trump says he will take the blame for shutting the government down....

You're right, if the government is shut down, it can't get any smaller.

But then again, nothing in the infrastructure gets fixed, the military continues to work, but has to wait until the government gets reopened to get paid.

Same thing happens to the Border Patrol. They continue to work, but don't get paid until the government reopens. And, when you consider that, it makes a lot of them targets for bribes and the like.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

The military notices, because they don't get paid until it reopens.

And, so will the military retirees, just to name a couple.


Will Military Members Get Paid if Government Shuts Down?
You're right, if the government is shut down, it can't get any smaller.

But then again, nothing in the infrastructure gets fixed, the military continues to work, but has to wait until the government gets reopened to get paid.

Same thing happens to the Border Patrol. They continue to work, but don't get paid until the government reopens. And, when you consider that, it makes a lot of them targets for bribes and the like.
Military and border patrol... hmm, two groups who would benefit greatly from a wall right now but the dems are refusing...

What was your point again?
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".
Yeah, when markets collapse because of the Orange moron's actions and you're on the unemployment line, you will learn that everyone should give a shit what that monumental door has to say.

Yeah, when markets collapse because of the Orange moron's actions …..

If the markets didn't collapse because of the Black moron's actions, chances are we'll be ok.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".
Yeah, when markets collapse because of the Orange moron's actions and you're on the unemployment line, you will learn that everyone should give a shit what that monumental door has to say.

When Trump made his stupid statement about being willing to shut down the government and he would take responsibility, the markets tanked almost immediately.

Today? It closed at 24,370.24, and had a drop of 53.02. Wonder what is gonna happen tomorrow? Especially if Trump doubles down on his threat to shut down the government.

Oh no, you better sell everything....quick.

I'm not in the market. But, it was when the markets and the banks crashed, that we damn near lost the whole economy.

And Trump needs to understand that his words are listened to, and they can have consequences.

But, it was when the markets and the banks crashed, that we damn near lost the whole economy.

Luckily TARP and the Fed saved us.
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

You are right . We should REALLY shut it down. You’d crap your pants if that happened .

If the news readers didn't whine about it 24/7, 90% of the people wouldn't even notice if it shut down.
Well, he promised to save American jobs.

A whole bunch of GM workers got notice their jobs are going away, right before Christmas.

Now? We're finding out that the government is gonna shut down over Christmas, and won't reopen until next year.

If my retirement check is late, I'm gonna be pissed.

I didn't have a problem getting my retirement check when Reid shut it down
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".
We wouldn't notice. 75% of funding has already gone through. That's what democrat socialists are afraid of. The government shuts down and no one notices.

If shitstain obama hadn't deliberately caused misery by paying guards to keep the public away from public spaces no one would have known last time the government shut down.
Publicly laying your marker down is risky.

I wonder what conspiracy theory will be constructed to justify the blob either not shutting down the government/reopening the government without funding for the wall.
Whatever it is rest assured it will put the blame on Obama and/or Clinton.

Well, we always have this thread to fall back on….

....and he does not need Congressional approval or legislation passed to do so!

Trump says military to build border wall if Democrats refuse

So now there is zero reason why the wall shouldn’t be built according to easyt65

Again, publicly laying down your marker is risky. And I’ll be sure to feed him his chicken-ala-crow when it fails.
The voters are willing to see the government shut down to secure the border...
The reality TV president just got beat at his own game - CNNPolitics

What a dunce? The Repubs must love such a clueless dumb ass....

Liberals imagine that everyone in the country gives a shit or even notices if the government "shuts down".

The military notices, because they don't get paid until it reopens.

And, so will the military retirees, just to name a couple.

View attachment 234212

Will Military Members Get Paid if Government Shuts Down?

In 40 years, after I retired from the Army, I have gotten a check every time the gov't shut down. That also applies to my VA disability and social security. Libturds haven't the slightest clue.
Military and border patrol... hmm, two groups who would benefit greatly from a wall right now but the dems are refusing
Wait, last time you were touting the fact that border control agents could be laid off, if we build the wall, thus saving money. I'll try to keep up with your lane changes.

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