Trump safe after 'gunshots in his vicinity,' campaign says

this is a pathetic dupe thread

go here:

Yes we have all seen that but despite that how many here post about the motive that they know nothing about? We have the standard claims of it’s a rabid left winger or it’s a MAGA person trying to run a false flag or this or that.
They cannot kill Trump because God has ordained consecrated and chosen Trump

We are all going to watch the democrats lose with Kamala and wonder why did they ever think she was their winner :dunno:
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dupe thread:

go here:

American politics has sunk to new low levels over the past decade or so.

Interesting how this sort of thing never happened until Trump came on the scene.

And it's not for any of the MAGAtt's stupid reasons... like God anointed him or the Deep State fears him or bull$hit like that...

No... it's because our mainstream media... Left AND Right... has become so hyper-toxic that it influences these weaker minds...

And so the Weak-Minded Useful Idiot du jour decides to "take one for the team" and sacrifice himself to eliminate a threat...

Enough of this happy hor$e$hit already... it's time to bring back public hanging 30 days after a speedy trial and auto-review...

Perhaps we can start with the scumbag(s) responsible for this latest (seeming) assassination attempt...

And then legislate new laws requiring fair-and-balanced Left-Center-Right air time on ALL mainstream news media channels...

With FCC licenses hanging in the balance...
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Now you know how students feel.
Exactly. We rational Americans told the democrats not to make schools hundred zones because it would make them easy targets. They did anyway because they wanted the wedge issue for votes. Sick bastards the dems.
dupe thread

Because somehow these folks can't conceive that someone else has already been hyperventilating about this non-story, this one person shooting (a secret service agent) and has begun sensationalizing it with unproven facts and claims before them. Somehow they can't believe they aren't first to make something out of potentially nothing. None of them can wait for real facts and the real story.

I'm not saying the joker walking near the golf course wasn't up to something nefarious, but at this point no one knows anything for sure, save for the Secret Service agent discharging his weapon at someone he believes was carrying a rifle of some sort.

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