Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together

Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?
Secure our Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Problem solved.

The Berlin wall and the great wall of China didn't work, what makes you think tRumps wall will?

Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
I don't think this is reality anymore... Trump just sat at a desk and talked about how heartless it was to take kids from their parents and how important it is to keep families together... when HE CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!

I seriously hope his supporters see how fucked up that is. Why couldn't he just come out and say it was a mistake and that they were going to fix it? Trump will NEVER say he made a mistake or apologize.

Same with North Korea - He created the confrontation then took credit for resolving it. All the while NOTHING changed.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.

The Left will celebrate as more children are dragged through Mexico and placed into the hands of sex traffickers.

to fix the problem; Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.

Italian immigrants were scum?

Fixing the problem is easy; Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.
Yes, they are scum.
Please show me how families are being torn apart from seeking asylum.
I have heard its only from them ILLEGALLY entering the country.
"seeking asylum" seems to be a talking point with no one willing to back it up.
I have honestly asked for a link like 10 times the past week or 2. Never get a response.
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.

Italian immigrants were scum?

Fixing the problem is easy; Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
I didnt say immigrants were scum.
What do you do about kids? Child labor is already illegal. Doubling the fine probably wont do much
Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.

You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.
No, they're parents who want better for their kids. If it's a better job, or a safer place or a better education or whatever, they're hoping for their kids to have a better life. Some parents are already here and send for the older kids once they make it. Some parents can't leave and send what kids they can, to hook up with relatives already here.
I agree it's got to stop, but they aren't scum. They're human.
Yes, a good parent sends their children across hostile National borders surrounded by cartel gunmen, rapists and a river :rolleyes:
Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

Lying about WHAT? They can use the nuclear option and have Pence cast the deciding vote. They hold ALL the power in Congress and the White House. Quit blaming the Democrats that don't have the numbers to do ANYTHING.
Joe Biden rips Trump's border policy "unconscionable", “abhorrent”, "America is better than this", but Joe never said a word when his boss Obama was doing it........ BTW Joe is not allowed near children anymore
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

Lying about WHAT? They can use the nuclear option and have Pence cast the deciding vote. They hold ALL the power in Congress and the White House. Quit blaming the Democrats that don't have the numbers to do ANYTHING.

The nuclear option can't be used for this. :itsok:
Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

"its our intention to make Obama a one term president" spake Turtleboy.

so fuk off morons ...
So, once again Trump has been caught in major lies. Lie No. 1, only the democrats can change this policy of separation. Lie no. 2., I have no choice under the law but to separate the children.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.

No more zoo cages?

Can we now feed them or just watch them for our amusement?
You're right. They are taking advantage and it has worked for years, so they come across the border, sometimes directly into the arms of a border patrol agent and sometimes not, but as soon as they are caught, they say the magic word "asylum." Some deliberately cross with border patrol agents waiting and make that claim. That's how asylum seekers have been entering Canada from here, btw. Technically, every one of them has violated the law by "entering" the country illegally, even if it only to stand on our side of the border and tell a border patrol agent they are seeking asylum. Why don't they apply at a port of entry? I don't know. Maybe it takes weeks/months/years for a decision? There aren't enough judges, that's for sure, and Trump doesn't want to hire any, either. He said that straight up yesterday.

I still think we should have a law saying we will not entertain a request for asylum if the immigrant enters illegally. I know we'd need an exception for emergencies like boat people or whatever, but for the most part, a lot of folks from Central America are gaming us.

That doesn't make them scum. That makes them human for wanting a better life.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.

Italian immigrants were scum?

Fixing the problem is easy; Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
I didnt say immigrants were scum.
What do you do about kids? Child labor is already illegal. Doubling the fine probably wont do much

Nice spin. People migrate to the US for a better life and jobs. Remove the job factor for illegals AND the H-1B visa program that tRump makes so much money from AND gets a wife.

Then you have the many thousands of Canadians that are here illegally.

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

"its our intention to make Obama a one term president" spake Turtleboy.

so fuk off morons ...

That's the intention of every opposition party grow up and deal with it.

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