
Best estimates extrapolate it from his school records to be about 140.

Whose estimates? Where did you get that info? From Trump?

Of course not. There is no official published IQ result for Trump but based on general Wharton requirements would place him between 145 and 149 according to Snopes, but his entrance into Wharton and knowing the requirements there, his known grades and performance, subtracting the fact that he didn't enter until his Junior year, factored by my own familiarity with the CCFIII criteria and comparing him to people I know of known IQ's, I think it reasonable to deduce a lower number of about 138-140 as a probable good estimate, which places him in the superior IQ category bordering on gifted. Despite his rough new-york, street-hewn exterior, he is obviously no dummy to have done the things he's accomplished in his life. Like him or not, he knows how to get done what he wants, and going by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter type of classification which I'm very familiar, I would guess him to probably be an Artisan/Operator/Promoter (good guess!), which puts him in the company of the likes of General Patton and Winston Churchill. Not bad.

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient

Promoter (role variant) - Wikipedia
Buffett said so himself!!!
BTW, Buffett said Wharton was so bad that he left and went to the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to finish his degree. That's right, Buffett is NOT a Wharton graduate!!!!
So the guy couldn’t cut it at Wharton, dropped out and went to his daddy’s state and got a degree. Now, the guy who dropped out is bitter, go figure.
YOU were STUPID enough to cite him as proof Wharton was a great school!!!
You do know that Buffett got accepted into Wharton at age 16 and finished his degree at the U of Nebraska at 19, so he was hardly a drop out who couldn't cut it at Wharton, but keep making a fool of yourself!!!

Wharton has been an elite school for decades that you take the word of one person shows your dishonesty and bias.
YOU cited that person, I just enlightened you about the person YOU cited to vouvh for Wharton.

So what proof do you have to back up your claim that Wharton was not a top school when Trump went to school there?
Tramp only took undergraduate courses at Wharton, not their famed MBA courses. As far as the undergraduate courses go, the local joke was "are you going to college or are you going to Wharton?"
Wharton requirements would place him between 145 and 149 according to Snopes
FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient
Of course that is not quite what Snopes said.
The part you left out from YOUR link:
"Wharton’s admission requirements are irrelevant, since Trump did not enter Wharton as a freshman. He transferred there his junior year, and Wharton does not list SAT scores among its requirements for transfer students."
Best estimates extrapolate it from his school records to be about 140.

Whose estimates? Where did you get that info? From Trump?

Of course not. There is no official published IQ result for Trump but based on general Wharton requirements would place him between 145 and 149 according to Snopes, but his entrance into Wharton and knowing the requirements there, his known grades and performance, subtracting the fact that he didn't enter until his Junior year, factored by my own familiarity with the CCFIII criteria and comparing him to people I know of known IQ's, I think it reasonable to deduce a lower number of about 138-140 as a probable good estimate, which places him in the superior IQ category bordering on gifted. Despite his rough new-york, street-hewn exterior, he is obviously no dummy to have done the things he's accomplished in his life. Like him or not, he knows how to get done what he wants, and going by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter type of classification which I'm very familiar, I would guess him to probably be an Artisan/Operator/Promoter (good guess!), which puts him in the company of the likes of General Patton and Winston Churchill. Not bad.

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Intelligence Quotient

Promoter (role variant) - Wikipedia

The only requirement for him to attend Wharton was his daddy's money.You don't know his grades there.
I would guess him to probably be an Artisan/Operator/Promoter (good guess!), which puts him in the company of the likes of General Patton and Winston Churchill. Not bad.

Er...both Patton and Churchill served in the military...unlike our cowardly president. Please don't insult their memories by comparing a draft dodger to them.

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