Trump Rips “Very Low IQ” Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

Maxine Waters, as I have posted (with Links) has declared it is her 'deepest desire to Impeach Trump', that there is no evidence to do so but that 'Evidence is not necessary'.

She has argued that the Impeachment of Bill Clinton was a coup d'état, that even though based on his unethical attempt to strip a US citizen of her Constitutional Right to a Fair Trial - resulting in his Contempt of Court deal in which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas and his paying a LOT of money to Paula Jones so she would not re-file her lawsuit that was thrown out due to Willy's Contempt Charge - the Impeachment was 'partisan'.

Had Bill Clinton been President in the last year - in which Democrats were exposed by the score for sexual criminal misconduct, in which it was exposed this was going on so often Democrats created a committee and a process in Congress to steal tax dollars to use to pay off / silence their victims - he would have been run out of DC on a rail ...


..but back in Slick Willy's time Democrats argued that what a President did in private was no one's business, and that such sexual criminal misconduct had no impact on a President's ability to carry out his Presidential duties.

That's funny - the Judge in the Paula Jones case found Slick Willy in Contempt and stripped him of his license to practice law in his home state for 'unethical professional behavior', finding him unable as a result of his actions to fulfill his duties as a LAWYER back in Arkansas...but Clinton loyalists still felt he could fulfill his duties as PRESIDENT of the entire country. :p

Maxine says 'Impeachment is what we say it is'. Now, that's a damn scary idea - that Liberal Extremists can openly talk of removing from power the newly elected President of the United States because of HATRED and a Desire for REVENGE, that she can travel around inciting support for removing the President from power - also known as 'SEDITION'. She said no evidence is required to do so - all you need is HATE and the numbers in Congress to overthrow the government / President.

I personally think it is time for the DOJ to reign in the unbalanced hatred and end the open acts of 'Sedition' being perpetrated at the highest levels of our repeatedly demonstrated by Maxine Waters.

While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.
Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.
Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.

You would be wrong, I will give Waters credit, she had a goal to become Speaker of the House and though she hasn’t reached her goal, she made it to the House of Representatives for many years.
I'd bet she could kick the cowards ass in a real fight lol

Are you saying that because she is black? :) Just joking.
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

So Wharton wasn't a top college when Buffett graduated? What about John Scully? What about Leonard Lauder?
pap there you go again ..proving you're not as smart as you think you are Trump is a dumb ass knowing nothing of the office he finds himself in and anyone that can't see he's a dumb ass is one themselves

Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.
pap there you go again ..proving you're not as smart as you think you are Trump is a dumb ass knowing nothing of the office he finds himself in and anyone that can't see he's a dumb ass is one themselves

Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.

You would be wrong, I will give Waters credit, she had a goal to become Speaker of the House and though she hasn’t reached her goal, she made it to the House of Representatives for many years.
Not her own abortion .. do really not understand?
Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.
Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain

This is how intelligent Waters sounds, “I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion.”
Sounds like her mother's life could have been saved by an abortion.

You would be wrong, I will give Waters credit, she had a goal to become Speaker of the House and though she hasn’t reached her goal, she made it to the House of Representatives for many years.
Not her own abortion .. do really not understand?

Since Maxine Waters' mother passed away at 97 years of age, it could have been because she was delivering a child however I think it is unlikely, do you really not understand? :dunno:
She's a sub species proto-human. Not even a full homo-sapien on the evolutionary scale, like my superior people of European heritage.
You know, Jews have the highest IQ of any other race. Sorry, Steve - you’re inferior.

ummm religion is not a race
You idiot. Jewish people are a type of race. They have a religion along with it. How are you this ignorant?
There are Jews in ALL races... and has been for thousands of years. The Jewish religion was formed by a cosmopolitan group of Africans, proto-Caucasians and Asians.
Yeah you’re talking exclusively about the religion. They are still a separate race as well. For fuck sake.
No...You are mistaken. Go to the anthropological department of your local college or university and the professors therein will tell you that the Judiasm is a. religion, not a race. Consider this:

Judiasm and Islam emerged from the same roots. Yet, no one is claiming that Muslims are a race. So who started the nonsense purporting a Jewish race? Hint: the notion wasn't concieved in a scientific setting. On the contrary, the myth of the Jewish race originated in Nazi Germany as a social construct. Jews such as Einstein and Kirk Douglas were indistinguishable from other Germans so to justify the evil that Christian Germany was about to unleash upon them, Jews were tagged as a separate race. But that Jewish "race" was forced to wear the Star of David armbands so their persecutors could tell who was Jewish.

My friend, by now you ought to be convinced the Jews are not a race. But I'll put another logical fact out there for ya. You do know that you too can become a Jew, don't you? But you couldn't do that if Judiasm is a race.
You know, Jews have the highest IQ of any other race. Sorry, Steve - you’re inferior.

ummm religion is not a race
You idiot. Jewish people are a type of race. They have a religion along with it. How are you this ignorant?
There are Jews in ALL races... and has been for thousands of years. The Jewish religion was formed by a cosmopolitan group of Africans, proto-Caucasians and Asians.
Yeah you’re talking exclusively about the religion. They are still a separate race as well. For fuck sake.

Are the Methodist and Baptist also races?
Or the Muslims?
ummm religion is not a race
You idiot. Jewish people are a type of race. They have a religion along with it. How are you this ignorant?
There are Jews in ALL races... and has been for thousands of years. The Jewish religion was formed by a cosmopolitan group of Africans, proto-Caucasians and Asians.
Yeah you’re talking exclusively about the religion. They are still a separate race as well. For fuck sake.

Are the Methodist and Baptist also races?
How are you this stupid? Being a Jew is genetic. They don’t stop being Jews just because they no longer believe in Judaism.

So all the prosylytes who converted to Judiasm over several millennia were genetically modified the moment they converted? Heh heh heh... You are really sold on your outlandish premise, aren't you?
You idiot. Jewish people are a type of race. They have a religion along with it. How are you this ignorant?
There are Jews in ALL races... and has been for thousands of years. The Jewish religion was formed by a cosmopolitan group of Africans, proto-Caucasians and Asians.
Yeah you’re talking exclusively about the religion. They are still a separate race as well. For fuck sake.

Are the Methodist and Baptist also races?
How are you this stupid? Being a Jew is genetic. They don’t stop being Jews just because they no longer believe in Judaism.
Do all democrats hate jews?
Nope. Most Jews are Democrats.
The most telling thing other than that unbelievable moron being elected by blacks, is how blacks view her as a source of pride.

That, is most telling to me and it is really not that hard to figure why Every country run by those people are shit holes, even though every country run by those people have abundant natural resources.
You idiot. Jewish people are a type of race. They have a religion along with it. How are you this ignorant?
There are Jews in ALL races... and has been for thousands of years. The Jewish religion was formed by a cosmopolitan group of Africans, proto-Caucasians and Asians.
Yeah you’re talking exclusively about the religion. They are still a separate race as well. For fuck sake.

Are the Methodist and Baptist also races?
How are you this stupid? Being a Jew is genetic. They don’t stop being Jews just because they no longer believe in Judaism.

So all the prosylytes who converted to Judiasm over several millennia were genetically modified the moment they converted? Heh heh heh... You are really sold on your outlandish premise, aren't you?
Ivanka changed her race?
tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.

While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.

This begs the question, what evidence have you that he's a 95?

Or is it you with the learning issues?

Did Donald's daddy donate a building to the UofP? That's a common reason those like Trump get extra credit and accepted, when others with more credentials are denied.

He is either talking down to his base, or his lack of vocabulary & use of syntax puts him at < 100

That would be your burden to prove. Otherwise, you still have ZERO evidence that a guy that graduated from Wharton (oh, and earned billions) is below average intelligence.

Without that evidence, you look like a ridiculous hack, by the way.
Money can buy anything, even a degree from Wharton. And all the bankruptcies he had puts a damper on all the billions he supposedly earned. He looks like a dunce who LOST billions to me

Still looking for evidence. Sorry, but "'Cuz I say so" is not an argument.

So much fail going on here...
Who is making the "Cuz I say so" argument?
Not me... I can validate everything i say about your master..
The most telling thing other than that unbelievable moron being elected by blacks, is how blacks view her as a source of pride.

That, is most telling to me and it is really not that hard to figure why Every country run by those people are shit holes, even though every country run by those people have abundant natural resources.
I guess the ravages of colonialism and the despots installed by the west have taken a toll on some . agree?
That would be your burden to prove. Otherwise, you still have ZERO evidence that a guy that graduated from Wharton (oh, and earned billions) is below average intelligence.

Without that evidence, you look like a ridiculous hack, by the way.
Money can buy anything, even a degree from Wharton. And all the bankruptcies he had puts a damper on all the billions he supposedly earned. He looks like a dunce who LOST billions to me

Still looking for evidence. Sorry, but "'Cuz I say so" is not an argument.

So much fail going on here...

There is likely no evidence, but the inference can be seen in this link:

Wharton admissions: As elitist as you'd expect?

"What the data strongly suggests is that getting into Wharton is a name game where the doors are either not as open or just plain closed to alumni of less prestigious companies and schools. The upshot: many highly qualified applicants appear to be getting squeezed out because they went to a state school, worked for a no-name company, or lacked the connections to have someone important put in a good word for them.

Well that settles it. If a progressive infers something, it must be true.

You keep prattling on with no evidence. It doesn't make you look stupid, really it doesn't.

Oh, I see. FUCK U.

An ad hominem attack from the leftist. Color me shocked.

Still looking for that evidence...
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.
It does if you pay enough money!!!
And Wharton was NOT a top school when Son of a Bitch Tramp attended.

Evidence of that payment for submission/graduation scheme?

Didn't think so.

Wharton not a top school, eh? You go with that comrade.
While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.

This begs the question, what evidence have you that he's a 95?

Or is it you with the learning issues?

Did Donald's daddy donate a building to the UofP? That's a common reason those like Trump get extra credit and accepted, when others with more credentials are denied.

He is either talking down to his base, or his lack of vocabulary & use of syntax puts him at < 100

That would be your burden to prove. Otherwise, you still have ZERO evidence that a guy that graduated from Wharton (oh, and earned billions) is below average intelligence.

Without that evidence, you look like a ridiculous hack, by the way.
Money can buy anything, even a degree from Wharton. And all the bankruptcies he had puts a damper on all the billions he supposedly earned. He looks like a dunce who LOST billions to me

Still looking for evidence. Sorry, but "'Cuz I say so" is not an argument.

So much fail going on here...
Who is making the "Cuz I say so" argument?
Not me... I can validate everything i say about your master..

MY master? Did you not see the part where I said "I'm no Trump fan". Didn't vote for him, don't support most of his policies. Same was true of Obama.

Back to the point at hand. Still looking for that evidence.

How's that coming along???
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)
Trump attacking an elderly and respected black woman.

Bannon: “Let Them Call You Racist … Wear it as a Badge of Honor”


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