Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

I believe DT is wrong on this one.The existing 747-200 AF1's are near the end of their service life and are national defense assets which must be kept in being. As to the $4B if I am not mistaken it covers more than two aircraft. The base cost of a 747-8 is around $350M and a civilian VIP conversion adds $200M. However, that is just the beginning as this aircraft must have all the electronics, self-defense capacity and aerial refueling to direct WW3 while airborne for weeks. THAT does not come cheap. Figure also a warehouse full of spare parts is included in the package.
Washington DC is going to learn a new term. It's call negotiation. Trump will get those two jets. But they won't cost us $4 Billion.

Well how did he came up with $4 billions to begin with? Did he have his own manufacturer estimated for him?
I believe DT is wrong on this one.The existing 747-200 AF1's are near the end of their service life and are national defense assets which must be kept in being. As to the $4B if I am not mistaken it covers more than two aircraft. The base cost of a 747-8 is around $350M and a civilian VIP conversion adds $200M. However, that is just the beginning as this aircraft must have all the electronics, self-defense capacity and aerial refueling to direct WW3 while airborne for weeks. THAT does not come cheap. Figure also a warehouse full of spare parts is included in the package.
Washington DC is going to learn a new term. It's call negotiation. Trump will get those two jets. But they won't cost us $4 Billion.

Well how did he came up with $4 billions to begin with? Did he have his own manufacturer estimated for him?
I would be amazed if three modified airframes were to cost less than $4B. The Engineering alone will cost as much as an average new model introduction.
Here is an amazing video of the competition between Boeing and Lockheed to build the F-35...the most complicated and terrifying fast-mover in US military history. It's almost two hours long so copy it and watch it elsewhere but watch's fascinating.

The Obamas rented a secluded estate in Hawaii, dumbasss. It was a short vacation. Bush spent up to a month at a time in Crawford.

At their own ranch. Obama once told a writer that Hawaii was in ASIA.
I would be amazed if three modified airframes were to cost less than $4B. The Engineering alone will cost as much as an average new model introduction
Well you're going to get those two jets cheaper than $4 billion whether you liberals like it or not! Get use to doing things a new way.
Oh guess what... Trump is using his position as President to take vindictive action against Boeing... and I thought he was going to be fair!

You lost, you're never going to win again.

Glad you could take a couple minutes from beating women to respond to my post. Now read the article and see that Trump tweeted his feelings about Boeing's deal just minutes after the article from Boeing's CEO was made public.
Just because Trump said 4 billions............. it cost 4 billions. Can someone provide a proof that these 2 planes cost 4 billions?
Right now the contract is $2.9 billions.

Just like his sexy WALL he started at $4 billions then as the campaign moves on ........ he changed his estimates to $12 billions but those are just the materials.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
Or Bush's 77 trips to Crawford Texas.

Yeah...because we all know how extravagant a trip to Crawford is.:cuckoo:
Notice how quickly Bush dumped the Crawford "ranchette" and moved to Dallas. He bought the Crawford place to promote his image as a cowboy just before beginning his campaign.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Because he is an expert on airplanes like he is on everything else.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Because he is an expert on airplanes like he is on everything else.

Common Sense 101.

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing wiseass.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Because he is an expert on airplanes like he is on everything else.

Common Sense 101.

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing wiseass.
When it can take ten years for development & construction, I guess you & Trump would just wait until no parts are available & neither AF1s can fly.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Because he is an expert on airplanes like he is on everything else.

Common Sense 101.

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing wiseass.
When it can take ten years for development & construction, I guess you & Trump would just wait until no parts are available & neither AF1s can fly.

Its AFO they will always have parts for it dumbass.

Common Sense which you seem to have none of.

I could care less if they get a new plane or not. I'm sure not going to worry about it.
I would be amazed if three modified airframes were to cost less than $4B. The Engineering alone will cost as much as an average new model introduction
Well you're going to get those two jets cheaper than $4 billion whether you liberals like it or not! Get use to doing things a new way.

Do you have even the least idea of what the functionality of an AF-1 must be?
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.

I agree. His home base is NYC and he won't need Air Force One to get there.

The last time AFO was replaced was in the 90's. Trump seems to think the current AFO is okay and shouldn't be replaced.
Because he is an expert on airplanes like he is on everything else.

Common Sense 101.

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing wiseass.
When it can take ten years for development & construction, I guess you & Trump would just wait until no parts are available & neither AF1s can fly.

Its AFO they will always have parts for it dumbass.

So, you think they have an infinite number of parts? Really. What, like 5 of everything? ten of everything? In today's technology driven world, things become obsolete.

Face it, Trump was just too uninformed to know what goes into Air Force One. Just another amateur move to avenge comments made by Boeing's CEO. Trump acts like a two year old & you love it.

Common Sense which you seem to have none of.

I could care less if they get a new plane or not. I'm sure not going to worry about it.
Think you might have hit that nail on the head.

Nice to have a business mind keeping track of the Washington pennies for a change.
This is just one of the many reasons why we wanted a businessman to run our government. It's natural for them to watch the bottom line. I'd like Trump to require the various federal departments to show a ROI (return on investment).
Amen. Trump will likely appoint a Waste and Fraud Czar to comb through cabinet departments' budgets with a fine toothed one. There's billions just waiting to be discovered.
Yep, this makes sense. The most important person in our country should fly around on a 20+ year old plane.

Do people really not realize that the AF-1 isn't like your normal plane like Trump's?

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