Trump says he may leave the Country if he loses..

Which Country will Trump move to when he loses?

  • Russia

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Russia

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Hopefully not Germany. ... But why not? We will have some interesting discussions with hime - after he will had learned German within the next 50 years.
Though my poll was somewhat in jest, Russia is only one of very, very very few countries that would welcome Trump with the adulation he so craves. I should have added North Korea though.
That's a lie. Your poll was not somewhat a jest. It wasn't even serious by any stretch.

I sometimes wonder if leftists like you start these ridiculous troll threads simply to get a rise out of people so you can see your little icon in the weekly reaction list.
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Hopefully not Germany. ... But why not? We will have some interesting discussions with hime - after he will had learned German within the next 50 years.
Though my poll was somewhat in jest, Russia is only one of very, very very few countries that would welcome Trump with the adulation he so craves. I should have added North Korea though.
That's a lie. Your poll was not somewhat a jest. It wasn't even serious by any stretch.

I sometimes wonder if leftists like start these ridiculous threads simply to get a rise out of people so you can see your little icon in the weekly reaction list.
Lol... Get a sense of humor.

Trump is no different from his Hollywood brethren who say they will leave the nation if someone they don't like is elected. They never leave. Nor would I expect Trump. But if he did leave, where would he go?
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I agree that former President Trump should consider moving to another country.

I do not know which one. Russia would be fine, if they accept him.

He did his best to save this country, but the Deep State destroyed him.

Let this serve as an object lesson to other aspiring politicians.

The country was just fine before he started fucking things up.
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Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to if, or more realistically, when he loses?

Do you really think Don was serious?
I would not be surprised if Don loses and he is facing prosecution, he would not abscond to Russia and become a propaganda tool for his beloved Putin. Putin would jump at the chance to give Trump asylum.
You are clearly not thinking right. You need to get checked.
I guess your mastery of the English language is questionable. I did not say he would, but merely I would not be surprised if he left.

However, we are discussing Trump’s words. He raised the prospect of leaving the country not me.
That’s not the reason for your insanity. Thinking Don is and Putin are buds, is dumb and proves you’ve been duped by the corporate media.
You right. Obamas accomplishments far outweigh what Trump has done for America and across the entire world...NOT !

The world respects Obama.

The world does not respect Trump.

The world really respected B. Hussein O's "Red Line" in Syria I guess?

In reality, the manly leaders around the world laughed at Trump's Effeminate predecessor.
Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to?

Oh, boy. Yet ANOTHER stupid thread starter from our resident mentally challenged one, Little Johnny.:iyfyus.jpg:

You can sort out the professional hacks simply by examining their monikers...they are very rarely ever smart enough to hide in plain sight but almost always show off braggadocio in the selection of their handles. JohnLaw??? Are you fucking kidding me? Sounds like a ten year old running around the house with a cowboy hat! Then of course the rest of it is the fact that they all have about 95% the same talking points....

You right. Obamas accomplishments far outweigh what Trump has done for America and across the entire world...NOT !

The world respects Obama.

The world does not respect Trump.

The world really respected B. Hussein O's "Red Line" in Syria I guess?

In reality, the manly leaders around the world laughed at Trump's Effeminate predecessor.

They knew that his asshole was not virgin from the many unhindered grapevine tidbits that were not subject to North American scrubbing. Hence the shit eating grin on their faces when talking to

Notwithstanding this comment is one of desperation and a sure sign he is losing, which country will Trump move to?

Oh, boy. Yet ANOTHER stupid thread starter from our resident mentally challenged one, Little Johnny.:iyfyus.jpg:

You can sort out the professional hacks simply by examining their monikers...they are very rarely ever smart enough to hide in plain sight but almost always show off braggadocio in the selection of their handles. JohnLaw??? Are you fucking kidding me? Sounds like a ten year old running around the house with a cowboy hat! Then of course the rest of it is the fact that they all have about 95% the same talking points....

Lol..this coming from someone whose handle is Just Offal. No truer handle is there on this board. Your posts are all all senses.
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They knew that his asshole was not virgin from the many unhindered grapevine tidbits that were not subject to North American scrubbing. Hence the shit eating grin on their faces when talking to
It might help if you could be a tad bit more abstract next time.
Subtle mockery of the left mixed with hyperbole.

This claim of moving out of the country is a mainstay of the left.

No surprise they missed the point altogether
Now that is rich right there, and based only from fake and bias news sources.
We could go on and on based solely on this topic alone.

Let’s see, the US is the top dog. We have a President(Obama) who brings us DOWN to their level of these other counties and they like him. Go figure.

Europe doesn’t compare with the US top to bottom. Sorry, but no matter how many times you lefty Socialists tout one of wonderful things in some European country, it doesn’t change the fact that the US is still the top dog. Now, if Biden/Harris and the nuts that support them take over, that very well could change rather quickly. My guess is they would like them too, after all, we can be their cash cow in the ridiculous Paris Accord and in NATO.

Liberals need to move. They clearly aren’t happy here and generally need quite a bit of big daddy government support so Europe seems like a great place for them. Good riddance.

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