Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

And from what I understand, from watching a documentary on it, that they have TWO identical airplanes-jets, readily available to be Air Force1 when the President enters....

AND when our President travels overseas, BOTH airplanes are sent, one of them is air force 1 when the president is on board, and the second one is sent as back up or even as a decoy, in case anything happens to air force 1 or some safe escape is needed.... amazing security steps!!!

Btw, didn't they just get new air force 1's under President bush2? It's hard to believe they have become outdated already? Planes last 50 years or so don't they....? I can understand upgrading the inside, with newer technology every half decade but whole new, set, of airplanes every other Presidency?

Current Air Force One is almost 30 years. The next one won't be available for another ten
thanks for the info!

So, under Bush 2 were they refurbished? I remember an article on it under his presidency....? I'll have to google...
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump urged the government to cancel Boeing's new Air Force One plane in a Twitter post on Monday, saying it was too expensive.

Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

Well I'll hand it to Trump he is saving money wherever he can. Society needs to remember the guy is a BILLIONAIRE who knows how to work the money and no it won't be to BENEFIT HIM ONLY so take that bs excuse out of indoctrinated thought processes.
That IS one of Trump's good points--he will always look at the bottom line, and we have needed that in Washington for a very, very long time.

I'm saying this right now. I bet money that Trump will cancel this order only to have his own plane upgraded on the tax payers dime. That way he can have an upgraded plane for no money when he leaves office.

You heard it here first
So when Trump retires he will be flying around in a plane equipped with missiles? That, my friend, is one scary thought. I don't think they'll let him.

Missles?....I'm talking about the plush upgrades not missles
It certainly've always been weak.

Have a nice day hon.

Count on it. Seventy degrees and sunny,retired and Trumps heading to the White House.
Cant get much better.

Good, perhaps you can work your way a bit more toward contentment, chow.

Already had breakfast thanks...
But I am considering going to my favorite bar and sitting on the patio and enjoy a few brews.

Oh my, well do start a thread about it!

So when Trump retires he will be flying around in a plane equipped with missiles? That, my friend, is one scary thought. I don't think they'll let him.

AF1 doesn't have "missiles". :lol: It has two types of defense...temporal disruptor technology which is radar-jamming combined with flares to divert heat-seeking missiles, and Dick Cheney armed with a shotgun and duck whistle.
That's reassuring. By all means, let's let Donald have some of those.
And from what I understand, from watching a documentary on it, that they have TWO identical airplanes-jets, readily available to be Air Force1 when the President enters....

AND when our President travels overseas, BOTH airplanes are sent, one of them is air force 1 when the president is on board, and the second one is sent as back up or even as a decoy, in case anything happens to air force 1 or some safe escape is needed.... amazing security steps!!!

Btw, didn't they just get new air force 1's under President bush2? It's hard to believe they have become outdated already? Planes last 50 years or so don't they....? I can understand upgrading the inside, with newer technology every half decade but whole new, set, of airplanes every other Presidency?

Current Air Force One is almost 30 years. The next one won't be available for another ten

Well so much for Trump's "negotiation".
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump urged the government to cancel Boeing's new Air Force One plane in a Twitter post on Monday, saying it was too expensive.

Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

Well I'll hand it to Trump he is saving money wherever he can. Society needs to remember the guy is a BILLIONAIRE who knows how to work the money and no it won't be to BENEFIT HIM ONLY so take that bs excuse out of indoctrinated thought processes.
That IS one of Trump's good points--he will always look at the bottom line, and we have needed that in Washington for a very, very long time.

I'm saying this right now. I bet money that Trump will cancel this order only to have his own plane upgraded on the tax payers dime. That way he can have an upgraded plane for no money when he leaves office.

You heard it here first
So when Trump retires he will be flying around in a plane equipped with missiles? That, my friend, is one scary thought. I don't think they'll let him.

Missles?....I'm talking about the plush upgrades not missles
To use his own plane, have it upgraded, he'd have to have all that fancy defense system stuff Tom Horn just described, plus all the other stuff like being able to refuel in the air, etc. It's good to know AR1 doesn't shoot missiles, rockets or bombs -- whatever they're using these days to kill people in the air.
Part of the cost is the development of avionics and security systems that are still in the planning stage. The mistake is in charging for the development of these advanced systems twice, for each plane. They only invent it once. Installation should be twice.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump urged the government to cancel Boeing's new Air Force One plane in a Twitter post on Monday, saying it was too expensive.

Trump says 'cancel order' on too expensive new Air Force One

Well I'll hand it to Trump he is saving money wherever he can. Society needs to remember the guy is a BILLIONAIRE who knows how to work the money and no it won't be to BENEFIT HIM ONLY so take that bs excuse out of indoctrinated thought processes.
That IS one of Trump's good points--he will always look at the bottom line, and we have needed that in Washington for a very, very long time.

I'm saying this right now. I bet money that Trump will cancel this order only to have his own plane upgraded on the tax payers dime. That way he can have an upgraded plane for no money when he leaves office.

You heard it here first
So when Trump retires he will be flying around in a plane equipped with missiles? That, my friend, is one scary thought. I don't think they'll let him.

Missles?....I'm talking about the plush upgrades not missles
To use his own plane, have it upgraded, he'd have to have all that fancy defense system stuff Tom Horn just described, plus all the other stuff like being able to refuel in the air, etc. It's good to know AR1 doesn't shoot missiles, rockets or bombs -- whatever they're using these days to kill people in the air.

To make an Air Force One, you just don't take an existing 747 and upgrade it. You need to build from the ground up using cleared employees, added inspections, tight procurement rules......You don't want anyone adding a "bug" or device during construction that will turn up later
Air Force One does not need missiles because it is surrounded by fighter jets
Part of the cost is the development of avionics and security systems that are still in the planning stage. The mistake is in charging for the development of these advanced systems twice, for each plane. They only invent it once. Installation should be twice.
Trump will throw a fit when he hears it's going to take ten years, too. That's ridiculous.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
85 million dollars. That's what the obama vacations have cost, and counting.

I expect that he will try something to keep that pipeline to the public treasury.

It costs $35 millions protecting Trump and his family in NY. That's just the start.
How much do you think it will cost protecting his whole clan for the next 4 years? Plus their vacations and business travels overseas with their SS.
I think it will dwarf Obama's expense.
And every one of your "conservative" legislators has socialized gov healthcare.

Are you ever right about anything?

Note: Starting in 2014, the only health care coverage made available to members of Congress and their employees by the federal government will be coverage offered through the Health Insurance Exchange created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - the "Obamacare Act."

Members elected since 1984 are covered by the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS). Those elected prior to 1984 were covered by the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). In 1984 all members were given the option of remaining with CSRS or switching to FERS.

How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid?
But you whiners call the ACA socialized medicine.
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
Or Bush's 77 trips to Crawford Texas.

Yeah...because we all know how extravagant a trip to Crawford is.:cuckoo:
So, its cheaper/hr to fly through the air on the way to Texas than it is on the way to Hawaiintry s a P
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
Trump won't have to -- he's got billion dollar estates in Florida to catch the sun, homebase smack in the sweet spot of NYC for things like the Macy's parade, and properties all over the world he can travel to.
Obama isn't that filthy rich.
And all of you whining about his vacations are being small, petty and grudging old codgers.

Barry and Mooch have spent a record $85M on vacations over the last 8 years...that money could have set up 20 enterprise zones in black ghettos.....your boy is a RACIST in addition to being a leach off the US taxpayer.

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark
My "boy"? Wow Tom, you really are quite the racist fuck

Well duh....Hawaii is 4,772 miles from DC.
Crawford Texas is 1,436 miles from DC.
Add the fact that Bush's ranch was much easier to protect and the savings go even higher.

You're some kinda stupid....
8 trips to Hawaii vs 77 to Crawford. You are a special kind of stupid.
It's the only type uncle tom has ever known.

I readily admit to being an uncle Tom and have been one several times's been a family joke for years. What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
Or Bush's 77 trips to Crawford Texas.

Yeah...because we all know how extravagant a trip to Crawford is.:cuckoo:
So, its cheaper/hr to fly through the air on the way to Texas than it is on the way to Hawaiintry s a P
Something tells me Trump won't fly his family and himself back and forth to Hawaii like Obama has been doing.
Trump won't have to -- he's got billion dollar estates in Florida to catch the sun, homebase smack in the sweet spot of NYC for things like the Macy's parade, and properties all over the world he can travel to.
Obama isn't that filthy rich.
And all of you whining about his vacations are being small, petty and grudging old codgers.

Barry and Mooch have spent a record $85M on vacations over the last 8 years...that money could have set up 20 enterprise zones in black ghettos.....your boy is a RACIST in addition to being a leach off the US taxpayer.

Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark
My "boy"? Wow Tom, you really are quite the racist fuck

Well duh....Hawaii is 4,772 miles from DC.
Crawford Texas is 1,436 miles from DC.
Add the fact that Bush's ranch was much easier to protect and the savings go even higher.

You're some kinda stupid....
8 trips to Hawaii vs 77 to Crawford. You are a special kind of stupid.

Wait till we start to price Trump's weekend flights to Mar a Lago and the cost of shutting down midtown Manhattan when he visits

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