Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

A problem with purchasing an aircraft like Air Force One is that you are only buying two of them

On most aircraft, the R&D, testing and development costs are spread out over hundreds of aircraft

With AF1, you are inventing new technologies to counter new threats and install new capabilities on a one shot basis. Drives up the cost

I'd be willing to bet that they will be renegotiating the cost.

I have worked in defense contracting for almost 40 years. It usually comes down to "pay me now or pay me later"

Negotiating a lower cost usually means accepting lesser capabilities. It is difficult to compete a contract like this because Boeing is the only game in town. Trump can threaten to walk away from the deal and continue to use the existing AF1 (with expensive upgrades) but eventually, you will have to pay

You may be right but I'll wait to hear if they do anything about renegotiating the cost.

Oh and this is for the POTUS so I doubt the capabilities will be lesser.

Again, if Trump had bothered to investigate before he Twittered, he would have found out about what those capabilities are and what they cost

Trump wrote "The art of the deal" so he should know that in order to negotiate, you have to have something to negotiate with

The only card Trump has in his hand is to walk away from the deal. That is what Obama did with Marine One helicopters. Boeing may be willing to accept less profit if they need the contract NOW. Otherwise, they can wait it out and make more profit later when the government becomes desperate for a new AF1

You're assuming he didn't investigate.
A problem with purchasing an aircraft like Air Force One is that you are only buying two of them

On most aircraft, the R&D, testing and development costs are spread out over hundreds of aircraft

With AF1, you are inventing new technologies to counter new threats and install new capabilities on a one shot basis. Drives up the cost

I'd be willing to bet that they will be renegotiating the cost.

I have worked in defense contracting for almost 40 years. It usually comes down to "pay me now or pay me later"

Negotiating a lower cost usually means accepting lesser capabilities. It is difficult to compete a contract like this because Boeing is the only game in town. Trump can threaten to walk away from the deal and continue to use the existing AF1 (with expensive upgrades) but eventually, you will have to pay

You may be right but I'll wait to hear if they do anything about renegotiating the cost.

Oh and this is for the POTUS so I doubt the capabilities will be lesser.

Again, if Trump had bothered to investigate before he Twittered, he would have found out about what those capabilities are and what they cost

Trump wrote "The art of the deal" so he should know that in order to negotiate, you have to have something to negotiate with

The only card Trump has in his hand is to walk away from the deal. That is what Obama did with Marine One helicopters. Boeing may be willing to accept less profit if they need the contract NOW. Otherwise, they can wait it out and make more profit later when the government becomes desperate for a new AF1

You're assuming he didn't investigate.

If Trump is using his experience in buying aircraft as a baseline, then no...he didn't investigate
There is nothing in his tweet to indicate he has the correct information or knows what he is talking about
I'd be willing to bet that they will be renegotiating the cost.

I have worked in defense contracting for almost 40 years. It usually comes down to "pay me now or pay me later"

Negotiating a lower cost usually means accepting lesser capabilities. It is difficult to compete a contract like this because Boeing is the only game in town. Trump can threaten to walk away from the deal and continue to use the existing AF1 (with expensive upgrades) but eventually, you will have to pay

You may be right but I'll wait to hear if they do anything about renegotiating the cost.

Oh and this is for the POTUS so I doubt the capabilities will be lesser.

Again, if Trump had bothered to investigate before he Twittered, he would have found out about what those capabilities are and what they cost

Trump wrote "The art of the deal" so he should know that in order to negotiate, you have to have something to negotiate with

The only card Trump has in his hand is to walk away from the deal. That is what Obama did with Marine One helicopters. Boeing may be willing to accept less profit if they need the contract NOW. Otherwise, they can wait it out and make more profit later when the government becomes desperate for a new AF1

You're assuming he didn't investigate.

If Trump is using his experience in buying aircraft as a baseline, then no...he didn't investigate
There is nothing in his tweet to indicate he has the correct information or knows what he is talking about

Oh and you know this for a fact??

I realize you have been sucking off the Govt. tit for decades and think you know what everyone will do. In fact. You don't.

Just heard on the news that Trump will be renegotiating the cost of AFO. You can bet he investigated the cost and thinks he can get that cost down. He ain't a businessman for nothing.
I have worked in defense contracting for almost 40 years. It usually comes down to "pay me now or pay me later"

Negotiating a lower cost usually means accepting lesser capabilities. It is difficult to compete a contract like this because Boeing is the only game in town. Trump can threaten to walk away from the deal and continue to use the existing AF1 (with expensive upgrades) but eventually, you will have to pay

You may be right but I'll wait to hear if they do anything about renegotiating the cost.

Oh and this is for the POTUS so I doubt the capabilities will be lesser.

Again, if Trump had bothered to investigate before he Twittered, he would have found out about what those capabilities are and what they cost

Trump wrote "The art of the deal" so he should know that in order to negotiate, you have to have something to negotiate with

The only card Trump has in his hand is to walk away from the deal. That is what Obama did with Marine One helicopters. Boeing may be willing to accept less profit if they need the contract NOW. Otherwise, they can wait it out and make more profit later when the government becomes desperate for a new AF1

You're assuming he didn't investigate.

If Trump is using his experience in buying aircraft as a baseline, then no...he didn't investigate
There is nothing in his tweet to indicate he has the correct information or knows what he is talking about

Oh and you know this for a fact??

I realize you have been sucking off the Govt. tit for decades and think you know what everyone will do. In fact. You don't.

Just heard on the news that Trump will be renegotiating the cost of AFO. You can bet he investigated the cost and thinks he can get that cost down. He ain't a businessman for nothing.
Boeing will give him a token concession so Trump can claim he won. They will make it up on the back end
You may be right but I'll wait to hear if they do anything about renegotiating the cost.

Oh and this is for the POTUS so I doubt the capabilities will be lesser.

Again, if Trump had bothered to investigate before he Twittered, he would have found out about what those capabilities are and what they cost

Trump wrote "The art of the deal" so he should know that in order to negotiate, you have to have something to negotiate with

The only card Trump has in his hand is to walk away from the deal. That is what Obama did with Marine One helicopters. Boeing may be willing to accept less profit if they need the contract NOW. Otherwise, they can wait it out and make more profit later when the government becomes desperate for a new AF1

You're assuming he didn't investigate.

If Trump is using his experience in buying aircraft as a baseline, then no...he didn't investigate
There is nothing in his tweet to indicate he has the correct information or knows what he is talking about

Oh and you know this for a fact??

I realize you have been sucking off the Govt. tit for decades and think you know what everyone will do. In fact. You don't.

Just heard on the news that Trump will be renegotiating the cost of AFO. You can bet he investigated the cost and thinks he can get that cost down. He ain't a businessman for nothing.
Boeing will give him a token concession so Trump can claim he won. They will make it up on the back end

If you say so.
I believe DT is wrong on this one.The existing 747-200 AF1's are near the end of their service life and are national defense assets which must be kept in being. As to the $4B if I am not mistaken it covers more than two aircraft. The base cost of a 747-8 is around $350M and a civilian VIP conversion adds $200M. However, that is just the beginning as this aircraft must have all the electronics, self-defense capacity and aerial refueling to direct WW3 while airborne for weeks. THAT does not come cheap. Figure also a warehouse full of spare parts is included in the package.
Washington DC is going to learn a new term. It's call negotiation. Trump will get those two jets. But they won't cost us $4 Billion.
Boeing says he pulled $4 bil out of his ass. So far, they've contracted for 2.7 bil.
Yes, and it's for two planes that can survive a nuclear attack, among other things.
Do you have even the least idea of what the functionality of an AF-1 must be?

I do, do you?
a 20 year hands on connection

Whatever that means. I've already outlined what the bird has and what could easily be transferred to Trump's 757. There's no magic to it and if Trump prefers to use his own plane on non-diplomatic missions, he should be allowed to. If somebody wanted to bounce him in a cornfield they'd have done it now.
Do you have even the least idea of what the functionality of an AF-1 must be?

I do, do you?
a 20 year hands on connection

Whatever that means. I've already outlined what the bird has and what could easily be transferred to Trump's 757. There's no magic to it and if Trump prefers to use his own plane on non-diplomatic missions, he should be allowed to. If somebody wanted to bounce him in a cornfield they'd have done it now.
Got it! You are speaking from pure ignorance.
Got it! You are speaking from pure ignorance.

I've flown in more types of aircraft and in more hostile environments than you could ever imagine, pinhead. I concede you know more airplane GLUE than I do having been a huffer for "20+ years".
Maybe he can get a better deal from China or somewhere else ?
It sounds like we do need to upgrade a lot of our military equipment--when we have to visit museums for parts to fix our planes, it's time. But there has always been a lot of waste in our expenditures, as well. How old is Air Force One? What are it's problems that it needs to be replaced? Or maybe Trump is just "negotiating" for a better price?
Think you might have hit that nail on the head.

Nice to have a business mind keeping track of the Washington pennies for a change.
Sometimes the cancellation is penalised and you save less than you think.
Trump hasn't cancelled anything. He rejected Boeing's first proposal that undoubtedly contained all the bells and whistles. He is sending a very public message to ALL major contractors. "Don't bring that shit in MY house!"
Maybe he can get a better deal from China or somewhere else ?
It sounds like we do need to upgrade a lot of our military equipment--when we have to visit museums for parts to fix our planes, it's time. But there has always been a lot of waste in our expenditures, as well. How old is Air Force One? What are it's problems that it needs to be replaced? Or maybe Trump is just "negotiating" for a better price?
Think you might have hit that nail on the head.

Nice to have a business mind keeping track of the Washington pennies for a change.
Sometimes the cancellation is penalised and you save less than you think.
Trump hasn't cancelled anything. He rejected Boeing's first proposal that undoubtedly contained all the bells and whistles. He is sending a very public message to ALL major contractors. "Don't bring that shit in MY house!"
He is sending a message that he is shooting his mouth off without knowing the facts
Do you have even the least idea of what the functionality of an AF-1 must be?

I do, do you?
a 20 year hands on connection

Whatever that means. I've already outlined what the bird has and what could easily be transferred to Trump's 757. There's no magic to it and if Trump prefers to use his own plane on non-diplomatic missions, he should be allowed to. If somebody wanted to bounce him in a cornfield they'd have done it now.

Why the fuck would the Federal government put top secret technology on a private citizen's plane? Do you know how dumb of an idea that is?
Why the fuck would the Federal government put top secret technology on a private citizen's plane? Do you know how dumb of an idea that is?

The president isn't a private citizen, pinhead.

His plane is NOT his as the President. It's his as a private citizen. Should we put Top Secret security equipment in Trump Tower too?
Why the fuck would the Federal government put top secret technology on a private citizen's plane? Do you know how dumb of an idea that is?

The president isn't a private citizen, pinhead.

His plane is NOT his as the President. It's his as a private citizen. Should we put Top Secret security equipment in Trump Tower too?

They already have, pinhead.....Trump Tower is the alternate White House.. I'd say you can't be this stupid but I know you are.

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