Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
What will Republicans do with the leftover kids?

You know the way they handled this, there will be leftovers.

It'll probably take some time to sort everything out. I doubt anybody will be lost forever.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

That cuts both ways. Both sides obstruct when not in power and the people suffer.
The GOP obstructs to minimize the suffering.
the same people who resent us callin MS-13 animals, have no problem calling us stormtroopers and Nazis.

You guys and Trump keep talking about MS-13 coming in as illegal immigrants... MS-13 was CREATED IN THE U.S. Good grief.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
What will Republicans do with the leftover kids?

You know the way they handled this, there will be leftovers.

It'll probably take some time to sort everything out. I doubt anybody will be lost forever.

They've already admitted they have like 1,500 kids they have no idea where they are. There is also already reports that parents have been deported without their children. How do you think the kids are going to be reunited with them?
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.

Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

I already do. Just like I help pay for GWB's invasion of Iraq and the destabilization of the entire ME, and Trumpybears massive give away to the investor class, but I digress......
Removing children from parents and putting children in chain link cages in closed Walmart's isn't child abuse?

Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

I already do. Just like I help pay for GWB's invasion of Iraq and the destabilization of the entire ME, and Trumpybears massive give away to the investor class, but I digress......

It's absolutely amazing how much Trumpites totally ignore White Collar crime... and then complain about shit like food stamps when there are white collar people out there cheating 10's of millions of dollars. They defend people like Manafort who hid income and didn't pay taxes on it... but he's a good guy and the poor person who is scraping by on $7 an hour and getting food stamps are the leaches.
The suffering of immigrant children and their families could have been easily avoided if Trump had simply followed the law, rather than following his fear, bigotry, and hate.

The cruel policy of separating children from their families as some sort of ‘deterrent’ to future immigration was reckless and irresponsible, it failed because it was ill-conceived and unwarranted.
'President Donald Trump said Wednesday he plans to sign an executive action designed to keep families together during detention on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that," he told reporters during a White House event after saying he wanted families to be kept together. "I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure."

The action is expected to allow families to be housed together even while adults in the family are being detained or prosecuted for crossing the U.S. border illegally or for seeking asylum at the border outside of a designated border entry point.'

Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


First - great news for those poor children.
Second - it's great to see Trump cave like the big, fat, bone-spurred, thin-skinned wimp that he is. He could have done this days ago - but instead he tried to blame others.
Now he sees NO ONE who is sane (including those in his own party) is with him on his policy.
So he caved.


Trumpbots? Let the spinning begin....
Musta been the Pope's statement.

This is hopeful; there has been plenty of protesting about this and that but it is the first time public opinion has actually changed the guy's mind.

He saw some of his electroplating was flaking off.

President Trump seems to be saying more and more things that aren’t true

“It’s extraordinary how he is completely indifferent to truth. There’s just no relationship between his statements — anything he utters — and the actual truth of the matter,” said Thomas Murray, president emeritus of the Hastings Center, the founding institution in the field of bioethics. “As far as I can tell, the best way to understand anything he says is what will best serve his interests in the moment. It’s irrespective to any version of the truth.”
/-----/ More made up anti Trump rants from the Sore Loser Brigade.
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Possibly you believed Trump when he said he had no authority to end the separations. I'm sorry.
Trump Signs Executive Order Keeping Illegal Immigrant Families Together
Illegal alien families will be held in detention together during immigration proceedings, according to an executive order signed by President Donald Trump.


Oh imagigne that but you know how it is according to sheep he can do nothing good enough because losers of society are never happy about anything or anyone including themselves.
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
So, in your opinion....the Democraps should either sit out back sipping Mint Juleps or just go back to their home states and wait for the results of the midterm?

Good idea.




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