Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
So, in your opinion....the Democraps should either sit out back sipping Mint Juleps or just go back to their home states and wait for the results of the midterm?

Good idea.

It would be a good idea.

Look dumbass:

You have the GOP House about to sue the GOP Dept of Justice.
You had 3 different stories about whether there is a policy change at the INS.
You have a president that has zero moral compass and put kids in cages that just reversed himself on a major policy initiative.

As long as you guys keep digging your holes, the Dems should just keep on giving you shovels.


The crux of the matter is, the Trumpy didn't end the "zero tolerance" policy, which just means family with children are going to be detained together. If you think that's a marked success, I have news for you.

Moreover, there's an appeals court ruling that says that children can only be detained for a maximum of 20 days. This ruling needs to be reversed, for if it isn't, the children are still going to be separated from their parents (still in detention awaiting their court hearing).

And then the Trumpy will have the court - Deep State - as an excuse for the separation.

The alternative is, of course, that children will be detained for however long it takes for their cases to be decided. If you think that's good news...

So, if you actually thought you got something that looked like the doing of a human being out of the Trumpy, I suggest you look again. For this is just the extended, slightly more complex version of the Trumpy's raging, toxic nativism we saw on display in neon during the past few days.

A lot of the Democratic Party's Voters are angry racist bigots who do not accept that America is a sovereign country with the right to control its border crossings and its immigration.
When the racist Barry Obama said that he would "fundamentally change" America he meant that he was going to import as many poor uneducated third worlders that he could.
The crazy left wingers are going to complain no matter what president Trump does for them.
ABC News is reporting that Michael Cohen, Trump’s fixer, is now criticizing the pervert over the treatment of immigrants.
You know, last week Trump was trying to lay this problem on the Democrats, but it was his and Sessions 'zero tolerance' policy that started all this garbage.

Last week, he said that the only way it could be fixed is if Congress passed immigration reform. He also said that he couldn't fix it with an EO.

Today? He flips again and says that now an EO is good enough to fix the problem.

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
I was on the Fox news chat thread and everyone is blaming Trump for Family separation at the border. Just when you thought the left couldnt get any more retarded.

Surely you jest, lefties watching or chatting on Fox news? Must have been the conservatives from Session's own church chatting, 500 members called in out in Mobile. Deep Red.

Oh but wait your traitor in Chief isn't any better Russian Bot

“[T]o watch those families broken apart in real time puts to us a very simple question: are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together? Do we look away, or do we choose to see something of ourselves and our children?” Obama wrote.


As many have pointed out, the exact same issue played out during Obama’s tenure, but the liberal-leaning mainstream media chose to ignore it.


Hypocrisy: Obama Leverages Illegal Detentions to Campaign Against Trump

Oh but, but , but but...c'mon make up the bs lie now.
Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

That cuts both ways. Both sides obstruct when not in power and the people suffer.
The GOP obstructs to minimize the suffering.

Lol, that's a beauty, thank you for today's belly laugh!

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
So, in your opinion....the Democraps should either sit out back sipping Mint Juleps or just go back to their home states and wait for the results of the midterm?

Good idea.

It would be a good idea.

Look dumbass:

You have the GOP House about to sue the GOP Dept of Justice.
You had 3 different stories about whether there is a policy change at the INS.
You have a president that has zero moral compass and put kids in cages that just reversed himself on a major policy initiative.

As long as you guys keep digging your holes, the Dems should just keep on giving you shovels.
Sorry, liar.
The GOP House is drawing up articles of impeachment for Obama holdovers in the DoJ.
Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
So, in your opinion....the Democraps should either sit out back sipping Mint Juleps or just go back to their home states and wait for the results of the midterm?

Good idea.

It would be a good idea.

Look dumbass:

You have the GOP House about to sue the GOP Dept of Justice.
You had 3 different stories about whether there is a policy change at the INS.
You have a president that has zero moral compass and put kids in cages that just reversed himself on a major policy initiative.

As long as you guys keep digging your holes, the Dems should just keep on giving you shovels.
Sorry, liar.
The GOP House is drawing up articles of impeachment for Obama holdovers in the DoJ.

You made a statemtn about the Democrats doing something. I showed you they can't, and asked what you expected them to do.

You got nadda, zilch, zero, the big O. So what do you do? Red Herring of course!
You know, last week Trump was trying to lay this problem on the Democrats, but it was his and Sessions 'zero tolerance' policy that started all this garbage.

Last week, he said that the only way it could be fixed is if Congress passed immigration reform. He also said that he couldn't fix it with an EO.

Today? He flips again and says that now an EO is good enough to fix the problem.

At that, the EO was a charade - marketing. He could have rescinded the policy with a word.
Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
So, in your opinion....the Democraps should either sit out back sipping Mint Juleps or just go back to their home states and wait for the results of the midterm?

Good idea.

It would be a good idea.

Look dumbass:

You have the GOP House about to sue the GOP Dept of Justice.
You had 3 different stories about whether there is a policy change at the INS.
You have a president that has zero moral compass and put kids in cages that just reversed himself on a major policy initiative.

As long as you guys keep digging your holes, the Dems should just keep on giving you shovels.
Sorry, liar.
The GOP House is drawing up articles of impeachment for Obama holdovers in the DoJ.

You know, last week Trump was trying to lay this problem on the Democrats, but it was his and Sessions 'zero tolerance' policy that started all this garbage.

Last week, he said that the only way it could be fixed is if Congress passed immigration reform. He also said that he couldn't fix it with an EO.

Today? He flips again and says that now an EO is good enough to fix the problem.

At that, the EO was a charade - marketing. He could have rescinded the policy with a word.

You're right, it IS marketing. But, Trump has to have something tangible to show to all his followers so that they will think he's actually doing something.
'President Donald Trump said Wednesday he plans to sign an executive action designed to keep families together during detention on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"I'll be signing something in a little while that's going to do that," he told reporters during a White House event after saying he wanted families to be kept together. "I'll be doing something that's somewhat pre-emptive and ultimately will be matched by legislation I'm sure."

The action is expected to allow families to be housed together even while adults in the family are being detained or prosecuted for crossing the U.S. border illegally or for seeking asylum at the border outside of a designated border entry point.'

Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together


First - great news for those poor children.
Second - it's great to see Trump cave like the big, fat, bone-spurred, thin-skinned wimp that he is. He could have done this days ago - but instead he tried to blame others.
Now he sees NO ONE who is sane (including those in his own party) is with him on his policy.
So he caved.


Trumpbots? Let the spinning begin....

Great that Trump is going to end his administrations policy that he said he couldn't end and was all the Democrats fault......

Trump to end his family separation policy amid massive backlash – live updates

On June 15, Trump told reporters: “I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law. That’s their law.”

On June 14, White House press secretary Sara Huckabee Sanders said: “It’s the law, and that’s what the law states.”

And on Monday, one of the most strident defenses was made by the homeland security department secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who addressed reporters at a White House press conference.

Nielsen told reporters the homeland security department was merely enforcing the law in a way that past administrations had failed to do. “Here is the bottom line: DHS is no longer ignoring the law. We are enforcing the laws as they exist on the books.”
I was on the Fox news chat thread and everyone is blaming Trump for Family separation at the border. Just when you thought the left couldnt get any more retarded.
I'm glad the kids won't be separated from their parents anymore, but .....
---------------------------------------------------unless i am mistaken these invaders are ALL going to jail now aren't they . Sure , there will be then those will have to be addressed i guess OldLady .
Only the removing them from their parents, imo. Not sheltering them and feeding them, no.

Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

I already do. Just like I help pay for GWB's invasion of Iraq and the destabilization of the entire ME, and Trumpybears massive give away to the investor class, but I digress......

It's absolutely amazing how much Trumpites totally ignore White Collar crime... and then complain about shit like food stamps when there are white collar people out there cheating 10's of millions of dollars. They defend people like Manafort who hid income and didn't pay taxes on it... but he's a good guy and the poor person who is scraping by on $7 an hour and getting food stamps are the leaches.
YOU lie through your teeth. Crime is crime and criminals should be punished. Liberals however keep letting them go.
i suppose that they will be talking about every one going to jail OldLady .
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Stop trying to rationalize wrong.

Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

I already do. Just like I help pay for GWB's invasion of Iraq and the destabilization of the entire ME, and Trumpybears massive give away to the investor class, but I digress......

It's absolutely amazing how much Trumpites totally ignore White Collar crime... and then complain about shit like food stamps when there are white collar people out there cheating 10's of millions of dollars. They defend people like Manafort who hid income and didn't pay taxes on it... but he's a good guy and the poor person who is scraping by on $7 an hour and getting food stamps are the leaches.
YOU lie through your teeth. Crime is crime and criminals should be punished. Liberals however keep letting them go.

Facts hurt don't they? Hurt so bad the only thing you can do is say it is a lie without anything to dispute it.

See there are a few ways to make yourself feel better about yourself. You can either be a better person... treat others with respect... and work to make yourself educated and take a Calvanist's prospective about life. OR you can go on a message board and anonymously try to tear down people that are a vulnerable part of society.

What do you think you are doing? which do you think is the proper way to make yourself complete?
from what i heard the TRUMP is looking to house [jail] these invaders on Military Bases . Things are still developing so most and I don't know whats going on .
Providing shelter and food for these people trying to come into the US is not wrong. Forcibly taking pre-adolescent children from their rightful parents is.
You pay for it then.

I already do. Just like I help pay for GWB's invasion of Iraq and the destabilization of the entire ME, and Trumpybears massive give away to the investor class, but I digress......

It's absolutely amazing how much Trumpites totally ignore White Collar crime... and then complain about shit like food stamps when there are white collar people out there cheating 10's of millions of dollars. They defend people like Manafort who hid income and didn't pay taxes on it... but he's a good guy and the poor person who is scraping by on $7 an hour and getting food stamps are the leaches.
YOU lie through your teeth. Crime is crime and criminals should be punished. Liberals however keep letting them go.

Facts hurt don't they? Hurt so bad the only thing you can do is say it is a lie without anything to dispute it.

See there are a few ways to make yourself feel better about yourself. You can either be a better person... treat others with respect... and work to make yourself educated and take a Calvanist's prospective about life. OR you can go on a message board and anonymously try to tear down people that are a vulnerable part of society.

What do you think you are doing? which do you think is the proper way to make yourself complete?
Sorry troll, I don't waste my time trying to refute anything you liars say. You know as well as I you will only lie more.

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