Trump Said It's Time To Bring Our Troops Back Home. He's Just Sending The Ones In Syria To Iraq


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
They aren't coming home and the United States isn't leaving the turbulent Middle East, according to current plans outlined by U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper before he arrived in Afghanistan on Sunday. The fight in Syria against IS, once spearheaded by American allied Syrian Kurds who have been cast aside by Trump, will be undertaken by U.S. forces, possibly from neighboring Iraq.

Trump said it was ‘time to bring our soldiers back home’ from Syria. Instead, they’re going to Iraq.

So our allies, secular, and Christian Kurds are being slaughtered, by a militant Muslim led Turkey, while 14,000 more troops have been put in the Middle East since the beginning of the year.

I'm sure everything will be just fine.
Trump shows that he doesn't know a damn thing that is going on with the operations of the military. The boy is clueless...
Trump shows that he doesn't know a damn thing that is going on with the operations of the military. The boy is clueless...

This is the guy that invited the Taliban to Camp David the day before the 9-11 anniversary. The clueless part is correct.

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