Trump Rips “Very Low IQ” Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

Trump and his demagoguery on issues of race, gender or sexual orientation always please racists and all around bigots, like you.

I wonder why you hate others you have never met and never will? I suppose fear, since yoru level of intelligence is below average, and those you hate are most likely smarter and better educated than you, as demonstrated by your constant posting of idiot-grams.

Weak lame Race-Baiting there. Get some new material, kid.

I hope this post ^^^ was directed at dannyboys and not me.

Nah, it was directed at you. Your Race-Baiting is so tired and stale. Y'all Democrats desperately need some new material. Most Americans are fatigued by your constant Race-Baiting. They're tuning y'all out now.

I thought as much. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt. No one with an IQ over 85 believes racism, misogyny and all around bigotry are not endemic character flaws in some of the US population.

In fact you used a term -"Race-Baiting" - in correctly, maybe you ought to look up words in a dictionary before you post. As a good and practicing liberal I'll make an effort to educate you.

Race-Baiting: "The use of racially derisive language, actions, or other forms of communication in order to anger or intimidate or coerce."

I stated a fact, based on the evidence of most every post by dannyboys.
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tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.

That’s amazing because his IQ is roughly threes higher than when you add Water’s and your IQ added together.
pap there you go again ..proving you're not as smart as you think you are Trump is a dumb ass knowing nothing of the office he finds himself in and anyone that can't see he's a dumb ass is one themselves
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)
He’s playing to low level thinkers such as yourself. No wonder you love it.
So mocking members of the US Congress intelligence is “ uplifting to you?”
Says so much about you.

But it’s funny this dunce of a president criticizing anyone’s intelligence when his own Secretary of State called him a “ fucking moron.”

Donald Trump's biggest flaw: He's not that bright
tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.

That’s amazing because his IQ is roughly threes higher than when you add Water’s and your IQ added together.
pap there you go again ..proving you're not as smart as you think you are Trump is a dumb ass knowing nothing of the office he finds himself in and anyone that can't see he's a dumb ass is one themselves

Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.

That’s amazing because his IQ is roughly threes higher than when you add Water’s and your IQ added together.
pap there you go again ..proving you're not as smart as you think you are Trump is a dumb ass knowing nothing of the office he finds himself in and anyone that can't see he's a dumb ass is one themselves

Where did I say Trump was smart? Tax man stated Trump had an IQ of 95. I stated that Trump’s IQ as stated by taxman is three times his and Waters combined, which means their IQ is roughly 47 each.
I'd bet a ton on either of them in a wager on whose IQ's were higher Trump for want of better words is a lame brain
Spot On President Trump! Good on ya. :thup:

I suppose from your perspective you believe Trump is a genius. Five points above 90 is not something to be proud of, since it is only six points above Dull Normal. His use of language suggests it's about correct, yet given his tweets (& spelling) I suspect he is dull normal.
tRump is in the 95 range of IQ.

While I'm no Trump fan, he was accepted to and graduated from Wharton, one of the top schools in the world. That doesn't happen to someone with below average intelligence.

This begs the question, what evidence have you that he's a 95?

Or is it you with the learning issues?

Did Donald's daddy donate a building to the UofP? That's a common reason those like Trump get extra credit and accepted, when others with more credentials are denied.

He is either talking down to his base, or his lack of vocabulary & use of syntax puts him at < 100
So what is Trump's IQ?
Well it’s high enough he can send you leftwingers into a frothing at the mouth meltdown at any time of day.

High enough that he kicked the living shit out of Hillary, Dem's, the liberal media and all their ilk. Trump whooped them so bad they are still butthurt over a year later. :auiqs.jpg:

Given he had only half the funding and single handedly beat an entire enterprise, as a total newbie, I would guesstimate that his IQ is monolithic. Not even Einstein could have convinced such was possible.

Oh bullshit. Are you just going to ignore all the free coverage that every major media news organization gave him? Of course you are. Too funny.
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

That's the Trump so many millions voted for and support today!

About 30% of the country.
The blue Will Be even more red come 2020.
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

That's the Trump so many millions voted for and support today!

About 30% of the country.
The blue Will Be even more red come 2020.

We'll see.
I'm sorry, but "But Hillary" is not a valid answer to every question.

Yup, guess you just glossed over the question.

The question was "What is Trump's IQ?".

And the answer was "does it make a fricken difference?"

Obviously it does, at least to the RWNJs who claim it is 160. Do you agree with them? Why?

Yeah, pretty sure it's not 160, and absolutely sure I never said it was 160.
Not even Trump claims his IQ is 160. He says it's 156. I doubt that, his word usage and sentence structure suggests in the 130 to 135 range.

Maxine Waters might have an IQ of 35 or so. Not in any stretch higher than 50.
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

That's the Trump so many millions voted for and support today!

About 30% of the country.
The blue Will Be even more red come 2020.
Yea, the blue parts are where the most people live. People vote, prairie dogs don't.
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

That's the Trump so many millions voted for and support today!

About 30% of the country.
The blue Will Be even more red come 2020.
Yea, the blue parts are where the most people live. People vote, prairie dogs don't.
You underestimate the vote of the strong silent White majority who want a Nationalist Populist indicated by the red.
Lol.......I love this president. Proto-human Maxine Waters deserved to be called out for the idiot the entity is. What a great rally by a great president. It was so uplifting and patriotic.

Trump Rips 'Very Low IQ' Auntie Maxine Waters at Penn Rally (VIDEO)

That's the Trump so many millions voted for and support today!

About 30% of the country.
The blue Will Be even more red come 2020.
Yea, the blue parts are where the most people live. People vote, prairie dogs don't.
You underestimate the vote of the strong silent White majority who want a Nationalist Populist indicated by the red.
Nope, Hillary won by millions of votes.
So what is Trump's IQ?
Well it’s high enough he can send you leftwingers into a frothing at the mouth meltdown at any time of day.

High enough that he kicked the living shit out of Hillary, Dem's, the liberal media and all their ilk. Trump whooped them so bad they are still butthurt over a year later. :auiqs.jpg:

Given he had only half the funding and single handedly beat an entire enterprise, as a total newbie, I would guesstimate that his IQ is monolithic. Not even Einstein could have convinced such was possible.

Oh bullshit. Are you just going to ignore all the free coverage that every major media news organization gave him? Of course you are. Too funny.

Thank you for pointing this out. Indeed, Trump was genius enough to play the entire media complex that hated him. Not only did he win, he beat them too while at it. Indeed, I should upgrade my estimate in the light of this, it's getting to the Chuck Norris levels of winning. Only a God-Emperor could have IQ this high.

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