Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together

Didn't Trump just signed the order to incarcerate the children with their parent?

not in criminal cases

here in Tx they cram as many first offenders as they can in one courtroom, they plead guilty of illegal entry to a immigration judge, he slams the gavel GUILTY then orders them deported.

its the only way to deal with volume.
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Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.
So you dont mind jailing children?
They'll be in family detention facilities. I doubt if it's like jail.
They are saying chain link fences are cages. Why not continue the hyperbole?
NO abuse has been ended. In fact, the left has just assured the world that child abuse will continue at our southern border.

So all of those migrating to the US to find a better life (including your ancestors) were child abusers?
The people who drag their children through harsh landscapes and deserts in the company of criminals are guilty of felony child abuse.

There are ways to find a better life than to abuse and risk the lives of your children.

Anyone who thinks it is okay to find justifications for child endangerment are real pieces of shit.

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
I was on the Fox news chat thread and everyone is blaming Trump for Family separation at the border. Just when you thought the left couldnt get any more retarded.
I'm glad the kids won't be separated from their parents anymore, but .....

Not to worry, they'll make something up by tomorrow.
Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.

Italian immigrants were scum?

Fixing the problem is easy; Arrest, trial, jail, and fines for employers that knowingly hire illegals.
I didnt say immigrants were scum.
What do you do about kids? Child labor is already illegal. Doubling the fine probably wont do much

Nice spin. People migrate to the US for a better life and jobs. Remove the job factor for illegals AND the H-1B visa program that tRump makes so much money from AND gets a wife.

Then you have the many thousands of Canadians that are here illegally.
How is it spin? It is completely different.
Hey, im all for it ending incentive for them. Cutting off free healthcare, no jobs, no housing, no schooling and no more of that damned amnesty. None of it will ever happen though. Our duopoly has spoken and their $$$ is more important.
Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.

Kids are coming to the border ALONE.
They are scum.
The kids?
The kids arent scum, the parents are.
No, they're parents who want better for their kids. If it's a better job, or a safer place or a better education or whatever, they're hoping for their kids to have a better life. Some parents are already here and send for the older kids once they make it. Some parents can't leave and send what kids they can, to hook up with relatives already here.
I agree it's got to stop, but they aren't scum. They're human.
Yes, a good parent sends their children across hostile National borders surrounded by cartel gunmen, rapists and a river :rolleyes:

Many, many, Jews did that so they wouldn't be killed.

What's wrong with you?
Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

"its our intention to make Obama a one term president" spake Turtleboy.

so fuk off morons ...

That's the intention of every opposition party grow up and deal with it.

so why are you bitching about the dems blocking Trump ?

just a dumbass whining because you can ?
Meanwhile, liberals continue to separate fetuses from their mothers in the thousands each month....
the same people who resent us callin MS-13 animals, have no problem calling us stormtroopers and Nazis.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.

He will lose a large part of his base over this...

1. It’s wrong to change the policy
2. It’s wrong to be listening to women in politics
Trump gut punches Dems, signs EO to detain both the illegal parents and their kids for an extended period of time and his zero tolerance policy will continue, told you so. :auiqs.jpg:
That's fine as long as they're together.
So you dont mind jailing children?
They'll be in family detention facilities. I doubt if it's like jail.
They are saying chain link fences are cages. Why not continue the hyperbole?

They look like cages to me people around here lock their dogs up in pens like that. Degrading and inhumane fits. As a staunch conservative who hates liberals guts, I'm not going to engage in liberal type spin its a cage.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.

He will lose a large part of his base over this...

1. It’s wrong to change the policy
2. It’s wrong to be listening to women in politics
If he isn't watched closely he could even start listening to a colored person or Asian.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

"its our intention to make Obama a one term president" spake Turtleboy.

so fuk off morons ...

That's the intention of every opposition party grow up and deal with it.

so why are you bitching about the dems blocking Trump ?

just a dumbass whining because you can ?

Goddamn your reading comprehension skills are horrible. Go figure it out.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

Look at this board…
Who wanted to put kids in a wood chipper?

Run em through a wood chipper and make fertilizer out of em....

Trump knew what jailing the kids of illegal immigrants would do to his base; make them orgasmic. Which, if you had been here for the last week…it did.

He found a tool that he thought would give him air cover to do just that. Apparently he was wrong.

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
What will Republicans do with the leftover kids?

You know the way they handled this, there will be leftovers.
How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.

Stop being so dishonest. You know full well it takes 60 votes in the senate and Dem's have already stated they will block any proposal. Hence why even meet with Dem's they have already made their position clear.

"its our intention to make Obama a one term president" spake Turtleboy.

so fuk off morons ...

That's the intention of every opposition party grow up and deal with it.

so why are you bitching about the dems blocking Trump ?

just a dumbass whining because you can ?

Goddamn your reading comprehension skills are horrible. Go figure it out.

already have - youre an idiot.

end of story

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