Trump says he's going to sign a measure to keep migrant families together

Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.
I have been saying it for days and accusing him of being complicit in torture of toddlers too.
Their parents are scum, though? What makes you pass that judgment on all those people you haven't met? There is a refugee crisis happening in Central America and as the best place to go, yes they're trying to come here for some stability and safety and a chance at a better life. Instead of dealing with the exploding violence and drug cartels down there at the source and recognizing it for what it is, our government is calling them animals and accusing them of infesting our country.
Don't you buy that, too, TN. That's not what Americans do.

What makes you think that all those adults are the kids' parents? Central America has places that have always been shit holes. What is really happening is fall out from the dismal Obama policies. These migrants know exactly what to do when they reach the border. They attempt to cross illegally, get caught and then plead asylum. You really don't know anything about these people because, after all, as the left says, these people are 'undocumented.' What happens when kids are kept together with an abuser posing as their parent?
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania has surrendered his program of abusing children and hold them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
So now you bags of shit say he's a child abuser? What useless bags of meat you are.
I have been saying it for days and accusing him of being complicit in torture of toddlers too.
So just another sorry liar, got it./
Trump, it is rumored with a scolding and bitch slap from his wife Melania, has surrendered his program of abusing children and holding them ransom for getting his stupid wall built and accepted defeat. Kids will be permitted to stay with their mommies and daddies and not be forced to live in zoo cages.
Yeah, right! Stay tuned. The evil Russian groper and his band of abusers, ON THE GOVERNMENT PAYROLL, will still try to gain political favor at the expense of these children. He is the worst kind of abuser, even more so than the pedophile priests. This Nazi style treatment is just to placate his base of neo-Nazis and Kkk klanspeople. They love anything Nazi.
We should all work to get this sorry piece of shit stain out of the White House and then burn it down and start over. That's the only way to ever get rid of the stench that sorry family will leave.

Hey....the 'shit stain' Obama is already gone!!! :113:
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

That cuts both ways. Both sides obstruct when not in power and the people suffer.
Let's get more judges in place to expedite the deportation of these poor, traumatized folks.

I think all the bleeding-heart Democrats should open up their homes and accept these "poor, traumatized folks" to live with them. You ready for that?
One tactic for Trump here is to say "I'm not a partisan, I listen to criticism and change my mind when appropriate".

I don't know if he's capable of coming up with this, but that would probably be a good approach.

Question for the forum...

Was the situation with the children an unfortunate side effect of trying to enforce our border laws, or was it just his plan to separate families and hurt children?

It was a failed attempt to deter further immigration by intimidating those lawfully seeking asylum.

Agreed, it did blow up in his face a bit and that is the only reason for this EO.
Imagine all of the problems Democrats could be solving, and instead they only want to cause them.

How the fuck can they solve them? Republicans hold both parts of Congress and the White House. REPUBLICANS are the ones that should be fixing things, and reaching across the aisle. Instead they just keep having meetings only with other REPUBLICANS and not including democrats.
These trumproids are really sore losers. They are having melt downs just because they will not be allowed to be cheerleaders for child abuse. Their slob with the furry thing on his head and the painted orange face was not able to lie his way out of his latest con job, even with the help of many of his top assistant liars.
"abusing children"
Second day in a row you have claimed they are being abused, tortured whatever.
Then you lie about saying it. And here you are AGAIN lying your little bedwetting ass off.
You are human filth.
I didn't originate it or start it. Certified licensed doctors said it.
I cant believe a word you say.
Well of course not. Not if you keep getting your news from Fox Fake News and all those other rubbish sites you visit.

Translation: "If it disagrees with my leftist, pre-determined opinion it must be 'rubbish'"
These trumproids are really sore losers. They are having melt downs just because they will not be allowed to be cheerleaders for child abuse. Their slob with the furry thing on his head and the painted orange face was not able to lie his way out of his latest con job, even with the help of many of his top assistant liars.

Sounds more like you have a serious case of TDS.
What a prancing little crybaby the OP is. Waaaa, waaa, waaa, save the child, help the children, think of the children! I say fuck the children. Third world humanoids are incapable of gratitude, morality and any sense of law. That's why they're third world; they never had the values and brains to create a civilized society. Now they want to suck the blood out of ours. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety, fuck 'em even more.
I don't mind "fixing" the issue. The issue obviously doesn't concern any Americans, but illegal immigrants willing to use their children as shields. As such, can't really say I think there is a huge wrong-doing. Those children with parents that dumb have hell to face in any case, and I thank god that those people are not Americans and never should they be.

Anyway, fix the issue, as long as illegals aren't let in the country. The leftists are bound to come up with bunch of "But look at the poor kids" rhetoric. The solution is to raise the middle finger to them and their inconsequential rhetoric. Millions of children die in our country each year, that's where we should focus.
What a prancing little crybaby the OP is. Waaaa, waaa, waaa, save the child, help the children, think of the children! I say fuck the children. Third world humanoids are incapable of gratitude, morality and any sense of law. That's why they're third world; they never had the values and brains to create a civilized society. Now they want to suck the blood out of ours. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety, fuck 'em even more.
We won, you lost. Trump caved. Have you had enough winning?

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