Trump says he may leave the Country if he loses..

Which Country will Trump move to when he loses?

  • Russia

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

What country would have him is the question.
Good question. If Trump went to Russia, Putin would make Trump his butler.
Meanwhile the planet now has access to pictures of Hunted Biden snorting cocaine off the naked posterior of what is being called..... a VERY young girl.... i.e. a MINOR.

Oh shit.

But very funny joke about Russia, boy!
Let’s see, the US is the top dog. We have a President(Obama) who brings us DOWN to their level of these other counties and they like him. Go figure.

I'm sorry, why is that even an important thing? America hasn't been the "top dog" in quite a while. We've fallen behind other countries in economic development and standard of living long before Obama got there.

Nope. If other countries liked Obama, it was because he treated them as equals, instead of the arrogance of a Bush or Trump who tries to bully them into compliance.

Nobody likes a bully, bud.

We had a lot of international good will after 9/11. Didn't take long for Bush to expend it by invading Iraq without cause, torturing people at Gitmo and Abu Grahib, etc. Obama got a lot of that good will back by actually BEING BETTER. What a novel concept.

Trump has pissed it away again by breaking agreements they entered in good faith. The problem is, Trump seems to think he can put one over on the world community like he put one over on Atlantic City.

Europe doesn’t compare with the US top to bottom. Sorry, but no matter how many times you lefty Socialists tout one of wonderful things in some European country, it doesn’t change the fact that the US is still the top dog. Now, if Biden/Harris and the nuts that support them take over, that very well could change rather quickly. My guess is they would like them too, after all, we can be their cash cow in the ridiculous Paris Accord and in NATO.

Actually, the Europeans have a higher standard of living, less crime, less poverty... They just realized that if given a choice between empire and social equity, they really didn't need an empire. At some point, we'll have to figure this out, too.

Liberals need to move. They clearly aren’t happy here and generally need quite a bit of big daddy government support so Europe seems like a great place for them. Good riddance.

Naw, man, we need to fix this country... we just have to overcome the Cleetuses and Bubbas who live in their double wides and think they have it great.
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Of course he's going to leave the country. Otherwise, he'll be spending the rest of his life in jail, or fighting to keep his fat ass out of jail.

Trump has other options than Russia. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, North Korea. Brazil. My money's on Brazil or Russia. Neither country has an extradition treaty with the USA. Brazil has a better climate, and has long been a haven for Americans on the lam. I don't see MBS, Kim, or Putin doing much for Trump after he is driven from office and is no use to them at all.

Melania renegotiated her pre-nup before agreeing to move into the White House. I seriously doubt she did that because she's planning on staying married to the old piece of shit, once he's out of office. She'll go back to her boyfriend in New York.

Trump's entire world is crumbling. He's going to lose. He has a half billion dollars of loans coming due, and I doubt he got them through straight legal means. If he stiffs his creditors this time, jail may be the least of his worries.
Don't care if he stays, or where he go's. not a political question. The constant throwing sh-- against the wall to see what might stick to avoid talking about, thinking about, getting educated about anything real.
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Of course he's going to leave the country. Otherwise, he'll be spending the rest of his life in jail, or fighting to keep his fat ass out of jail.

Trump has other options than Russia. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, North Korea. Brazil. My money's on Brazil or Russia. Neither country has an extradition treaty with the USA. Brazil has a better climate, and has long been a haven for Americans on the lam. I don't see MBS, Kim, or Putin doing much for Trump after he is driven from office and is no use to them at all.

Melania renegotiated her pre-nup before agreeing to move into the White House. I seriously doubt she did that because she's planning on staying married to the old piece of shit, once he's out of office. She'll go back to her boyfriend in New York.

Trump's entire world is crumbling. He's going to lose. He has a half billion dollars of loans coming due, and I doubt he got them through straight legal means. If he stiffs his creditors this time, jail may be the least of his worries.

What makes you think that Sleepy Joe is at all interested in arresting or incarcerating Donald Trump?

Supposedly, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were going to be extradited to The Hague for "crimes against humanity" as well, once the Libs took over again like they did in 09.

As far as the money Trump owes, its secured loans , "mortgages" is the technical term. In reality, the great man is underleveraged.
What makes you think that Sleepy Joe is at all interested in arresting or incarcerating Donald Trump?

Supposedly, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were going to be extradited to The Hague for "crimes against humanity" as well, once the Libs took over again like they did in 09.

As far as the money Trump owes, its secured loans , "mortgages" is the technical term. In reality, the great man is underleveraged.

You guys are delusional.
What makes you think that Sleepy Joe is at all interested in arresting or incarcerating Donald Trump?

Supposedly, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were going to be extradited to The Hague for "crimes against humanity" as well, once the Libs took over again like they did in 09.

As far as the money Trump owes, its secured loans , "mortgages" is the technical term. In reality, the great man is underleveraged.

You guys are delusional.

I was around during the Dubya administration, I remember how he was described as the Draft Dodging Chimperor Chimpus Khan, destined for the gallows at The Hague.

And how quickly those promises were forgotten once he settled into retirement in Dallas and Vice President Cheney went to the hospital for a heart transplant.
I was around during the Dubya administration, I remember how he was described as the Draft Dodging Chimperor Chimpus Khan, destined for the gallows at The Hague.

And how quickly those promises were forgotten once he settled into retirement in Dallas and Vice President Cheney went to the hospital for a heart transplant.

Nobody seriously said that... do you have a quote from someone serious who said that?
I was around during the Dubya administration, I remember how he was described as the Draft Dodging Chimperor Chimpus Khan, destined for the gallows at The Hague.

And how quickly those promises were forgotten once he settled into retirement in Dallas and Vice President Cheney went to the hospital for a heart transplant.

Nobody seriously said that... do you have a quote from someone serious who said that?

Code Pink was one of the most influential hyper-liberal groups out there during W's tenure.

Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Your link:

"President Donald Trump is thinking about the possibility he’ll lose the presidency to Joe Biden and what his future will hold if he does. 'Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know,” Trump told the crowd Friday night at a Georgia rally.'"

Perhaps he should limit his choices to countries without an extradition treaty with the US?

How Trump Could Be Prosecuted After the White House
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Hopefully not Germany. ... But why not? We will have some interesting discussions with hime - after he will had learned German within the next 50 years.
Though my poll was somewhat in jest, Russia is only one of very, very very few countries that would welcome Trump with open arms. I should have added North Korea though.

Mr. Trump owns property in his native Scotland, he could go there.

He is not a citizen of Scotland.

Trump is well loved in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Poland, South Korea, the Philippines, UAE, Sudan.

Isael: Is Netanjahu a criminal?
Saudi Arabia: The Wahabism of Sauds is the prototype for Islamism. One main cause for the stable existence of this extremist anti-democratic ideology is the support of the Sauds from he USA since more than hundred years.
Brazil: ... A disaster what the USA caused there. ...
Poland: An anti-European country under rule of anti-democratic extremists financed from the EU.
South Korea: Any president of the USA will be always welcome in South Korea. But why do you think the person Donald Trump is welcome in South Korea?...
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Of course he's going to leave the country. Otherwise, he'll be spending the rest of his life in jail, or fighting to keep his fat ass out of jail.

Trump has other options than Russia. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, North Korea. Brazil. My money's on Brazil or Russia. Neither country has an extradition treaty with the USA. Brazil has a better climate, and has long been a haven for Americans on the lam. I don't see MBS, Kim, or Putin doing much for Trump after he is driven from office and is no use to them at all.

Melania renegotiated her pre-nup before agreeing to move into the White House. I seriously doubt she did that because she's planning on staying married to the old piece of shit, once he's out of office. She'll go back to her boyfriend in New York.

Trump's entire world is crumbling. He's going to lose. He has a half billion dollars of loans coming due, and I doubt he got them through straight legal means. If he stiffs his creditors this time, jail may be the least of his worries.

You can certainly write a lot of bullshit.

Of course he'll leave. You so fucking confident. Bet me.

If he loses and leave the board.

If he loses and flees....I'll go.

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